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Everything posted by Dooops

  1. I will be fishing this lake for the first time this year so if anyone has any further guidance feel free to PM me Thanks.
  2. Nice, when you say a double header do you mean you have two hooks on your lure and you had a fish on both hooks at the same time? Also, I am looking at the flea picture and I was curious as to what that is? Is it something that floats on top of the water and accumulates as you reel in? And now to the comments. Beautiful fish! Those are rainbow trouts right?
  3. Hah, I love the pink tackle box in the boat. So cute Great picture ! thanks for sharing!
  4. PM checked. Thanks for the info Big Cliff
  5. Wow, That's a great looking smoker. My father had a nice store baught one sitting in his garage for about 2 years. I finally moved back and gave him a boot in the butt. He got a recipe from a friend and smoked some salmon and trout. Freakin fantastic!!
  6. Very nice painting. I like it!
  7. Hmmmm, I'll take a look into finding out what kind of spider does that....
  8. Hello everyone. My name is Marc and I am 30 years old. I have fished quite a bit all my life but it has always been with my father. He always took care of everything for me, which lures to bring, which spots to fish, which bait to use etc. I had to move away from Sudbury about 7 years ago where I lived in Toronto and then in Montreal. Now that I am back I have a few friends that like to go fishing. Now here's the thing, we are pretty much rookies when it comes to fishing. My friend purchased a 14 foot boat with a 20 horsepower motor. My father also owns a boat, his is about 16 feet I think and it has a 30 horsepower boat. My brother has about the same thing but his motor is a 60 horsepower. So this is what I have have access to. So I know I won't be fishing a very large lakes with these smaller boats seeing how some of the larger lakes can become very dangerous in bad weather. I prefer to fish/eat Walleye. however, I am willing to fish for trout, bass, pike etc. I currently live in valley-east and wanted to know if anyone knows of some good lakes for fishing in the area. By this I mean a lake where I can legally drive on public roads, launch a boat, park the truck and go fishing. I am willing to travel up to an hour or so out of Sudbury but obviously the closer the better if possible. Also, if anyone has any websites where I can read up on... learning how to fish (techniques etc) how to read a lake, make an educated guess as to where there should be some fish Which lures are best to use for what type of fish and what time of day etc. Just anything where I can educate myself.
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