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Everything posted by skinny

  1. hey I will gladly kick it off the back of the boat if you would buy me a new one not everyone has the money to buy new
  2. I like Pike to much to give up on them I just need to get them figured out or the places to find them on the inner bay
  3. hey Vin it was pretty close to the pin it goes good but i'm the guy that can alwas use more power
  4. the motor is a 1966 and when vinny gets on i'm sure he will state the speed i thought it wasn't bad for tiller no winsheild
  5. just a thought here I have talked with vinny and he has told me the motor is the same as what was in a chev car . I have seen that many times the multi purpose for engines. now my question is if it did match a cheve motor from a car could he upgrade the ignition to a HEI type and eliminate the points and condensor and all that sorta old school stuff. He would also be getting away from some of the over priced parts because they are marine
  6. Ok I have a 16 ft star craft tinner with a old 40hp evinrude on the back. Yesterday while out Vin looked at his GPS and with 2 in the boat and lots of gear it was out in the plane at over 20MPH it runs great and I love the feel I just wonder if I could get more out of it. how do they determin how big of a motor should be on the back of a boat my boat is rated for 40hp. I might know where a newer 65 is (needs some work)
  7. The one at the shop is Post Marine thats where I like to Launch but I havn't been to the park yet but I want to get a season pass for the park Post Marine allows for Power on if your doing that kind of thing
  8. hey I went to Mike Bertleson site I think he's the guy I did send him e-mail so we will see what I get back
  9. hey it was a great day out there to bad we didn't hook more pike and so far all Live target lures are good at catching is Sunfish but that is not to say they are bad
  10. altho late when you discovered that it didn't fire after dumping fuel in the carb (therefore bypassing any proper things it does) did you by chance check for spark I was always taught if you have fuel(you dumping) and you have spark it has to run first I would pull a plug and check for spark. if plugs are wet burn them off (I use propane torch) turn over the motor several times with out the plugs to get extra fuel out of bore. if you have spark you can put the plugs back in (always check plugs when you buy them with ohm meter when we use to drag race more than once we found bad plugs out of the box) After the plugs are back in it you can try it or give it a drink(dump some in carb) and try it. it should buck or bark but go back to the got to have's no fuel no run no spark no run
  11. oh man I'm not sure of the guys name now Strubs does sound a bit familuar but could just be from reading it on line i guess I'm just going to have to pas on that one or take a guess. It was just cool to see the action on that bait I should have paid closer attention but I was watching 3 kids at the time 2 of which were not mine and have different values than mine so it was driving me a bit nutty
  12. I'm pretty sure it was not Simon. this guy was quite thin and I know he spoke about fishing in salt water then coming here and going north and was talking about Pike fishing I e-mailed BPS and have not recieved a reply and I know the e-mail was read
  13. yes the help at BPS store I find is great when your there but after not so good. I sent a e-mail about looking for the info on the guide that was there Sunday because I was interested in purchesing the product he demonstrated but I have had no reply at all. I know the e-mail was read
  14. pretty sure it wasn't Simon frost I'm sure it was some sort of swim bait I think he was also talking about catching pike
  15. not sure who the guide was if I remeber right he said he use to do salt water then moved up here and is guiding here now the bait he had I'm pretty sure had treble hooks
  16. well I must stink people come in and leave not to chatty but I'm still there for now
  17. ok I was at BPS on Sunday there was a guide doing seminar from on top of the tank. He was useing a soft segmented bait pretty sure BPS brand too but the action was very real. I never thought about it much while I was there (on another mission) but now I keep thing how real it seemed to act. I whis I could remember what the name of the bait was
  18. not that I'm a buff but had some time looked around on google it was sold by sears it is air cooled and should use a champion H12 plug from what I found see if you can get photos also when I was looking for info on my 1966 evin rude I used Iboats with success
  19. ok I keep hearing lard and i'm sure it's great but bad isn't everything anyone mixing lard and ???? might try the penut oil thing too
  20. thanks dan now if I could get it onto my gps that would be cool too
  21. oh ya should have stated this is deep frying
  22. i have been cheap and I also think I switched oil without noticing it. I think when I started iused no mame canola and now switched to vegetable. Y know the oil you use will change the tase so looking for types and names
  23. oh thanks a ton for the day I had a great time. Sorry for the pile of Tackle I over do it and in the end didn't use very much of it for sure. I need to figure out how to loose the blue box I use but it holds my spinner/buzz bait boxes. I just remembered I still have a bird nest to pull out too some of those following pike were nice looking fish for sure
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