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About chinookhunter

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  1. i change every 5 mins till i catch a fish then i dont change for at least 7 min
  2. I found some on www.h2ocraft.com good site
  3. you are mean there is never a need to call people names.
  4. good you need lots of food.
  5. any cake left?
  6. if we eat the poler bears than we dont have to worry
  7. I think there are to many people whining about this they should lock this forum
  8. can you still afford food? you need food
  9. I am so sick of walking upwards of 100 yards to go fishing and be called names to the point where I have to walk all the way back to the car and drive home. no one else on here gets called names while fishing?
  10. Thank you I will its people like you that make this site great!
  11. I have a glandular problem its all genetics.
  12. I hunted in that valley
  13. So everytime i go fishing people call me fat and say things like save the whales. just wondering if anyone else has been called names while fishing?
  14. i get called a redneck all the time when i go fishing.
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