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Everything posted by fish1812
hey glad you guys had a good trip, and your soo right it is like the twilight zone up there, but in a good way, did you say your going back in 3 weeks! wow now thats hardcore
gotta be a smoke colour salted tube, on a worm hook with a split shot 24 inches up the line.
nice fish scooter and jim, we have def had some great weeks fishing cache bay in the past, but as both of you said even with the slot is has dropped off considerably jim brought up an interesting point with the cormorants, and i think it is probably a bit from column A and then a lot from column umm B, but like randy said
carwins down in weight for this one, but if he can keep his strength up, he should be able to push jds against the cage and end it similar to the mir fight, no one can take a few of those shots to the face without going to sleep.
nice catch! now thats a meal and a half
hey thanks for all the replies guys, It was truly a great trip, and moose thanks for the compliment, i still find myself going back and reading your plummers lodge report at least once a month or so. ill get up there one of these days With regards to fishable water, we were trying to get into the lake at the top and it would def be doable, but getting back over the rapids would be a bit difficult so i was speaking to eddie and he is going to put a boat on that lake so it will just be a quick portage around the rapids and youll have a ton more water to fish. The lake at the bottom we didnt even think we could get into, untill we were flying out and we saw actually how close it is. Theres a ton of water down there as well, so eddie is going to look into opening that lake up as well, making it a much larger body of water to fish. oh and for those flying in after us, we left ya a little somthing
Forecast: Cold, Snow And The Chance For Giant Pike
fish1812 replied to solopaddler's topic in General Discussion
Haha wow, so when we saw you in Nakina and you told us about how tough the fishing was, this was what you meant just amazing, We certainly missed those big gators, but you've wet my appetite and i might need to slide in on a sept trip to beteau if eddies got some room. The mini lodge looks great, almost luxury compared to what we started with, I was talking to eddie at beteau last night on facebook and he was talking about his satalight internet and big screen tv for the hockey games. lifes tough for that guy. Great post though love the scenery shots, and if youve got any more videos get them up! we all love to see those mosnters! -
Since I only write 1 report a year and last years was so well received and we were going to be the first group going into eddies Richter lake camp, I figured I better do it up right. And while last years report was simply about the pics of massive pike, this report is more about the videos and the story itself ( i couldn't figure out how to imbed the videos so just click the youtube links, they are entertaining), Also I feel like ive had about 100 inquiries so far asking about the trip so rather than just post a bunch of pics I decided to go into a little more detail about what actually goes on during an eddie north outpost adventure, Richter is certainly in a class by itself as far as walleye fishing goes. Soo without further a due here we go cast of characters, the pike assassin always ready with the glove to get that 50 Incher into the boat for ya Hoops12 catches more pike on jigs than anyone I know, and managed not to hook me in the head at all this year Alex gordon geco mcdonald, The money man, Has mastered the in pan pancake flip as well, its a sight to be seen Dan sneek e pete some random guy we picked up off the internet, almost drowned himself and burned down the camp within an hour of us getting there, but still a great guy Mr. Ron Bennèt The senior member of the group, Rons turn ons are candle light dinners, long walks on the beach. and his pet peves are trolling and thunder storms and myself Fish1812 self appointed leader of this gang. and the only one that would wade waist deep into a freezing lake to unsink the boats! and yes i am as tough as i look in this photo;) DAY 1 And our quest begins! Last may myself, hoops 12 and the pike assassin had the pleasure of being the first group into Eddie Norths outpost camp on beteau lake for the year,and wow what a trip that turned out to be! So when Eddie floated the idea of us being the first into his new camp on Richter lake, we jumped at the chance. We enlisted our friends Alex and Mr. Ron Bennét, who just to clarify is not bobs dad. We were still short one fisherman, so I opened it up to the OFC board and was quickly contacted by dan (sneek e pete) who informed me that while he loves to fish, his friends are just not hardcore enough to consider a week out in the wilderness as a great holiday, and with that he was in and we had our 6! After about a million emails back and forth planning menus and trash talking about who was going to get into the first fish, Friday