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Posts posted by TC1OZ

  1. Wow, hes a big guy for 16 months. I really hope my boy is as keen as your boy in 3 months time!


    Great report...thanks for sharing.



    haha ya, he was a big boy to start, 10 Lbs 12 Ozs 22 Inches long!


    We have another in the oven so I'm hoping its another big boy :D


    And yes... hes way too smart for his age... Terrible 2's started before he was 1 lol.

  2. My initial plan was to go to the Niagara River and try to find some carp, but I decided to take the little guy out instead. This would be his second fishing trip...and now that he has his "own rod" he is quite the little man! Since I think the river is a little dangerous for a 16 month old we opted to hit up the local conservation area!


    We didn't catch any fish but I caught a HUGE smile :D




    He did not want to let me show him how to fish.... he already knows it all!!!

  3. I hate you......................








    because you are so awesome at fishing! lol


    Awesome report, I'll have to give the Niagara a go for carp, apparently they are hot right now.

  4. OK, some one fill in the blanks for the newbie~!





    Funny enough... I clicked on the ad at the top of the page... Took me to fishing world website... clicked on the SHOP NOW!


    And the first thing in the shop is a ice fishing flasher... Is that what it is? lol

  5. Terry is absolutely right! If they ship UPS (and they do!) or Purolator, bend over when the man in brown knocks at your door. The brokerage fee is unreal sometimes and it does seem to be determined by a monkey spinning a wheel of chance. USPS does not charge a brokerage fee and it arrives Canada Post for no additional charges.


    BTW the brokerage fee is a scam. It doesn't cost them anything to move the product over the border. UPS and Purolator are both under investigation for this bogus charge (second hand information).


    Dan O.


    I ordered standard, so it will be coming regular mail. And brokerage fee's aren't a scam. My old boss is a customs broker for the trucking industry, and if he didn't get paid I'm not sure how his wife and children would eat. Terrible second hand information.

  6. The courts already decided. However, if some pics did have faces it would not be unreasonable to use safe pics to help return the camera to the right owner and would qualify as fair use..but anything naked etc, would be covered by copyright law.

    It would be more useful to print a safe pic showing a face and say print 'Do you know who this is? Call me at 555-555-5555' and post by the creek


    No one was asking for nudie pictures.... Just the one of them in a chicken suit... and you can claim you didn't want to edit the photo :P

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