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About jaydub

  • Birthday 10/20/1974

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  • Location
    Barrie, Ontario

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Almost a Guide

Almost a Guide (5/10)



  1. Was an awesome morning! Probably could have got 1 or 2 more if we weren't dragging a herring around for the last hour or so. Lol
  2. Nice fish! Congrates on the new PB
  3. Too bad for your buddy Kyle, that was gonna be a pretty sweet fish by the looks of it! At least he got a few
  4. That's quite the mix of species for one season. Congrates on a great year!!
  5. Nicely done Cudz, once again Kemp doesn't disappoint! Congrates on the Nickle!
  6. Mine was a 4.9lb smallie on Simcoe last summer. So close to a nickle but yet so far...
  7. Who said anything about a buddy... Okay, so I probably should have gone but night time fall fishing without minnows is pretty tough and I thought maybe if I stayed home I'd get lucky . Congrates on the smallie Cudz...let the streak continue!
  8. I'd say looks like not a bad morning Cudz! Hopefully I'll be able to join you next time.
  9. I use this guy for most of my crankbaits. Tom Toplak http://www.toplakstackle.com/ Great prices fast service and $3.50 for delivery to Canada. I have ordered a bunch of times and everytime service has been perfect. I highly recommend him
  10. Awesome report and congrates to you both on the PB's!
  11. Wow, 50+ smallies and some nice ones at that! Congrates on that pig of a PB and the tourney win! That's gonna be a tough day on the water to beat.
  12. You're right, no proof of that one on OFC. If there was ever a tournament I should have posted a report for that was the one...lesson learned
  13. Congrates on yesterday's win Cudz ...we won't tell'em bout Monday's tourney Nice art work on Jimmy's pic
  14. I'll cook up small to mid-size pike if I catch em, a limit on white fish or lakers ice fishing and 5 - 10 perch meals a year! My kids go nuts over perch so although I love it I don't usually end up with much.
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