paulyboy, thanks for the in depth tips, we will def give those spots a try as this is our first trip to auld reekie, I had a few questions if you wouldnt mind, I was looking at a map and diny looks like a pretty tiny lake i was wondering what size of pike you guys were pulling out of there, i mean we arnt expecting any 20lbers but somthing a little bigger than hammerhandles would be nice,
did you guys get most of your walleye on stumpy trolling? ive heard perch pattern big o's have been producing,?
you mentioned Obushkong is your fave lake to fish, what makes it your fave? and do you have any interesting spots for us to try up there??
you said the hike into hangingstone is by far the hardest, exactly how hard are we talking about here lol with the multiple reports of 100fish days and people saying you get bored of catching fish, we had def planned on making that our stop for the first day, do we just make the portage with our gear? or are we carrying boats as well??
thanks again, look for our report just before you leave to head up there we'll def let ya know how we did!