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Everything posted by Bassive

  1. I'm back!! Thank you all for the tips. The place was amazing and I'll be posting a review soon. Thanks again!
  2. Great tips. Thanks!
  3. Hey there OFC Community! I've booked a fly-in fishing trip out of Wawa, Ontario at Pine Portage Lodge for the end of May. I'd seen the place featured on several shows over the years; Fish'n Canada, Fish TV & most recently on Canada In The Rough. All shows gave it stellar reviews. I had to check it our for myself. The fishing looks amazing, accommodations awesome & the owners are very friendly (met them at the Toronto Sportsman Show). Now to the important part. THE FISHING !! I'm looking for any tips for that body of water you can offer please. The lodge is located on Kabinakagami Lake, commonly known as "Kaby Lake". I have a few GPS points the shows mentioned, but more info is always better than less. Thanks in advance and I'll be sure to post a full report once I'm back. Thanks! Bassive @PescaInCanada
  4. great post Mike! Thanks for sharing.
  5. Hello OFC friends, Finally got to editing my fishing video from my trip to Eddie North's early last month. It's not a walleye vid, but a pike vid. The camp is looking GREAT and the Fish'N Canada boys were up there shooting an episode too!. Pete and Angelo are great guys. Bravo Ed! The vid says it all, we had all kinds of weather and the water was high, but that just added to the adventure.. Here's a video of my good pal James catching a big Attawapiskat pike. Thanks again to Eddie North's for a great trip, we'll be back next year for sure!! Enjoy!
  6. Hey! I found the same, good crew and very easy to connect with. I look forward to seeing the show when it airs.
  7. The guide was top notch and the FNC boys were happy. Congrats Eddie North!
  8. have a great time...And don't forget the Johnson Silver minnows in Gold and Silver...They were THE lure for our trip. Safe travels! /Bassive
  9. nice fish!
  10. CORRECT!! my good man. That was the very spot that supplied the boys with "lunch".
  11. hey gents! it's a great place indeed. Funny, i still have to download vids to You Tube. (and edit...a few swears got in there). Can't wait to see the next report. Keep em coming!
  12. thanks!! Does anybody know why the Views counter is not working?? Hummm
  13. Check out the NEW POST WITH PICS!!! (finally!!) http://ontariofishin...showtopic=55652
  14. more!! Mick's monster!!! Another Bassive beauty!! THE STATS!! Our boat had..five fish 40 inches plus, and over twenty fish in the 30's. ALL FISH WERE FAT!! They are eating very well at Eddie's. Sun stroke x 2 (DON'T FORGET TO DRINK YOUR WATER and WEAR A HAT!!!) Over all, at my last count the camp had about 15 fish in the 40's, with the biggest at 45 inters (there were 3-4 caught of that size) They days were HOT and the fishing was consistent. Hope you like the pics...Lot's more on my Flickr account...More Bassive pics!!! Thanks again to my crew, Eddie and James for the TONS of laughs, advice and memories. cheers!! Bassive (aka Chef Boyardee )
  15. The boys did well too.. Here are a few monsters they caught... Yakpiker. MK
  16. Part 5.. The walleye fishing was GREAT!! The bite was always on and they could be virtually had anywhere there was current. They love a simple jig with a white grub setup that week. No need to get fancy or to break the bank on expensive lures. 1/4 oz jig heads and some grubs lasted the week. The Pike loved Johnson Silver Minnows in Silver and Gold. again...SAVE YOUR CASH FOR MORE FLYIN TRIPS!! ( I've learnt my lesson....) The shore lunch was great too. I don't eat fish...but I was glad to help add to the fish count for the fry.
  17. part 4 And we fished some more........ Great fight with this one, she fought hard. Yakpiker with a beauty.
  18. Part 3....(this is painful as I can't seem to load these pics on one post...sorry) The we began to fish.... A cute 36 incher.... Another beauty...
  19. part 2 We got to the Nakina Air and met with our other camp mates. A couple of seasoned fisherman from Ohio. After our smooth flight in to camp we noticed that Eddie was busy making some great improvements to the camp. The camp now has a cool new set of stair to the water, all hand made. Eddie has been very busy working on camp improvements. Bravo bud, it's looking great! Can't wait for the bowling ally and games room to be complete.. LOL We also noticed that the water was low, so we hand to adjust our game plan and fishing style after a quick tour around.
  20. Attached are some pics from our trip up to Eddie North's place, the week of July 9th. Lot's of great fish and laughs. Our chariot to the great north!! Our gear...and beer!! We drove up on the Friday from Toronto with good time. 1250 KMs in 14 hours (with a few stops along the way) We over nighted at a great Place Lower Twin Lakes Lodge in Nakia. John and family are GREAT hosts with, nice accommodations, great price and roomy cabins. The porta-o-pottys have flowers and reading material for those who like to linger. Part 1
  21. file:///Users/robertoberton/Desktop/Pym2011-47.jpg
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