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Posts posted by lunkerbasshunter

  1. I was fishing the south bay of Lake nipissing about 7 plus years ago. I was on the west side where the mouth of the south river meets the lake. Was trolling for "eyes" when I saw about 10 to 15 large cruisers rushing inland. By the time I got me gear locked up and moved east to see over the treeline it was to late. A major storm blew threw and I rushed with my little 9.9 hp and 16ft tinner rented from fish bay into an empty boat house. I knew the area and the one boat house was only a few years old. Good call cause the other one that I could have hid in actually was blown over. Not sure if it was a twister or not but when you are in a boat house with a tin roof in a major storm it is pretty well the scariest thing possible.


    When the storm passed and I got out, it was crazy the damage. Boat houses, boats, docks and trees all over the place. Took 5 hours on lk nipissing rd to to get out because of the tree limbs littered on the roads.

  2. I can almost gaurentee that everyone reading this thread has a pile of chinese made product in there tackle box. Many hooks, reels, line are made there and you buy it everyday from a brand company. I was at ICast in Orlando this year and I would say 75% of the product shown there was from China. I was at the natiional hardware show in May and I can tell you that number is even higher in that industry.


    Bottom line is there are some great quality items from china and and there some duds for sure. You need to do your homework first. You can really find some great deals if you know what you are doing.



  3. I started at fishontario years ago. Then found OFC/OFC. I have been absent lately as having my own business while managing an 8 year old takes up most of my time. That said, I still love it here and when my business settles down I will be here more often and start doing the get togethers.


    I still spend time fishing and love coming here to see reports when I am stuck working.


    Great forum and great people!



  4. That is terrible. I hate that if they get caught they would hardly get a slap in the hand. i have two dogs one is large and looks like a bear so I am prettysafe for the most part but man wouldnt it be nice to catch thee guys in the act or on camera?

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