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  1. Very nice fish dude
  2. Just delete this...... Can't speak without getting harassed anymore here....
  3. I bought a red one, one of those chinese ones for $5, and I broke it trying to turn it on lol... Lost 2 spoons and I didnt have the right size floats for the bigger glowsticks Does anyone know anywhere to buy them online? (The red ones) Thanks for the tips
  4. My initial reaction would be no, as they tend to be near the bottom. However, last week one took a swipe at my float... It has the teeth marks on it to prove it.
  5. How much were you charging for the course lol. I paid $25 online for my test.
  6. Do you just let it sit in the current and keep the line tight? Or do you retrieve?
  7. I didn't know they made red ones! lol.. Ill have to check for those. I think I'll go out for a couple hours tonight.. have hockey at 9:30 though.. cant hurt to get 2 hours of fishing in first on the way there lol.
  8. I bought a few of the little glow sticks to attach, but the kind that glows brighter doesnt fit on my raven floats. And the mini sticks get too hard to see.
  9. I have issues with the site as well, the buttons don't really work well. I have to goto a specific thread first, and then click on the General Discussion link to get to the forum. I can't just click General Discussion. An option you can try is to get a different browser. I use the Blackberry one, Bolt and Opera Mini. They all work great for different things.
  10. Hey everyone. What is the proper way to fish for steelies with hardware? I've read that you should cast upstream and slow retrieve enough to keep the slack off and just enough to spin the blades. Is there a better way of doing this? Can you cast down stream to the bottom of a pool and retrieve through it? or will that spook the fish. I havent had any luck with roe bags at night, hence why I'm asking, and it gets dark at like 4:30, and I work till 5 so that effectively eliminates fishing in the light
  11. I love your reports Such beautiful fish.....
  12. Congrats Laz Wish I could land more than 1 in an outing lol
  13. Its not... Its supposed to be 100 feet.. But the MNR never does anything about it. Vin, who was it that was using 3 rods? I left the creek and went to the dam at around 1:30-2 and I didn't see anyone. There was a father teaching his daughter how to wade and fish.. was pretty cool. And the usual people I see there as well..
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