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Posts posted by TC1OZ

  1. One of my peeves is the garbage "some" people leave behind when fishing from the shore near bridges in this area.


    Please do not leave any garbage AND maybe even pick up the garbage the guy before you left... (the excuse that I did not put it there.. so I am not going to pick it up... sucks!"


    I am always picking up garbage left under the bridge (and also on islands from campers) where I live.


    This is a beautiful and clean area. Let's work together to keep it that way!



    thanks for your help... and have fun fishing...!


    the cap't :Gonefishing:



    This is a little out of left field...


    Have I done something for you to question my cleanliness or my respect towards nature?




    My friends family also owns two cottages on Nipissing (which is where I'm visiting)... I think they've been respecting their properties for quite some time now.


    My buddy is pretty confident I'll be catching lots of pike and walleye off his dock but I want to keep my options open!!

  2. were you going? may be able to help you out with areas to try from


    i fish the west arm area. I know that area pretty well and can help you around there, I launch from Laving, and further down the 64 there are some good spots to go from shore around there if you want.


    west end close to the town of lavigne


    a little bit more north east


    between cash bay and laviighe



    So probably close hahaha. Hook me up via PM or post it. I don't know the area. My buddy says we can just catch tons off his dock, I'd like to get out there for everything and anything! I believe Pike opens on the Saturday and I'd love to land a monster :thumbsup_anim: But I'm hoping to get drunk enough to eat a fish or two, and I hear walleye are good eats!

  3. Thanks, guys....I grabbed one first thing this morning at the CT around the corner from where I work...only one in stock (go figure!!!!!!!!!)....has a two year warranty and a spare prop. Should suffice for what I want it for...basically just puttering around near shorelines. My 15 hp Merc trolls fine.


    I'm going to check my local CTC when I get off work today.

  4. My 17 year old daughter just got accepted to the Ontario Ranger's Program. This will be her first step to her eventual goal of a placement with the MNR, or a similar organization. Anyway, she's off to Sleeping Giant, just east of Thunder Bay, for an 8 week stint. This looks like a grand opportunity for Dad to be the hero and drive her up to her Summer job... Oh, yeah, I hear that there's fishing up that way too...


    whistling.gif Hints are always welcome as to a good place to wet a line, if you know the area...


    If the fishing is good, you'll be bringing "care packages" every weekend! :D


    Sorry I have no tips for you! Good luck to your daughter.

  5. Not the for the people I have trained, and there is a cardio requirement.


    They dropped the fitness test in 2007, I was the last group to take a fitness test... Although I don't know who the hell could fail it.


    And PT during basic is laughable, just pretend you are trying hard and they can't say anything to you.

  6. Neat stuff! Look at those fitness requirements:


    20 pushups

    20 situps

    30 knee bends


    And no cardio requirements.


    Those were the days when the players used training camp to get into playing shape.


    Still more than the requirements to get into our army! lol

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