rolled around and we were off, starting our journey from Brantford we met Alex at his building in Burlington and Dan was also to meet us there, there were a few nervous minutes waiting to see who this Dan guy was, and I took quite a bit of heat from the others for picking up some random guy on the internet for our yearly fishing trip. But after meeting Dan and having a beer or two in the parking lot of Alexs building (non drivers only of course) we were all fast friends and ready to tackle Richter lake! If only it wasn’t a 15 hour drive to get there!! Another quick stop at Alexs brothers restaurant, (the wonderful sunset grill in Richmond hill) home of the famous all day breakfast, to pick up the food and we were on the road. A pretty uneventful drive had us arriving at the air base in Nakina around 9, our take off was around 11 so we had some time to wait, and all guess just how many hundreds of pounds over weight we were going to be for the plane. jeff got in a little last minute target practice in case we saw any bears up there We actually ran into solopaddler and his group of OFC ers just flying out of Beteau, sounded like they had a good week despite the freezing temps, We actually got the same pilot as last year, Bruce is such a great guy with soo many stories about flying float planes in the summer and ski racing in the winter and the hour long flight flew by. (bruce always pulls out a sandwich just after takeoff which was a little unnerving the first year, but this year i took it as a sign of confidence, i have a hard enough time driving while eating a quater pounder. The plane circled Richter and we would get our first glimpse of what would be our home for the next week. Once we were on the ground we were all quickly rigging rods and trying to get the first cast off the dock and of course that honour went to yours truly and wham!!! A hit within 5 seconds of the bait touching the water, and then snap. In my haste to get the first cast i had to forgo tying on a leader and a pike had bitten off my x rap (more on this later) My 3rd cast yielded a nice 20 inch walleye and by this time the pike assassin had his rod in the water and a walleye on his line as well. 10 or 12 fish later we were ready to get into the boats and see what was what! But the skies were clouding over and it looked like it was going to storm. While hoops and alex and I set up the cabin dan decided to venture out alone. Not 20 minutes later we were sitting at the kitchen table and alex and I hear help, help!! We both run out, while jeff keeps trying to tell us it was only a bird. Alex makes it to the end of the dock first and yells dans in the water!!!, we hop in the boat and race over to help dan out who is clinging to the still running boat in water that can only be described as freezing! Now alex and I are both pretty strapping, but dan is a big boy and there was no way we were hauling his ass over the side so alex dragged him back to shore while I brought in the other boat. We get dan back to shore and are trying to figure out what happened which is when he explains to us that he was casting, bumped a rock and fell over board. But dan we ask if you where casting, why was the motor on..... which is when he explains that once in the water, he realized that he couldn’t get back into the boat, and then started to motor and attempted to back troll himself into shore!!!! Dan looks pretty cold so we attempt to start a fire in an old drum to heat him up but everything’s wet, so for some reason i decided it was a good idea to throw on a little gas, there was literally 2 ounces of gas in the bottom of a jerry can but i poured it a bit too slow and wham, the fire is blazing in the drum and the can is on fire!!!! I set it down and dan comes out of no where, and boots that flaming can right into the woods!!!!! Alex and i both yell and go and get some shovels to apply dirt to the now flaming underbrush, jeff grabs a pot of water and throws it on (just for reference this is not the way to put out a gas fire), and now there’s twice as much area on fire including my leg and boots! , alex and i are screaming at people to get some dirt, to which jeff replies hang on I’m gonna go get the camera!!!! Dan throws his coat on the fire, which did a good job of snuffing it out, but is not really good for your coat, and with that day one came to a close more that 48 hours after it had started. Day 2 Day 2 was bright and sunny and we were anxious to put the tribulations of day 1 behind us, we were out on the water by 9 and had our first fish on by 902, and our second by 903 and this trend pretty much continued for the rest of the week, richter is a crazy lake with by my estimates, 9 million walleye (i am not basing that on anything other that it seems like a pretty big number and we caught thousands of fish!!!) we started off casting x raps, and killed the walleye, then we found a point and threw jigs, and killed the walleye, then we trolled with those live target crank baits and killed the walleye, there was literally nothing we