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Everything posted by skinny

  1. Ok the new job has been going well I opened my big mouth and have been given a job to find a few maintence tracking and sorting type programs to present for review and possible purchase Is there Anyone here that is curently using this kind of software if so what is the name of it
  2. Oh maybe I didn't write that correctly. I'm just looking for info I'm doing nothing for quite sometime.I just came up with few questions.the first things I said was had to get on top of other things.All just dreaming and filing of info
  3. ok I have to get back on top of things first money wise. Last weekend the kids and I had a opertunity to go camping in a friends R/V. We were not to far from home the kids had a blast (so did I). My wife had to work friday night and Sat morn so she joined Sat night. Know she is saying a R/V would be cool to have. She started by saying a camping trailer that changed when she realied I wouldn't be ale to take the boat. is there a total length limit of r/v plus towed. I saw a good deal on a big R/V that has engine issues. I was thinking it might e worth doing the repair. Then I got thinking is there a length limit to tow. the boat is a 16 ft lus the trailer tounge then the length of the R/V say in the case of the bad motor 37ft that would make for a long unit on the road if one is looking at R/V's what stuff do you need to watch for
  4. I will be ding maintenance work. And they were already talking about apprenticeship . they have a electrician, steam fitter, and Millwright. The place is kind of new they have been producing product and have been doing a lot of it manually . they have a lot of stuff inside set up for automation but final set up for it is not complete . They Have been working 7 days a week 3 shifts a day. This is part of the reason for my hire. To help create a bit of relief to the current staff. The place is called Naturally Norfolk
  5. well I landed a job I start Wed it's within walking of home and more $$$ than I've made since I got out of college
  6. ok i got a kit for the fuel pump but I'm thinking the that someone may have assembled this in wrong order. is it supose to be outter cover then diaphram then gasket or is it outer cover, gasket, diaphram . I did look on line and saw both but also wounder if the photos were fliped
  7. well I saw no sediment in the carb. I have te proper spec for the float setting now it wasn't really off. and I fid no bindage in the needle and seat I also find it hard to think after playing with it that the float could drop low enough to allow the needle to tip and jam . Did I metion that both time this has happened it has been a bit rough and I was pounding some waves
  8. well I wasn't online all day because I did a interview with a trades placment agency in Brantford. I have already sent out 55 resumes to places I see are looking for people. I'm doing what I can and have had some great advice from this forum.
  9. ok I had look at carb I see nothing wrong but something must be there is no bindage on the needle and seat I sunk the float for about 2 hr in fuel and it floated fine after just not sure hate have it do it a third time
  10. I have been looking at all the job banks and have in past used a placement (temp) agency the wage was low and the work eratic. I have detrimed that I must bring in at least 15.00 per hour and not travel far just to make bills. I know something will work out at some point. I just can't aford to hold out to long. there is tons of 11.00 and 12.00 jobs out there. thanks for the pointers keep them rolling
  11. well been up half the night guess I'm stressed out. I got a job about 2 months ago and really liked it. It didn't pay well just enough to cover my way to large of bills. Well I got lay off notice yesterday pretty sudden. I thought all was going not to bad the company was struggling a bit for jobs but we always seemed to be busy. Boss says a few jobs he was after fell through so they can't afford to keep me. I did over hear a bit of a nasty phone call he had last week that was talking about court and lawyers and contracts so I'm not sure if that had anything to do with it either. So I need a job I live in Delhi and don't want to up root the family to someplace else. I have skills and recently got out of college for a Automation and motion control course but I find companys don't look at that. They want a millwright. I see now the course I took is not offered and it has been rolled into the millwright course. I will not be able to stay on top of all my bills/debt long at this rate and I'm looking for maybe some ideas or ways to help this issue anyone here know much on debt counseling. I have heard those ads on the radio but I'm just not really sure they arn't just after more of my money I don't have. Also any Headhunters out here or Employment Recruitment type people that might be able to help me find work .I got out of college in 2010 and really have not had a worthy job since (well one but pay was low). I would not be posting this if I wasn't in serious trouble please feel free to contact me off the board skinnyatkwic.com Once again I'm sorry for the rant and hard luck story
  12. carb had a complete kit and rebuild last fall (done correctly) body was dipped in cleaner and new parts used other than the float (out of stock)but I did't have the true spec on float set so I guessed. I put a inline filter on after the first time the motor quit on me and flooded out. I'm guessing the float drop is too much for full out run on rough water.thanks for the sugestions
  13. ya I tapped and tapped at this thing and it didn't just pop back in
