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About EddieNorth

  • Birthday 10/09/1961

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  • Location
    Attawapiskat River/Beteau Lake

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Net Attendant (3/10)



  1. Do what solopadler did,,,,,,get your buddy to carry it,,,,doh Lmao
  2. Yes but only because of your kid,,,,,,,,,,,,LMAO
  3. EddieNorth.com Cheers,
  4. Dan we would be more than happy to get you guys picked up in Thunderbay and brought back the following week.Be sure to fly in on the friday the earlier the better we will pick you up and bring you to Nakina for friday night,then fly you in the next morning to Beteau,for your return flight you will fly out of Beteau on the Saturday so make the return flight the next day Sunday, later in the day incase of weather and or fog at Beteau.Dont forget to email me your beverage order asap,, Cheers, Eddie
  5. Simply Awsome!!!!!!!
  6. The number one thing that really made me quit was that i didnt want my wife,2 sons,daughter,mother and father,the people that I love watching me die of lung cancer or some other lung problem caused by those awfull things. Sorry folks but its a reality.
  7. I quit 3 years ago when my grandson was born,I wanted to make sure I was healthy enough to bring him up to my camp for many many years.
  8. Owen,it was a pleasure to have you and the family up here.Your kids where amazing, to be able to spend as much time on the water as they did and land the fish they did all on there own. Cheers, Eddie
  9. Ive used regular gas in my coleman for 30yrs never had a problem and its a heck of a lot cheaper.It also works in lanterns aswell,, Cheers, Eddie
  10. Hello I am an outfitter on the attawapiskat,we have a fantastic moose population and can we supply a ton of references.,,,,,,,EddieNorth.com,,,,,



  11. We have been lucky where are camp is located,,,,,,EddieNorth.com There is a small fire 70 miles north of us and a small fire 10 miles south a few small ones 100 miles plus east of us.Weve a had a few smoke clouds come through but really nothing.West of us must be a disaster some of those fires 50 miles to our west are massive in size,,,,we have a sat phone and internet here for emergencies and we are at the camp full time throughout the year.Rained hard last night with lots of thunder and lightning.Some other outfitters are not so lucky,if I could help any of them out I would in a flash,,,, Cheers, Eddie
  12. Thats great,my grandson just turned 3,I cant wait to have him come up to my camp when hes a little older,,,,,,,as long as his mom will let him,,lol.I thank God everyday for my wife,kids and grandkids its all that matters. Cheers, Eddie,,,,,,,,,,,,
  13. On a side note we had a walleye caught last week that was 28 inches with a just under 24 inch girth, It was a monster,,,,,Kinda looked like Daves bald head with a touque on it,,Hahaha
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