could do wrong, double headers where almost non stop and we even had a triple header while Mr. Bennèt and i were both bringing in fish and another one jumped out of the water and grabbed a jig that was dangling from my spare rod. These were the goto baits for the week and as you can see they got pretty beat up, my flatrap now has a single hook on the front after i lost the other two and my poor quarter ounce jig and gulp that probably caught 500 walleye finally succumb and lost its hook as well Poor dan was struggling a little though, after his fiasco of a day one, he could not catch a fish on day 2, we were pulling them out from under him left and right but he could not covert, he actually asked alex for some tips on his jigging tempo, which automatically endeared him to alex for life, jeff and i laughed when alex smiled ear to to ear and replied i love it when people ask me how i catch so many fish. Dan must have dipped his jig in the bug spray or the gas can or something because it was literally non-stop for the rest of us. But dan would redeem himself. We ended day 2 in awe of just how many fish are in this lake and how crazy aggressive they are!! The other thing about Richter is being as far north as it is, the sun is out for the majority of the day, its nearly impossible to tell what time it is, you look up and think its 2 in the afternoon only to find out its 9pm. The sun was out till midnight all week and we took full advantage!! before heading home for a late night snack Day 3 I was again paired up with Mr. Bennèt and we hit the weed flats still hoping for a monster pike, but alas, while we caught 35 more modest fish, the gators were no where to be found. (yes there is a pike in there) After quick lunch we all decided to try and get an actual fish count, so it was first to 100 out of the 3 boats, (yes thats right 100!!!!) and this was our afternoon contest. It took Mr. Bennèt and I 4 hours to hit the 100 mark, and we actually stopped at the weed flats again to cast for about 40 minutes. So 100 walleye, 3 hours 20 minutes, now that is some fast action!!! We got back to the cabin for dinner and discovered that alex had actually gotten into a larger pike finally we were estimating around 37-38 inches, not a monster like last year at beteau, but still a good start.!!! And the Pike assassin came in and asked if anyone had lost an x rap around the dock, I described the one I had lost on the first cast and low and behold, bob had caught my fish! A 38 inch pike, 2 days later on an x rap, with my lure still hanging from his mouth! Another great fish dinner and we were off to bed. I have to say that the sky looked a little ominous as we were hitting the hay and we wondered what tomorrow’s weather would bring. Day 4 Wow! So day 3 was mid 20s and sunny, and on day 4 we woke to gale force winds, snow and 4 sunken boats, the wind was so hard the snow was blowing straight sideways. We had some bacon and eggs and started a little poker tourney, I normally dont eat breakfast but thoroughly enjoyed it up there with Alex cooking, did i mention that his family owns the sunset grill in Richmond hill, home of the famous all day breakfast alexs brother Fraser actually provided alot of our food for the trip and the home made burgers were incredible, next time im in that area ill be stopping in for one for sure!!! around 3 i decided to see if i could un-sink the boats, I did not plan on spending an hour waist deep in the freezing lake, but when there’s fishing to be done you do what you gotta do! We got the boats ready headed out grabbed a quick 20 fish for dinner and called it a day. P.s. the walleye seem to taste exceptionally good up there for some reason, and having eaten at least 40 in the last week, I consider myself somewhat of a Richter lake walleye coinsurer. The pike assasin on the other hand likes his burgers Day 5 Day 5 was back to sunny and the temps in the high 20s this time i was paired with alex for the day and we wanted to target some of the mid lake humps, to see if we could find a few larger fish, and just like everywhere else in the lake we caught just tons of fish, and even managed a few bigger fish, and we heard a bunch of screaming from dans boat (again) jeff and bob had a faster boat so they headed over and it turned out that this time dan had a big fish on rather than having fallen out of the boat or set the camp on fire, with a little help from jeff they had our first 40+ inch pike in the boat. Dan had gotten a little of his honor back!! The sun actually took a little bit of a toll on me so i sat out afternoon session and the boys went out and killed the walleye as usual. Day 6 Our last full day at Richter was tournament day for us, we drew teams and jeff and i were paired up bob and alex where together and dan and Mr. Bennèt rounded out the field. Jeff and i already had our spots picked so we chose to do our pre-fishing in the other guys spots and see how many of their fish we could catch. I actually managed my biggest pike of the week, which would have been a nice