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Everything posted by Devious

  1. Got out fishing with my buddy Jeff today for the afternoon and we had a good outing. It was a great day to be out on the water as it wasn't too cold nor windy. Fishing was tough for the first little while as we started off by tossing suicks but didn't get a sniff on them. Throughout the afternoon we tried tossing a few other lures but didn't catch a break until the end of the day. As we were making out way back to the launch I got this one on a 12" bulldog. 45 inches, I wish i would of got the girth measurement but what can ya do. Fish swam off strong as soon as it got back in the water which was nice to see. Hopefully the weather is decent enough to get back out next weekend.
  2. Sorry this "report" didn't live up to your expectations. Ill be sure to post as "Muskie Pictures" next time so this can all be avoided.
  3. Your way off base in everything you said man.
  4. I haven't personally but my uncle does a ton of fly fishing from them and just loves it.
  5. No it was not, none of these are kawarthas fish.
  6. Nice!
  7. Nice work man!
  8. Hello OFC - Been a while since ive posted a report. I hope everyone had a great summer fishing and are now enjoying the joys of the fall! Anyways Ive got a few musky pics here, most are recent with two being from the summer. This is me with one that was 38-40 cant remember - August 2010 Jeff with a 38 Jeff with a 40 Jeff with a 47x20....notice the pattern here Chris with a 50" - July 2010 Were going back out this weekend so I hope to be back with more pics soon!
  9. Beauty smallmouth! Id give it every bit of 5lbs and then some....
  10. Unreal! Thanks for the report.
  11. Beautiful fish!
  12. Great eyes! Nice work.
  13. Thanks! It was nice and thick with a 21" girth! Not a Kawarthas fish either I should add. I was casting the bulldawg, it was my first muskie to hit away from the boat. I was fishing it with a constant retrieve most of the day but after not getting a sniff I decided to change it up. Within 20 casts of changing my retrieve I got it. The key was using long sweeps on the rod and letting the bait fall for a second.
  14. No its not a 50+ but im working on it Got this 44 incher on a bulldog. Hope everyone is having a great summer fishin!
  15. Unless you need the baits asap DO NOT go by ups. Like others have said they will rape you with brokerage fees.....Usps might be slow (really slow at times) but it will get to you and you wont have to pay any ridiculous fees. I have never paid any duties or brokerage fees from cabelas or bps. I think cabelas actually ships with ups too from what I can remember but they use a type of shipping with ups where the brokerage fees are included. The problem is most retailers only offer standard ups to international customers and we get hit hard on the receiving end.
  16. Love the chatterbait! Started using it last summer had some good results. They cause some violent strikes thats for sure...
  17. Yup I find these a lot better then the AM/FM transmitters. Futureshop Cassette Adaptor Best Buy Cassette Adaptor Canadian Tire Cassette Adaptor
  18. Nice!....Thanks for all the comments guys, it seems that everyone had a great opening day! Kerr - gimme a shout when you get in town and we will get out.
  19. Got out fishing with a couple buddies for the opener on Saturday. Bite was pretty good in the morning, managed to land one fish and lost another on a massive jump (highest ive ever seen a fish jump out of the water...3+ft easy). Other then that I had one other fish follow but couldn't get him to bite. After that the wind picked up and the fishing slowed down considerably. All fish hooked were on the Sebile stick shad, my new favorite lure now I should add Heres a pic of the one fish we landed, a 35 incher. Hope every one had a fun time fishing this weekend!
  20. Looks kinda like a creek chub too...
  21. Sounds good, thanks Cram.
  22. I agree...so my next question is if the cost of replacing hooks for your baits isn't an issue is this the best way to deal with/release muskys? After watching the show I assume leaving half of the hook in the fish isn't a big deal....
  23. Thanks for the replies fellas....what you described is pretty much how I felt/thought that muskys should be dealt with when releasing them....I was just a little caught off guard when i saw these guys clip the hooks right away before even attempting to remove them....and they were using bucktails. I'm a novice musky angler and all the fish we caught last season the hooks weren't that difficult to remove so I wasn't sure if this was the ideal way to release muskys.....I do keep cutters on hand when going for skis but I didn't know if this was the right thing to do or not.
  24. I just finished watching an episode of simply fishing and for every musky they caught they just clipped the hooks instead of removing them? Is this usual practice when musky fishing? I always thought you only did this if you absolutely needed to but they did it for every fish they caught.
  25. Unbelievable.
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