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About basketclam

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  1. Thanks folks. Walleye gear it is.
  2. Good Evening OFC'ers. Last winter my brother moved to Cumberland and is living just up the road from the Ottawa River. He mentioned to me that he saw lots of ice huts out there last winter and that he'd like me to teach him how to ice fish. Thinking about getting him some gear for Christmas this year. I'm assuming that they're either fishing for walleye or crappie near his place. Does anybody know for sure? I'd like to know what he'll be targetting before I sink bucks into gear that he might not find useful right off the hop. Thanks for the help, which I'm sure is coming.
  3. And to answer your question - I tend to agree with the other posters so far. Adding some scent isn't going to change his habits. There are so many scrapes (real and mock) throughout his area that one extra isn't likely to change his habits, especially when so many of the other ones will have fresher scents to temp him. Your best bet with scents is that it might make him pause for an extra little while within reach of your boom stick.
  4. Remember that the law has recently changed and using some scent products (those that are not synthetic, I believe) is now illegal. I understand that this is to try to prevent the spread of CWD into Ontario.
  5. Real nice pics! If they don't put a smile on your face, you've got no pulse.
  6. A couple nice sets of pictures there folks. Haven't been out yet this year due to work (same old story), but I've got an itch that needs a scratch real bad.
  7. Those chipmunk photos are epic. Great report.
  8. This got me thinking - it's a question I sure don't know the answer to. And it seems that people have a lot of "opinions". So I went to the source. Straight out of the Fisheries Act: 36. (1) No one shall ( leave or deposit or cause to be thrown, left or deposited, on the shore, beach or bank of any water or on the beach between high and low water mark, remains or offal of fish or of marine animals; Disposal of remains, etc. (2) Remains or offal described in subsection (1) may be buried ashore, above high water mark. I didn't find anything about dumping remains directly in the water. Maybe someone else would care to take another look.
  9. That's a great looking boat. I don't have many memories of my gramp, as he died when I was quite young. But I distictly remember the day his old boat (truely his, because he built it) got torn up for scrap shortly after his death. If I'd only been a little older, a little bolder, I might have saved that boat.
  10. I can't say anything more than what's already been said. And thanks OFC'rs for talking frankly about the man, while setting politics aside. Kudos.
  11. Awesome looking stuff! Alas, I don't think there will be any home canning for the pantry at my house this year. I haven't had time to pick and my wife hasn't had time to can.
  12. A flooded lake, does not a spawning area necessarily make. But yes, there's a chance that the MNR put the sign on his dock.
  13. Sounds like theft to me. On a related note, and this ties into a whole bunch of conversation threads that I've read here before, I came across this from the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act: Section 38. The ownership of the bed of a river, lake or navigable body of water does not give the owner the exclusive right to fish in the water that flows over the bed unless that right is granted by the Crown. Take that for what you will.
  14. Cut your losses and just cut the line! I haven't got the patience, so I'll usually give it 5 minutes, then off it goes.
  15. Absolutely unreal trip, and thanks for taking the time to put the report together.
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