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Everything posted by badman187

  1. Grow up really?What is your assumtion of someone being grown?I live in a house have a truck and a boat.If you have any other pointers for me I would love to hire you as a personal life coach
  2. Thanks for the comment snapper face stick to making useless lures insted of comedy.
  3. haaaaaaaaa verygood
  4. very good how did you guess?Thats to bad you dont get anytime off monday to friday is great,maye rethink your career choice if your complaining.That is a very honorable occupation.So ill fish all summer and you keep the forests under control
  5. Rest them all then didnt mean to discriminate sorry haaaaaaaaaa
  6. Really?Your catching more and they are bigger?It wouldnt have anything to do with them being hugry and putting on weight for the winter would it?Canadian thanksgiving
  7. Ya they do when they are guarding the nest you have plenty of time july august september
  8. Sorry thats what I meant if you give them time to spawn why not give them time to eat and survive a winter?
  9. I know our season for fishing is short enough but maybe thats why the fishing is so great in Ontario?It must be putting a huge strain on a fish especially a smallmouth that has just been hooked in the middle of november,now that fish just fought for its life and wasted all that energy its been saving up.Oh ya and regurgitated all that food its been tryin to store,so know how is that fish supposed to catch up before a cold front hits?Let them rest
  10. Nice fish,but catch them like that in the summer its feeding time give them a break
  11. Wait a week or two let it heal up then cut the staples in half and pull each side out and you should be good to go.If you ask at the hospital they should give you a tool that is pretty much a medical pair of snips to cut the staples in half.Thats kind of weird that they put staples in your finger,Ive only had them on my head good old bar battles.
  12. Better see a doc bro your sick.There is no way you can be losing weight by drinking more beer and eating fast food everyday.Are you working out and taking crank or some kind of supplements?
  13. Dont fishing is one of the same reasons men play golf to get away,you will wish you never got her interested 10 years from now haaaaa
  14. Must of been a skinny fish?
  15. The third pic of my dad,that fish was a beast 21x16
  16. Thanks guys.Ya most of those ones were from the same lake.
  17. My father bought a new Triton and we put it to good use.
  18. Just buy yourself a measuring from a store that sells fabrics or you can get them from pretty much anywhere.When its rolled up you wont even notice it in your tackle box.
  19. Heres a pic of the fish I had to keep.I was using a gulp crawfish hooked weightless.The fish inhaled it I almost always hook them before it gets down there throat but crap happens I guess.The fish bleed like a pig I put it in the livewell had to change the water twice it was like a blood bath.
  20. Ya it would be a nice thing to do but im not bringing him in bass that are 4+ pounds just so he can eat it.He has enough food he eats like a king
  21. I dont keep any fish except last weekend I had to keep a 20.5" smallmouth it was a real shame.It reuined the rest of my day.The only one that was happy about it was my gradfather because I finaly brought him in a fish I usually have to lie to him and say I never catch anything.
  22. This one was close to 5lbs
  23. Its a lake in the bruce peninsula.My parents have a place up there been fishing that lake about 20 years.
  24. No I didnt take it home I always let them go.
  25. Berkley scale said 6
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