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Everything posted by bigzinc10

  1. what do you think is avg cost for boat rental for like 5-6 hrs??
  2. I was thinking of checking out rice lake some time this summer. I dont have a boat or anything. Are there places to fish off shore there or rent boats? Also what types of lures would be most successful for targeting bass here? If anyone has any info please advise. Thx.
  3. Yesterday I used the Uni knot for the first time to tie more line onto my existing line on the spool...the knot seems super strong...however on a few occassions I found that when I cast, as the line is coming off of the spool it will get stuck on the uni knot, thus making my lure fall short.....besides the uniknot what knots are good for attaching line together without causing a hinderance to the line when casting??
  4. Awesome job. Congrats on the nickel.
  5. Thnaks for the pic. I have not used them before either. Should be interesting. That means I will prob get my ordr by end of the week then.
  6. I ordered a buzzbait as well with a bandit 200. Still waiting for my package to arrive. Out of curiosity how long did it take for you to receive your order? My order was confirmed on Aug 6. They said international shipping via USPS to canada would take about 7 days......at least thats what they have been hearing from their Canadian customers.
  7. I went fishing at the same spot yesterday and managed to go 4/5.!! I used the same treble hook on the spinner: except this time I filed them and kept the rod down once a fish was on. It worked out pretty well..thanks guys for your advice. My fish ranged in size from 5 inches all the way up to 12 inches....I was surprised that some little guys attacked a #3 spinner. I felt bad for one fish though, he was so small that the treble was hooked and lodged in his entire mouth...it was difficult prying it off while reducing damage to the fish. Also, my spinner is from dollarama!! Has given me more action than my mepps spinner!
  8. Thanks for the tip Syn...will try that out
  9. I am using a dressed in-line spinner #3 with a treble hook on it. Yesterday, I had two decent sized fish on, but as I reeled them in closer to shore, the fish shook off the hook. I am certain its due to the treble hook. Do most of you who use spinners, use treble or single hook? Are spinners designed such that the treble hook can be interchanged with a single hook?
  10. You're right GBW. I wouldnt fish without a licence....but a couple of my buddies do, and I have told them its unwise...my words fall on deaf ears.....i guess they wil change once they get caught....by the way what are the penalties for fishign with no licence?? Itried looking it up on the ministry site, but couldnt find anything.
  11. I went there last week and tried fishing the pier area with no luck....is memorial park the area you are talking about?? http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source...=17&iwloc=A
  12. I am new to the fishing game as well and also live in the brampton mississauga area. I tried fishing at erindale park near UTM, but that was pretty difficult considering it is a river wth fast running water. I went to lake aquitaine in meadowvale and it was disappointing; you can only catch small catch fish and other fish species that are very small. Only real success I have had is at Prof Lake in Brampton....I have caught plenty rock bass of decent size and large mouths in 1-1.5lbs range. I havent tried Bronte but I heard its decent. Check the ministry of natural resources ontario website but I do believe that if you are under 16 it is free. Anyone over 16 and under 65 needs to be licenced. I have a licence but have never been asked for it, so you may be able to get away with it at some spots. I would suggest buying some small spinners and also some jerk baits like power grubs from canadian tire. I have had most of my catches using those. Dollarama also sells things such as split shots, spinners and spoons...so if cost is an issue check there too. Best of luck
  13. I went fishing yesterday and saw a guy fly fishing. He ended up catching 2 decent size bass. He was using a yellow bug popper lure. I dont know anything about fly fishing or poppers, but can a popper be used with a spinner rod/ reel combo? If so, how would it be rigged? It seems like a pretty effective lure. I was using my mepps black fury 3 and was able to hook a small large mouth, but their werent many bites at all. Thanks
  14. Thanks smalliefisher. That clarifies a lot. Much appreciated.
  15. Good to know. I have all this good tackle and not a good place to fish...its so sad. I live in the brampton, mississauga area and dont have any decent spots...the only areas are conservation areas in the caledon and orangeville area, but they have daily fees...i dont find paying $5 now and again but I'd like to fish 3-4 week so that adds up....I dont have a boat, so I will primarily be doing shore fishing...looks like I will have to drive a bit north, or pay the fees to get a godd days fishing You guys with prime fishing spots in your backyards have it so good!!!!!!!
  16. Wow, white seems to be very popular. Is that colour spinner primarily for bass?? I just purchased a chartreuse spinner online, so havent tried it out yet. I am primarily going for bass. Will chartreuse spinner work well for bass or just under specific envirnomental conditions (ie. certain colour water and visibility)?
  17. Great fish!!! Nice job. Is there a fee to fish at Island Lake?? Also, can you get that kind of action by fishing off the shore??
  18. So than I am guessing you have to have a steady fast-medium retrieval? And a wake I am guessign from your answers is just the water waves or ripples created by the lure?
  19. Hey guys, what does it mean to make a lure "wake"? I tried googling it, but no answer. Sorry for the trivial question, but I am trying my best to learn about different lures and techniques. This forum has been very useful and helpful already. Thanks all.
  20. cool. I'm goona buy some right now. The transaction is via paypal right??
  21. which dollerama are you guys shopping at?? I went to the one by my house in brampton and they have no fishing gear.
  22. Those are indeed some interesting theories. I dont know much about fish behaviour or about perch. But maybe they are swiping at the hooks just out of sheer interest. The hook itself is most likely something novel that they have never encountered before, and so they swipe at it in an attempt to investigate it further. Just raw animal instinct to investigate something that is new. I guess they get overly curious and you know the saying....curisoity killed the cat....they get hooked!!
  23. I was fishing yesterday with the mepps in-line spinner with no swivel. After maybe 30 casts I noticed that the mono line started to fray or shread about 8 inches above the spinner. Now is this the result of line twist and not using a swivel or did the line probably just rub up against something in the water??
  24. Hey Cudz, just out of curiosity which bandits did you buy and what colour? What ones would be good for catching bass?
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