one had it not been so anorexic The tourney started with our own little blast off and jeff and i hit the shoreline right beside the camp and already had 9 fish in the boat within 10 minutes, Then the wind picked up out of no where, the biggest waves of the week pounded the rocky shore just like we had hoped so jeff and i cast a jig right into shore and we absolutely dominated the fish, meanwhile dan and Mr Bennèt took shelter up on shore (kind of a girly move if you ask me) while bob and alex hid out in a weedy bay trying to get their 20 pike quota for the tournament. It was over before it started and jeff and I took it down and enjoyed a nice dinner on the way home courtesy of the other teams. With Day 6 wrapping up we grabbed a few walleye for my famous pickerel alfredo ( I don’t actually do the cooking nor did i come up with the recipe, but for the purpose of this post i will take the credit) and once dinner was done we finished off the rest of the booze and hit the hay, The cup in the middle of the booze is reserved for he who catches the smallest fish of the day, or if you fall out of your boat and then set the woods on fire that works as well. not looking forward to the 18 hour trip home. Day 7 We awoke to bright calm skies which quickly turned into a rain storm, and then just crazy wind, which did not stop us from catching countless walleye off the dock while waiting for the plane. i felt bad for the pilot he had to make 5 approaches to the water, and it took him about 40 minutes to back into the dock in the whitecaps. But we got the plane in, loaded and took off for the hour and a bit flight back to nakina, it was not a smooth ride, but not terrible and with that our adventure was done for another year. I have had hundred fish days in the past, catching smallmouth in gowganda, and fishing beteau last year was crazy simply because of the veracity of the fish, but Richter is in a league of its own. The last person to fish the lake prior to us was in 1991, and in the last 20 years the walleye certainly been busy. There are just an infinite number of fish in the lake, they have no fear of boats, no aversion to fisherman or lures, alot of the time we would actually see them swimming around our boats to investigate. While I would not sell Richter as a trophy pike lake, we did catch 2 40 inchers and a few others in the high 30s and jeff and i saw a fish that jeff actually hooked that we estimated at 45 inches so the gators are def there its just a matter of finding them. I am not a really a walleye fisherman so i will refrain from making statements stacking richter up against other great walleye lakes, the pics and the videos speak for themselves. Eddie north has come through again. This is a pristine virgin fishery that will enable even a novice to catch more fish than they know what to do with. Until next year
Eddie North's New Camp On Richter Lake
fish1812 replied to solopaddler's topic in General Discussion
Just a little over a month till we leave for Richter!!! man this should be a crazy trip! I just spoke to eddie, hes actually at a hunting show in Italy. As if the camp at bateau didn't fill up fast enough as it is, now we have to compete with the Europeans for a spot!!! lol, Hes got the cabin for Richter all Built painted and disassembled and stored in Barrie so first week of may hes flying in to assemble the camp and get everything ready for our arrival on the 28th!!! let the countdown begin! -
335, a small price to pay I cant tell you how many times ive read that novel of a report on plummers, your attawapiskat report convinced me to go and it was the trip of my life so far, I can only imagine what it will be like when i finally make the trek up to plummers but in the mean time we get to live through your reports, much appreciated
haha i knew if i didnt say something, someone would think that was me in that video lol, and i can just imagine how many times i would get flamed for abusing that pike lol
one of my buddies and i were talking this morning and he mentioned that fish tv actually did a show from obishkong catching smallmouth at the waterfall i was talking about, might be worth taking a look on youtube to try and track it down. i looked and this is the only gowganda video i could find, and i would like it on record that this is not me in the videos lol
