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Posts posted by lunkerbasshunter

  1. my wife is from the BAY and her family is still up there. Outdoors paridise if you ask me. You can go any direction and find hundreds and hundreds of lakes to fish, boat play in. People are pretty friendly up there. Winters are harsh but buy a sled and a good fish hut and problem solved.


    If i had work up there I would move there in a heartbeat



  2. when i was late teens early 20s i used to strictly fish for lunker bass. used huge baits mainly. As I got older and into the real world of working and only got to fish a couple weeks a year i toned down the big bass hunt and now fish so my 5 year old can reel in fish. I should change my name to littlebasshunter the last few outings lol



  3. ok not to be to negative here but I hope they make boats to target more then just the walleye pro. if they dont they will end up out of biz as soon as they started.


    They should make a few different models that meets the needs of all anglers not jsut the pro walleye guy.


    Heres hoping they make a go of it!



  4. im in LaSalle On and down here with the humidity we are reaching over 100F(over 40c) it is absolutly ridiculous here.


    i will second your comment. at 9am when i left windsor it was as hot as it is in toronto at 1pm. Crazy how only a few hours south makes a huge difference

  5. Dan McWilliams is not a jerk. Dan is a standup guy who has done a ton for the outdoors and a lot of work getting kids involved in fishing. I knew Dan years ago when my parents owned a cottage on the Kawarthas and I hung around with his brother-in-laws. He has done extensive work with DU Peterborough. As well, the Greenwing kids derby which he runs has been going on for 24 years and is the largest one of its kind. His company, McWilliams Moving and Storage supports numerous local charities.


    I have not seen Dan in 20 years so it's not like I am a close personal friend. I do however see the work that he has done over the years as well as the good work he is doing for the City of Peterborough.


    From what I have read in the paper, Dan made a mistake interpretting the Ontario Fishing Regulations and kept 1 fish more than his daily limit. I am pretty sure there are others who are reading that have mistaken what is read in the regs. He accepted his mistake, plead guilty as he knew he was and paid his fine. Let's move on. All I ask is that before anyone condemns him as a threat to society, please Google his name and see what else this man has done.



    Hes not a threat to society, just the trout population in the kawarthas. Just saying

  6. well Im with the rest of the group. Im up marten river way in a couple weeks and i will be fishing early morning/ late nights but if i have to fish daytime i would go deeper. try jiggng for walleye and smallers in 20-30 feet of water. I would stay away form top water baits during the day as I find it really works best in the early morning or evening when the lake calms down a bit.


    But seriously, stay out of the sun and heat and enjoy a shady spot with some pops. That is what I would do in this heat.

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