  14. I have a 1966 40 horse evinrude and twice now I have had issues out on lake with it. Both times I was out the water started out calm and I was all over . then the waves came up so the boat was ponding a bit and I was runing hard. That is when the motor would quit. when looked at the carb would be drooling fuel. acting like a stuck float or needle and seat. after thinking about this I'm wondering if the float level is set to low and then the float once pounding pulls the needle to the point of bind in the open position. The last time I had this issue when I got home and pulled the carb. I didn't see any think wrong in the carb but may have over looked this just figuring the carb was drained
  15. The day starts out ok we meet at the right time and head out then i'm told one of the party needs to be back on land for noon to be picked up for work. Ok just smalll agravation but ok. we get bait and it's a bit more $$ than use to but not to much. then get to the launch I have never used before and they are not open a passer by says launch and catch the owner on way back out so I do. Boat in water runing great. We head to first area I heard of perch being get there no many boats but ok. in minutes we have first fish in boat good sized perch on my girls line. we continue to fish there for a bit but real slow. We move on and head a fair bit down (10 min or so drive) and try again same sort of thing hit right away then slow. looking at clock I decide that maybe we should get back a bit because of person drop off time. we just about get to frist fishing spot and motor dies. I mess with it the fuel is drooling out of the carb ( stuck needle or float issue I think) manage to get motor to run but at full out only just moves the boat but we are on our way and still lots of time for drop off. we limp towards drop area. motor smartes up a bit but far from right. we get in general area of drop but early we stop to fish. we put a few in the boat and we are close to the lunch/drop area. In we go for drop. I start looking for my sunglasses I can't find them look and look then I get off my seat and find the twisted mess. We do the drop and I mess with the motor manage to get the drool to stop seems to run not bad so we dcide to go back to the close area from the launch. we get out and catch few then back in we go.Now the launch is cement and on a beach so we come in my buddy holds the boat while I go get the truck and trailer. as I fight to back it in due to lots of parked cars around I mange to get the front pass wheel real close to the ramp wall and as i crank the wheels to adjut the trailer I hear a loud hiss. Yep thats right front pass tire hole in side wall. there was a small piece of t bar hidden in the little grass growning in a crack. Normally no body would be as close as I was to this spot I'm sure but hey why not me. so I unhook the trailer (ramp Owner will pull out boat and stuff with tractor). I limped the truck across the road and called my wife to bring spare from home (was taken out of box for room I never get a flat) I jack up truck and get it ready. my buddy moves my boat to the shore out of the way. as it sits there the waves are pushing it up on the beach. when the ramp owner is ready he hooks up to my trailer and my friend loads my boat up and they get it out of the water and as they go by me (working on tire) I see long black cord with gizmo hanging from rear of boat. Ok so now my transducer has snapped off from beating on the beach. Wife shows up with spare and get it all hooked up and on the road again. But even though all this went on I had a great day fishing total count of fish was less than 20 that was 4 lines in morn 3 in aft. ok so need ideas on how to remount trandducer or glue it could use pair of tires for a ford F150 and I'm in market for good polarized glasses We got home then set up for fish fry and here is the spread all fish ate was from previous trips there was perch pike and bass .
  16. i don't think the pond has been treated it's quite large
  17. well when i got back into fishing I was going to a near by pond and the bite was good and regular. I know the pond is pressured.I also know the year I was fishing it it was kinda clear water. last year and this year it seems to be a very dark green. I must be tossing the wrong stuff. I was out last night and was tossing a jig with a craw trailer no luck my boy was tossing a wacky rigged pink worm for his first time out for bass. We didn't get anything till after he gave up and I picked up the worm i managed 1 bass So looking for ideas for really dark green water
  18. hey all heard a ad on the radio promoting the fish a thon it was on CD98.9 as a comming event
  19. ok got a tip just need to glue it on i don't have any 5 min epoxy here right now i have some stuff called goop wil it work or should i get some 5 min just for this job
  20. if you get there you can use my truck to launch with
  21. Ok I will be on my boat all day next sat for the fish A thon . my boat is all open and I'm looking for ideas on how to create some shade or relief while out there I had thought about trying to find one of those easyup tops i could put up on it for the day but I cannot go buy one for sure (need to get another battery for trolling motor) looking for ideas
  22. well it will have 3 of us in it plus gear and a 40hp hanging off rear as dead weight
  23. i have 30 amp here already so i was going to try any clue on how much battery i will need for full day on the motor. I have fish a thon next week
  24. ok so it's almost all mounted I need to get proper hardware as my bins of stainless have gone missing Roy you have helped alot on this .in your first post you asked if it was the type with bent shaft is there issues with this style
  25. ok so mount sidways should I be watching how the cable and wires are for the control also what gage wire should I use to feed it as they have been cut
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