hey guys, i stayed at auld reekie, 2 years ago in the fall and it was quite and enjoyable trip, we went to eddie norths camp last year, and while nothing can compare to the fishing at eddies, auld reekie provided us with lots of fish, We didn't spend much time fishing on the main lake, it was the back lakes where we concentrated our efforts, obishkong lake is a good sized back lake, and we managed quite a few good sized pike from the reeds and a pile of 3lb smallmouth from the first waterfall when you get to the lake. There was a little pike lake whose name is escaping me but the lodge will have it, we caught quite a few small pike. but had a blast the day we spent on that one. But the highlight of the trip had to be hanging stone lake. We spent 2 full days on this lake and i dont think ive caught as many bass in my life as i did in the those 2 days, The second day my boat mate and i actually had a first to 100 fish contest. And just as a hooked my 100th bass of the day his knife mysteriously slipped out of his hand and onto my line! sore losers lol The staff at the lodge when above and beyond, youll have to try the food in the restaurant at least once while you there it is top notch. Getting into the back lakes is no picnic though ill have to add. obishkong is not so bad you load a little 2hp motor and gas and your gear into your car drive 5 minutes, put everything in the boats, drive down a river to the waterfall, unload carry everything down a path to a second set of boats at the bottom of the waterfall and your good to go. The trip to hanging stone is by boat from the main lodge about 10 minutes, to a dock on the other side of the lake, you then unload and you have about a 20 minute walk along a trail though the bush to hanging stone, its not the easiest trip but well worth it once your in there. any other questions dont be afraid to ask
Eddie North's New Camp On Richter Lake
fish1812 replied to solopaddler's topic in General Discussion
regarding this camp, we have a trip booked for the last week of may, the 28th to june 4th and we are looking for one or 2 more guys, so anyone that doesn't have a full group but still wants a chance to be the first into this new camp and get first crack at these untouched waters can pm me or just go to eddie directly. should be an amazing time I still laugh when i think about the trip last year to eddies other camp, just rediculus !! -
Eddie North's Brand New Camp On Virgin Waters
fish1812 replied to solopaddler's topic in General Discussion
im flying in to the new camp on richter with hoops12 and the pike assassin on may 28th, Eddie is gonna try and get in a week before we get there (ice out permitting) and get the camp ready for us. From what i've seen on google earth the water looks really good, and we will definitely be trying a portage or 2 into the other 2 lakes if we can't get the boats in there. Our group is the first in for the year, So anyone wanting to book a week, from the beginning of june on, just give eddie a call, 180 days to go!!! man thats way too long!!!! -
man its only been a month since i got back from beteau and boy does this bring back memories!! it really is a special place, i cant even being to think of how many people have had to hear me recount my trip since ive been back, let the countdown begin, "it is june yet??" oh and i do believe you guys had some success in our little honey hole as well, I was admiring the pics and was like, ah ha!! not to hard to catch fish in there eh? lol and mike your a brave man to take it through the rapids, but from the stories jason told about last september thats not really a suprise lol
for the x raps, i was killing them on a brown and orange one early in the week till i snapped off what would have been my biggest pike of the week, (gotta remember to check that drag a little more often) and for the rest of week i still did really well with silver and black, The pike assasin was using orange and blue and managed to bring in some monsters. But the fish up there are soo aggressive i think we pretty much could have used anything in our tackle boxes and they would have hammered it
this is why hes the king, great post, i actually just finished re-reading your plummers lodge post yesterday, ,made it to the attawapiskat this year, plummers is next on my list.
hey bassive, the go to lure was definitely a 3 inch x rap, we nailed both pike and walleye all week on these, you wont be making it to any of the rapids that eddie marked, the water is way down and theres just no way to get there, even some of the bays in the main lake are inaccessible unless your rowing, but we still found plenty of places to fish, and we had 3 people in the 16 footers all week, i think i hit bob in the head with a spinner bait once, and we had a few fun moments with double headers but we managed with 3 just fine
ive been out to iron island a few times in august myself, its more of a last resort type trip as you mentioned its quite a jaunt from the west arm, we've had limited success but you always hear stories about big numbers, id be interested to hear from a few of the local guys who get more time to fish it? or is everyone just concentrating on the french come summer?
haha hey moose apologize to your friend from work on my mis spelling of his home, i could have sworn that was supposed to be a i in there, guess not, but i got closer than some! when we pulled up to Nakina air service, one of our guys, (I wont say who, but it sure as hell wasn't me) walks up to the desk and asks when the plane to alliwishcapat is leaving, man did he get a look. And you say the name means "rock bottom" eh? well we certainly almost connected with quite a few of those rocks on the bottom, with the water so low its like a mine field in there!
