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Posts posted by archer379

  1. ok so i don't usually rant on boards like this But this just ticks me off. Today while picking garbage along the side of the road i came across a pile of small bags of dog waste they where all the same kind of bag so i can assume they are from the same person unless its a really well trained dog. People seem to think that its better to poop and scoop and then dump the bag and evreything back on the ground. How is this better.


    thanks for letting me vent this

  2. how new is this? I pulled a old trailer out of a field blow up the tires and went to the ministry and said i built this trailer they gave be a plate.

    you can buy springs and axles at princess auto if you want to build one but i think it was the "tsc" store thant sell a small utility trailer then all you would have to bo is built a bracket to hold the bunks

  3. I was out at the boat today going over things dam i can't wait to get it out. Anyway was sizing up where the batterys are going to sit and still reach the new charger. when i noticed that i have 4 wires coming from the plug for the trolling motor now the old trolling motor was 12 volt the new one is 24 volt. The wires are red, black( these are used for the 12 vot), orange, and black with a blue line. black was used as negative red was positive how do i wire this up are he other 2 wires for the other battery if so which one would be positive and which is negitive



  4. i am wondering if any one on here has a 2000 fishhawk 1750 that is maybe stored close to them and would do me a samll favor . Mine is 45 min away and i need to mesure the main part of the floor for some new carpet. should have mesured before i but it away but hind sight is 20/20 right. lol



  5. Parts Guys are going to cut them up and part them out..

    More money to be made this way on older equipment.


    thats the reason i quit going to auctions to many dealers weather its a sled or furniture there are very few good deals at a auction yu are better off trolling kijiji and hope to get lucky

  6. I am so pumped this is going to be my first fishing season in a lot of years and a lot has changed. We are heading to the bass pro sale tomarrow. just wondering what are the "must have one of thoes" that i have missed for both fishing and the boat (have all the safety things for the boat )

  7. you could try a spring shop and a add another leaf t it however that will make the truck ride a little rufflike the differance between a 1/2 ton and 3/4 ton. should be your cheapest route if not air bags with a build in compresser to inflate and deflate the bags but that would run you a fw more dollars a spring shop should be able to help you with the best set up.

  8. I had a bow (like a wooden one) when I was a kid and loved it. It has honestly been crossing my mind as of late as something to do with Will.

    Not to thread jump here, but what would you guys recommend for a kid of 8-10 years of age for a starter bow?





    there are a of kids compound bows out there but i would recommend is go to a archery shop if your near peterborough sugeen shafts has a great staff and have bows to rent and indoor lanes to shoot to see if its something your kids would like it. i would get your kids a long or traditionl bow to start and one other thing is go to a place that deals with archery not walmart or ctc places like that

  9. I shot competively for a few years. its a great sport. the 3d shots they have are great practice for hunting. Dont be afraid to try one thinking your not good enough its 40 targets my first time out missed half of them. its one of those sports where everyone wants to help others learn. I even shot with a kid heading to the olympics he was in a differant class then me still fun though

  10. :D:D A few weeks back at the toronto fishing and boat show i signed up for the outdoor canada magazine. Well aparently there was some kind of draw with each supscrption and well i won. Nothing really big like a trip or anything but they callled me today and said i won a new pole and reel, some line, some bluefox and rappala lures. This is big news for me anyway because i never win anything.


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