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Posts posted by lunkerbasshunter

  1. Loons are territorial and can be agressive. Last year a male chased behind my boat pulling away from the dock when it thought I was a threat to the female and baby 50 m out in the lake. Also had a seagull dive agressively at me when I got too close to its little island. Actually was swinging a paddle at it.

    I had that happen to me on Ahmic Lake a seagull was diving at me. I have a video somewhere of it and will post soon.

  2. Was a cold one today to say the least with -14C and a North Westerly, blowing at 15km/h and that's at home, not up where we were :blink: Up there, a couple of hours driving, -24C was what it felt out in the open :w00t:


    Paul was able to drive onto the ice and get to our spot B) Ice was a good 16" thick B) Got setup and went to work :)


    Missed a few right off the bat but Paul got into a nice one and got the fight on video B) Had to edit it, and here's the results... enjoy!


    <embed width="600" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowFullscreen="true" allowNetworking="all" wmode="transparent" src="http://static.photobucket.com/player.swf" flashvars="file=http%3A%2F%2Fvid732.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Fww321%2Fleechman1%2FIce%2520Fishing%25202012%2FFeb112012-PaulsBruser-RainbowHunt.mp4">



    Great video, even though it was chilly it sure looked fun



  3. Can some one tell me what i need to use to catch some of those ? -- Skipper D


    Here's a few tips for you, I'll keep it general.

    As fall progresses bass begin to feed heavily -- you can see this by the swollen bodies on many fish caught, and they'll often be spitting up minnows, etc on the way in and in the livewell in tournaments.


    Fish also begin to move out deeper, leaving summer structure and chasing balls of bait and crayfish.


    This is why this board is the best. Great tips for catching fall fish.








    Many things work -- dropshotting is great in early fall, along with cranks, etc, mid fall it changes to tubes, bottom dragging, and a jigging spoon bite. Late fall is almost all bottom related (tubes, etc). Personally I've found tubes in green/brown with some purple flecks effective on Simcoe, but it changes depending on the day.


    Spoons can be chrome coloured or gold, heavy flutter spoons. Cast them out, let them sink, then "snap" them 2-3 feet up and let them settle again and repeat...the fish are just there when you lift up.


    Hardest part is finding the fish...on weekends you can just follow the other boats, but catches will be limited. If you can spend time at it to find schools of baitfish you'll do much better...search 20-50 fow.


    November is awesome, except for the weather :) Floater suits are a great idea imo.


    I realize this is pretty general...I'd suggest going with someone who knows what they're doing the first few times...it can be frustrating if you can't locate fish.


    Good luck!

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