Man what a feast we had on the beach, Eddie has the biggest frying pan that any of us had ever seen and he and Shirley prepared some potatoes and beans and onions while we took care of the fish, jason and mike even came by for a snack as well, and we all got a chance to sit and reflect on the week, and the future for Eddie north, when you think that this was only the first week that the camp was open its really amazing that everything ran as smoothly as it did. There was literally not a single thing i would improve upon, we were expecting bugs, there were no bugs, we expected freezing temperatures and it was beautiful, and we expected to maybe catch 1 trophy a piece, I mean how many could we possibly hope for, well let me tell you what we got, between 3 guys, 56 fish over 38 inches, 27 over 40 inches, 9 45 inch plus fish and 1 mammoth 47 incher, thats on top of 175-200 walleye between 16 and 26 inches. It was truly the trip of the lifetime. But all good things must come to an end, and as we packed up our gear, the week had really flown by, the float plane arrived and the next batch of anglers piled off, looking as bight eyed as we did just 7 days earlier, we gave them a little taste of just how good the fishing had been, but words just cant describe the expereince of being up there on beteau so we said our good byes and were back in the plane for the short flight back to nakina and the long drive back to southern ontario. I dont mean to sound like an add for Eddie North but I really do feel that the pike fishing on Beteau is the best in the world, The sheer number of fish, and there severe aggressiveness to pretty much any lure in your box, as well as the fact that it just has not seen any fishing pressure makes it impossible to match by any of the reports from knee lake, wolleston or kesagami. I also feel that we were about 2 weeks to late to enjoy the real early season action but eddie has oblidged me and will be opening ealier next year and the first week is fully booked by yours truly but there are still a few weeks empty for this year, Eddie is at the camp right now but anyone wanting info just check out eddienorth.com or messege me, and ill get you together with eddie. 350 days till ill be back at beteau and ill be counting down every single one
(disclaimer) Both Solopaddler and moosebunk have written in depth posts about their trips to the attiwapiskat that inspired my own trip and I hope i can do them justice with my post. Occasionally the boys took 2 beer each out in the boat for lunch, we fished 12 hours a day, and I was driving the boat at all times drinking only dr. pepper Every pike was released in accordance with Eddies conservation policy, and we tired not to ever use a vertical hold i believe there are only two vertical hold pics, and i was bleeding from the other hand at both those occasions so those pike deserved it we didnt lose a single fish, all we revived and swam away strong, and we did keep some walleye for shore lunch, but none are allowed to travel out with you, this is really a plan to insure that the fishery remains strong for years to come and now on to the fish! Day 1 After reading solopaddlers post last september i quickly got in touch with Eddie North and Booked a trip for the first week he was open hoping to get in on some shallow early season gators. I was accompanied by jeff, (hoops12) and bob (thepikeassasin) from the OFC board. Jeff had to work till 3pm on friday so Bob and i loaded the the truck and as soon as he pulled in the driveway and kissed his wife goodbye we were on the road north! We rolled into Nakina about 8am and located the Air service, at which point we were told, "ooh your flying to beteau? we'll get to you much later" this gave us a chance to walk around and chat with the other groups flying out of Nakina, you could feel the excitment, everyone ready to get their line in the water on the first fly-in of the year. We had been up about 24 hours at this point but no one was thinking about sleep. Finally it was our turn to fly out, as the crew loaded our plane we chatted with the other group that was going in to beteau with us, Jason (basskicker) and his freind from b.c. Mike, Jason was one of the lucky ones that got a chance to fly in with solopaddler last fall before the camp was open and we were anxious to pick his brain about what to expect. But the plane was loaded and it was time to go. I was Nomiated to take the co-pilot seat and man what a view. Our Pilot bruce, is a professional ski racer during the winter and with 38 years flying in the bush under his belt we felt pretty safe. Although when he pulled out a sandwich and leaned back to have lunch during