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Posts posted by NAW

  1. 11 hours ago, Dutch01 said:

    I'm really lucky to have a creek behind me (literally 75m from my back door) and a river 90 seconds drive.

    Opener was busy this year I'm not use to seeing many people there.  I still managed to keep a good distance from everyone and get into some fish.



    You are a lucky man!  


    nice fish!

    • Like 1
  2. 2 hours ago, msp said:

    did crappy. my spot got poached all week. walked a couple other home tribs and got some fish here and there. nothin special. may be my last year fishing opener. 

    I hear ya man.  

    The spot I went oppenning morning got poached as well.  My buddy caught a guy fishing there Friday morning while he was out walking his dog.. 


    its sad.

  3. I went camping this past weekend.  My GF and I.   And we where joined by a very close couple to us.  Basically family. 


    Drove up in separate vehicles.   Obviously had separate canoes.   Separate tents, chairs, etc...   We did a pretty good job at social distancing really.  The only thing that we did that was "bad" was play a game of cards.


    I normally don't go camping this early.  But I honestly think they will close or restrict all crown land for the summer and start ticketing everyone they see with a canoe on their car roof.  So I wanted to get a camp in before that insanity starts!! 

  4. 18 minutes ago, Old Ironmaker said:

    Good for you Nick, that takes some guts not many have. One of the greatest quotes I have ever heard was about NFL coaching legend Vince Lombardi. "If he didn't quit his insurance sales job to coach a High School Football team he would have never coached in The NFL." 

    I have to warn you, there are politics where there are only a hand full of employees. 

    Thanks Bud!  Ya, I am prepared for a certain level of politics.  

    It's just a little bit overwhelming at my current place..

    • Like 1
  5. 10 minutes ago, misfish said:

    I hear ya Nick, and know many that do and have, worked there. It can get trying at times.


    All the best buddy.

    Some guys have been here for 45 years.  Started here when they where 15... 


    Still on the tools..  Exact same job 45 years later.


    I can't do it.

  6. I have decided to switch career paths a little bit. 

    Currently working at a large machine and welding shop, which also has a large automation department, stamping press install and repair, Hydro and Nuclear re-build and repairs, etc... etc.....

    Unfortunately there are way to many politics here for me to hit me career growth goals.  So I made the hard choice to leave this company (which I love), and enter an entirely new field. 

    I am making a switch from metal to wood!   

    I start a new job working at a company that makes log homes, cottages, bridges and large scale mass wooden beam trusses.  Big ones.  100' long, 6 x 4 foot fabricated wooden beams with tie rod re-enforcement.  And we will do all of the installation as well! 

    My end goal is to be assisting with sales, project management, and operations in general.  Not just engineering like I am currently doing. 

    Small company.  25 employees.  WAY less politics then my current employer. 

    I'll be going from a company that has already peaked and is starting to slide downhill.  To a company that is on the rise in a somewhat niche market. 

    Fingers crossed it all works out!! 

    All of the being said.  I have the current liberty to use the internet for my personal use during day at work.  And that will end as of today.   So I won't be posting much for a while!!    AND, i have tomorrow and Friday off to go fishing!!

    SO i'll be checked out for a while until I can figure out the dynamic of my new employer. 


    Wish me luck!!  




    • Like 5
  7. I know guys who ride there and have used that guiding service before.  They did not know this specific guide, but they did call and check to make sure it wasn't their usual guide.

    It's a tragedy for sure, but definitely could have been avoided.   From what I understand it's nutritiously bad for ice.   And all the guides are very well aware of that. 


    Sad.  We all make mistakes though. 

    • Thanks 1
  8. 1 hour ago, TJQ said:

    I still have a set of those jackets we use for curling teams.. lol

    I always wanted one of those tuques.   If you ever make more tuques, you need to count me in for a half a dozen..


    I had a ball cap, 2 t-shirts, 1 mug, a nice measuring tape sticker that's still in my boat, and a mint little swiss-army knife with the OFC logo on the side..



    back when I used to bike and run everywhere and weighed 170lbs...





    ofc 2.jpg

  9. Saw a truck today with a big OFC sticker on the back window.   Heading from the area of the bait shop in Barrie heading to the lake.  


    I got a little giddy thinking it was a Ontario Fishing  Community Member. Maybe some new stickers TJ designed and I just didn't know about. 


    NOPE...  OFC.ca.  


    What the hell.   Didn't even know it existed. 


    We're not a club.. we are a community!! 

  10. Good call man. 


    I ran a Salus endurance class which I think is one or 2  levels below the Odysee. 


    They are amazing.  


    I ran it for 8 years then sold it to a friend. 


    I went though last year early season.  but the double cuffs on the ankles and wrists..  He bounced out and didn't even get wet.  Kept fishing as if nothing happened....  That's an 8 year old suite. 


    I've fished it in the pouring rain and not got wet inside the suite at all! 


    You will not regret it. 

  11. 48 minutes ago, AKRISONER said:

    Apparently the bear point boys are out catching whities walking.

    Really eh.  As in this morning?  Or on the weekend.  It would have been insanely sketchy out that way on the weekend with that raging wind and 2" of ice..


    Im pretty stoked for this weekend.  Going out for sure both days.  Then thursday and friday next week.  Quit my job, now I have a few days off to ice fish!!!

  12. I set the alarm off at work once.  I put the wrong code it.  But was able to fix it and turn the alarm off on my own.  I still called the alarm company, told them the story.    Thought all was good.  Fire up my computer and start working (this was a Saturday evening,  working overtime.  Shop lights where off, which I had a view from my office upstairs.   Then I hear a noise in the shop. Look down and see 2 Barrie police officers walking through the shop like something out of tom Clancy video game.   


    So I very timidly banged on the window, and went down a greeted them. 


    Turns out there was 2 break in's already that weekend in the area, so they where just checking up on things..   


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