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Posts posted by TC1OZ

  1. Can someone help clarify this for me....


    No matter the boat size, as long as the motor is 9.9 HP or under you do not need to license the boat?


    What about a operators card? Does that apply if there is no motor/under 10 HP?


    And do you need to register the boat?




    Reason I ask, I'm getting a boat from my cottage and I have zero paper work from it...I just plan on puttering around shore with a trolling motor.


    Do I need to register it? Do I need to license it (i assume not since I plan on using a trolling motor)? Do I need to get an operators card? I assume not because you wouldn't need one with a kayak but again I could be severely wrong?


    I hate assuming things! We all know the saying!

  2. It doesn't really matter how we see it. What matters is how YOU see it.


    Good luck to you.


    I just enjoy other peoples opinions; mostly I'm bored at work and trying to evoke conservation conversation (alliteration at its best)!


    Thanks for wishing me luck! Not sure when I can make it out there...maybe tomorrow or Thursday, depending on the weather!

  3. Hello all!


    Since I am still awaiting a boat (hopefully getting one beginning of September) and having ZERO luck in Fort Erie from shore...I was thinking about making a trek to this Conservation area.


    They say its got lots of game fish that everyone loves to catch!


    Anyone been here before? Is it worth the park fee?


    Also, I do see many people have strong opinions on fishing in this forum...I was wondering do you guys see fishing at a conservation area like fishing in a fish tank? or do you consider it the same as going out to a regular lake/pond that is not maintained?

  4. Thanks Guys,

    I hope you will enjoy the DTV segments that we will be adding every few days. Some will be tips,some will be updates and some will just be there crazy stuff I see on the road! I am proud to be part of OFC and even prouder to have some of our videos on OFC now. We will be changing these often so keep checking the link at the top of the page for updates. Also if you have any ideas about things you would like to see please let me know and we will see what we can do. If it's a really good idea we may add it to DTV but will most likely tell you we had all ready thought of it lol!


    This is how I figure it; millions of employees waist hundreds of millions of minutes of there boss' time at work everyday watching junk on the internet. So why not watch our junk?


    Dave Mercer



    I'd wear headphones but then I couldn't tell if someones sneaking up behind me! hahahaha!

  5. The show did a behind the scenes episode to show how they film the show. The game is carried out, Mantracker vs Prey first. No cameras except the ones following Mantracker. The prey have their own handheld and when you see scenes with "Prey Cam" that means it is footage from the actual game.


    When it concludes, the production team goes back with the prey to recreate it so the story can be told on TV. So when you see prey hiding and the camera is standing there showing Mantracker and the prey hiding in a bush 20 feet away, it's a re-enactment. Otherwise as some of you have stated it would make no sense cause Mantracker would just follow the camera crew following the prey.



    Thank you for posting something coherent and plausible.


    So I guess all these people who "know someone" are just talking crap!


    And obviously what you posted makes the most sense for the show to have any sort of legitimacy.

  6. He was in one a couple years ago where the 2 girls hopped into a car at 6th line to get a ride across the finish.

    He was quite "put out" because they "cheated"




    What does this have to do with what we were talking about previously?


    And still doesn't change my earlier post....you say one thing, other people say another...neither makes sense.


    Post something coherent or just let the thread die....

  7. A good friend of mine played the sidekick on that once, and another guy in town here that I know.

    From what they say, they actually have to catch the prey. The camera guys don't give it away.



    Its nice enough to say it...but HOW?


    Ever seen an episode where they are crouched hiding in bush...the camera man is just standing and obviously the man tracker can see the glare off a camera...


    And other people who say they have "connections" on the show says they go back to fake the shots after...which completely invalidates your statement...



    I say we contact Myth Busters and get this one settled once and for all!

  8. Woo hooo! Only 1 hour left!



    Got lots of crap to do around the house..the wife is having friends over...


    Maybe a good time to sneak out and get some uninterrupted fishing in! (probably not till tomorrow :()

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