the flight i have to admit i did a double take. The land around the Attiwapiskat is incredible, hundreds of miles of nothing but forest and lakes, (and fish) there were some clouds on this day so bruce flew us pretty low to stay under them, ok realllllly low!!! finally we got our first look at beteau! and it looked just like solos pics from last fall, we were already scouting potential fishing spots from the air, once we got a little closer we could see the camp, and Eddie had done some work over the past few weeks. The plane pulled up to the dock and when the door opened Eddie was right there to greet us, I have to take a moment to say that Eddie North is just a great guy, genuine and down to earth he went above and beyond to make our stay at the camp as great as possible! Even spending one afternoon out with Shirley in the pouring rain assembling a new outhouse for us (which was much obliged by the way) But now it was time to fish!! We loaded our gear in the boats and off we went, I'm not sure what we expected, but we sure didnt expect what we got! There are 2 small bays directly across from the camp so that was our first spot, and the first cast yeilded a little hammer handle, Ok decent start, we worked both bays with only 2 little pike to show for it. I have to admit our faith was shaken a little bit, was it all a scam? were Eddie and Solopaddler in on it together? did all those pike from his report really come from beteau? About 2 hours into the first day and we were really starting to get a little worried we came upon a little inlet, surrounded by big rocks, with the first signs of cabage weeds in the deeper water just off the first break, bob had been throwing a buzz bait hoping for some topwater action so he zinged a cast right to the mouth of the inlet, and about 5 seconds into his retrive, pow!! the water exploded, and we had our first beteau brute! As we fumbled around with rods and Eddies home made cradles lol we did actually manage to get him in, and after a picture and a few measurements our first 38 inch pike was back in the lake. We didnt have much time to savour the moment though, on bobs very next cast a little farther into the inlet, we saw somthing that we are still in awe of, the second that bobs buzzbait hit the water, we saw 3 tail splashes each comming from a seperate corner of the bay and then the explosion in the middle was unbelivable as 3!!!!! 20 lb pike all slammed into each other in the middle trying to get the lure. Bob did actually manage to hook one and brought this 43.5 inch fish into the boat while we casted feverishly for the other 2! Solo was defintley right about the walleye being agressive, as we caught at least 15 that first day while fishing pike, they would hit everything, big spoons, spinnerbaits, bucktails, what ever we used for the pike the walleye would snatch it up. To say that our first day was a sucess was a huge understatement, here are a few more pics of the fish we boated on the first day, I was pretty good with my record keeping and throughout this post each fish is only shown in 1 picture. When we looked down at our watches we could not belive it, 11:00!!! it was still light out! we thought maybe 8, 8:30 but it was closing in on midnight when we pulled our boat out of the water the first night, and we could still see by the sun, Beteau truly is a unique spot. But 40 hours of travel and fishing had taken its toll and after a quick supper we were all sound asleep in our bunks, which were suprisngly comfortable and served us well for the week. day 2~! I wont pertend that we are early risers, this week serves as my only vacation time for the year so i needed a little rest and relaxation along with the fishing, so we rolled out of bed around 11 ready to do battle with a few more of those beteau monsters. We were pretty sure that we had picked up on a pattern yesterday and were anxious to put it to the test. So we went out looking for spots along the main channel, that had more of those huge rocks, along with deeper water, and some emerging weeds, and man did we hit the mother load. We found a little bottleneck between the main channel and back bay and this area proved to be our premire spot of the week, just loaded with fish, we would pull up to one side, and let the current carry us through, while avoiding the massive rocks and man did we catch alot of fish, the walleye and pike were both mixed in this location heavily and after catching and releasing 30 walleye over 18 inches we finally had 4 under Eddies slot for dinner. So it was home for a nice dinner of pasta and pikerel, and man were there some stories over dinner "remember when the pike jumped up to get your