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About saneryin

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  1. thanks for all the inputs. very impressive! I am collection and organize this info for my friends. very appreciated!
  2. Hi my friends (a couple) are heading down to Niagara Falls this weekend. May 4th, for one night. Does anyone knows or have info about some websites to search motels, or any motels recommend? I need clean rooms for 2 adults. Otherwise price will be first consideration. As for location, surrounding 20km near the falls are ok'd too if price takes. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks in advance
  3. Thank you, feel more comfortable. will send report if made this trip.
  4. willing to try the cats in Dunnville this Sat.(Mar. 17) with a 12' canoe. Will stay on the water within 300 meters away from the fishmasters dock. 2 factors to consider: - 20 kmh wind. - Waves created by those passing by boats. Would it be safe enough? anybody have been canoe fishing there before under similar or worse condition? Appreciate any comment. Thanks!
  5. very beautiful tattoo....On the first picture, when she stands up from a seat, will the fish swing its tail ?
  6. 1. you need register your own site name, such as " yoursitname.com ". this is called domain name. it costs around $10+ per year. I usually use register my site 1and1.com, their domain is cheap. (never go to godaddy, it sucks with all ads and mistake clicking will guide you to buy or upgrade your service. 2. you need some place to hold your site, we call that "server" --- following factors affect your selection - how fast it is? if it is a slow server, people will getting bored to view your site. - how stable their machine works? if their server down-time is too frequently, then your site will be affected. - what is the facilities the server can supply? the best 2 servers that I knew of is fatcow.com and bluehost.com, both provide unlimited space, unlimited database, unlimited space for database. I was put both my domain name and space on 1and1, but I found there is limitation for space, database number and database size. early last year, I moved my site out on bluehost, and only remain names on 1and1. and put settings there, make it points to the space that I rented on bluehost. 3. you need some basic tools(software0 to do this. ftp tool - I use filezilla - so you can connect and upload the site onto your place. you can also, use free site from google or wordpress, or even facebook ---- you do not need anything, just log on and put content. joomla is very powerful site package, but it is slow. let me know if you need any help. [email protected]
  7. Thank you for all replies. Maybe I should call Billy Bob LOL. He is a nice guy, had given me good suggestion before. I will try to use it...I already have 2 bottle (10L/each) gas at the yard... not sure about the stabilize...because my engine is poor though. so...before solid lake surface, what we can fish now is perch? I have read a lot post here.
  8. thank you funny guys! checked the map, the 'catt' city is 40+ km inland away from the river mouth/entrance city (silver creek). I doubt that is the city you are referring to just curious, so, if you are going fishing on US side, you have to follow their regulations. but I saw discuss the quantity of Ontario rules....does that mean the NY fishing regulations is not so tight as that of ON?
  9. I have a 20-Liter of 1:40 mixed outboard gas in a gas tank. never have chance to used it. It was freshly filled on July 15. can I used it for me car? if so, - does the outboard engine oil that mixed in will affect my car? - is the gas already too old for me car even there is no mixed engine oil? - what if I add 5L to my car each time. and used them out in 4 weeks? any suggestion? thanks.
  10. just wondering...where is 'Catt'? is it a city name? I cannot find it in google map. or is it an argot in this forum? appreciate for any hint.
  11. Great report !! I have never caught a trout or salmon before
  12. googled ISP customer review: 45 reviews, 8 good, 27 bad (assume the rest 10 to be neutral) http://www.dslreports.com/comment/2584/53378
  13. Thanks a lot for all the input. I will do study based on the comment here. I am targeting LM & SM. always too busy right before vacation. (fish)
  14. Hi gang, I am heading for Sharbot provincial park in couple of weeks. I am wondering if there is any alternative good fishing lake nearby? I am asking this because I aware that the Sharbot lake is in a provincial park, the fish in that lake might be "well trained" by your pro guys who have been there before. So in case I do not have a good luck in Sharbot, I would then willing to try any lake within 50km of Sharbot park. Any input would be highly appreciated.
  15. Thank you guys, really appreciated for the information. I was always buried by the dark side: ugly face. Now I aware that there is a bright side: I could inform him the regulations - he may not know fishing regulations. Yes, I will take pictures when need. I recorded the MNR line on my fishing license card. (they should put this number on the card).
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