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Posts posted by archer379

  1. it seems to me that the way people drive on the road has followed to the water as long as its not within a few inches of them car or boat its not there problem the things they are doing or the place they ae going is the most inportant thing in the world a beep the rest of the world.

    Last summer out on the ottonabee river south of peterborough in a small 14 tin boat these 2 ass hats in these 25 footish boats come flying up the river (aera posted no wake ) the wake was big enuff to that when the bow came down we took on water there was a couple of guys in a canone they were close to shore and were able to hold on to a tree other wise i would have bet they would have been swiming

  2. This just came up today i couldn't see anywhere in the regulation book on this so i thought i would ask here. My father in law and i are heading out saterday for some pike and he is saying that he doesn't need a licence because he is disabled. does any body know the rules for disabled persons and fishing licences

  3. I found the boat listed below and am wondering if anyone knows what the motor would be worth i am trying to decide if it would be worth buying it and selling my 1999 70 hp johnson 2 stroke i have contacted the seller and he is asking 6000 for just the motor but if i bought the hole thing switched the motors and then sold the boat. Does any one know anything about these motors.

    whats a fair price for the motor?


    whats a fair price for my 99 70hp ?







  4. hey just wondering if anyone knows the condition of the ramp down by the beach on chandos? Is there a dock? i am taking the father in law out this weekend for some pike he is quite ill and not sure if he will be able to get into the boat with out a dock.



  5. i have had the odd one on my cell. the ones i get at home i say i am very interested but can they hold for a sec then dont come back. funny story a few weeks back rogers call about my daughters cell phone so i listened to what she had to say, she started in to the pitch and then she says oh umm my computer crashed can we call you back. still haven't heard from them. lol

  6. I am in the same boat as you first year takinf fishing to the next level a tip on the bait caster is pull out about 2 casts worth of line then put a bit of electrical tape on the spool then reel it back in the tape will stop the line from birds nesting any more line then to casts worth. as for the transducer if i read it right you want to have the transducer faceing the bottom of the lake

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