lure when you were taking a pee break?" or " man did you see that pike almost swim up on shore to get bobs bait when he casted to far lol " heres a few pics from day 2 if you see some blood on the one fish, and spilt all over the boat dont worry its not from the pike, its all my blood, but a little towel and few zip ties and i was ready to go back to casting! and they dont call them water wolves for nothing, those pike have some teeth! day 3 Day 3 started out a little colder and overcast, but that did not put a damper on the fishing at all jeff got things started with a massive 45 incher and then bob followed that up with another nice 42, then we rolled off another 10 38 inch plus fish, before deciding to switch to smaller jigs and pick up some walleye for dinner, another 20 walleye later we had our 4 keepers and headed home for another walleye supper, man this place is incredible. day 4 Day 4 started off 20 degrees and bright sun, but by the time we got out on the water, all that had changed, dark clouds were rolling in and the wind really picked up, but each of the boys managed a 45 incher, and I stuck to my specialty and bagged 3 39 inchers before we had to call it a day due to weather. day 5 day 5 was our best day yet, as if the other 4 hadnt been amazing enough, bob got things started with a massive 45 incher on the flats of a windswept bay, and we followed up with another 45 and a 43 before moving back into our little honey hole to get our of the weather, this was when jeff hooked this 47 inch monster that turned out being the big fish of the trip, This fish was just incredibly aggressive despite its massive size and slammed a reaper jig at the boat, It had incredible coloring as well, just a really clean, healthy massive fish|!! 4 more 40+ fish came out of the same spot, including one that managed to get me with his gill raker's, meh its only blood. and jeffs wife was good enough to pack a first aid kit just for me (thanks jen) we had picked up 4 nice walleye under the slot so decided it was time for a shore lunch, and we found a beautiful beach. The scenery at beteau is unbelievable, around every corner is another amazing beach, or rock point that is untouched by man, The boys gathered some rocks and made a nice pit, i cleaned the walleye and we enjoyed another wonderful walleye lunch courtesy of the amazing lodge that Eddie north has created. day 6 We had been putting in 10-12 hours a day on the water and by day 6 we were getting a little weary, the late night poker games didnt help either, but i got off to a good start and nailed a decent fish from shore, the guys bagged another 4 or 5 38 inch plus fish, and we cleaned up on the walleye, we just couldnt get enough of them, so 30-35 walleye later we had our 4 dinner fish, and called it an early night and enjoyed another wonderful walleye dinner and a little scotch to boot. day 7 We had caught and released so many pike by this point, and honestly we were tired, I have never fished as hard as i did this week, the chance at another trophy of a lifetime on each and every cast kept us on the water from dawn till dusk, so we gave it another go in the morning, and landed a few more solid 40 + fish, and then switched over to walleye as we were suppose to meet eddie north and the other guys for a shore lunch to close out the week. The walleye were more than happy to oblige us and we nailed another 20 slot fish before getting our 5 keepers and heading down to the spot eddie had set up for shore lunch. and they dont call bob the pike assassin for nothing, here he is showing off his ninja skills exiting the boat
Attawapiskat River Adventure ~ Quest For Giant Pike
fish1812 replied to solopaddler's topic in General Discussion
ya we dont have a motel, we are going to make the drive straight as some of the guys have to work till noon on the friday, so hopefully the adrenaline from all those monster pike will keep us awake enough to fish on saturday, and as for flying in a few extra cases, I think eddie is chartering a second plane just to fly in our cases so i think we are full up tight lines, -
Attawapiskat River Adventure ~ Quest For Giant Pike
fish1812 replied to solopaddler's topic in General Discussion
SO i figured it was about time we got this thread back up to the top where it belongs! because in 9 days I leave with the guys for our first attiwapiskat adventure at eddies camp! We were fortunate to get the first week and man are we chomping at the bit to get at those pike! I'll do my best to leave a few for you guys, but im not making any promises!! oh and does anyone know how long a drive it is from Toronto to Nakina? and what route do you guys plan on taking?