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Posts posted by TC1OZ

  1. So which is better....the scottish whiskey or the crown....i dont relate to this analogy either LOL. I know one thing, im glad im not a whiskey or cigar connosouier. $ :blink: $


    How many cigars you get in a box for $250 dollars. Ya better get 250 of them to be "downright great" in my books LOL



    Its like comparing one brand of fishing rod to another...if its not your thing then the comparison really doesn't make a difference to you!

  2. workwear is 100% correct...


    They do these random checks ALL the time, ever notice how a cop comes up behind you...and then they are gone.


    Well if the description didn't match the plate he typed in, or it came back as an invalid plate you will get pulled over instantly.


    Driving without plates is WORSE! (I used to use a temp plate on my tercel, temp plate is on the windshield & looks like you have no plates) And I used to get pulled over every time I drove. I always had to say I was on the way to getting it fixed (since thats what temp plates are for).


    The only reason I suggested a similar cars plates is because when you call CAA to get a tow they want the plate # and it needs to be valid / match the type of vehicle being towed.

  3. Oh and if you know anyone who has CAA ask them to use the free access to the Black Book that they get online....gives you the fair market value for used cars in the Ontario region (probably want to go lower than the price in this book).

  4. I know that this is the last thing that you want to hear Pure, but owning a car is one expense after another. If renting a car dolly or paying to have it towed is not an option, what are you going to fill the tank with (and no, lurking smart patooties, 'gas" is not the answer!), or pay insurance with, or get it repaired with, etc. etc.?



    That is just it, if you can't afford to rent a trailer to check out the car, chances are you shouldn't be buying the car.....


    MONEY PIT!!!!!


    My car costs are the only reason I would want to move to a big city...just so I can use public transport instead of maintaining my van!



    As for the stuff that was mentioned that is illegal....its only illegal when you get caught! Jeeze! :whistling:

  5. They do!


    I was on the Niagara river, pretty much at the mouth of Erie.


    I did see Atlantic on this website, but I saw a bunch of other silver fish too...Didn't want to sound like a noob and claim a fish that wasn't possible to catch hahaha.


    I caught it with a mini-red devil!

  6. I had to tire out the fish first. I kept trying to bring it to the boat, but it kept taking off. Eventually it will tire out and will come to the side of the boat. At this point, I will touch the fish on the head...may seem weird..but I put my hand on it's head and it will tell me if it's ready or not to come aboard. Once it doesn't take off after I touch it, I grab the fish by the gill plate (DO NOT TOUCH THE ACTUAL GILL RAKES AS THE FISH NEED THESE TO TRANSFER OXYGEN FROM WATER INTO BLOODSTREAM...damage to this part of any fish is mostly fatal). I then lift the head of the fish out of the water and remove the lure. Once lure is gone, support the belly, lift fish out of water, take pictures and put back in water, cradle it until it gains enough energy and shoots off.


    I've taken 2 other muskies larger than this one out of the water this way. One two years ago with a friend and one my dad caught while crappie fishing earlier this year.

    For smaller sized muskie such as the one I caught...I don't see a big problem...but if I ever encounter a 50"+ ...it might be different haha...would probably have to go to shore and beach the fish to avoid tipping over in the middle of the lake!



    You are the fish whisperer! :clapping:

  7. I caught my first fish not using live bait with a spinner from the D-ram...



    Caught a VERY small round gobie, some silver fish I couldn't identify, and another fish that was too small that I couldn't tell what it was kinda looked like a bass but with black stripes. (I'm a fishing noob, but I have fun sucking at it)

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