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Everything posted by tip-up

  1. Anthony and I were out on the lake two weekends ago, so much fishing pressure we decided to pack it in early. Nice to see you guys were able to tag into a few!
  2. I have had the pleasure of fishing with Sheldon last month on a local lake and let me tell ya, does he ever know his stuff! Hats off to some fine looking walleyes Limeyangler
  3. Cute little bugger...
  4. Who, the guy that already has a boat
  5. Let's go anglers, get in those votes. Just put in another 2. Joey has a very good chance at winning this, with the help of everyone here!! vote!
  6. Wow, good question I have no idea Let me see here.. Bass - 7 Rod and reel combos ready to go Walleye - 3 Rod and reel combos ready to go Small stream trout - 2 Rod and reel combos....One is without line Bigger trout - 1 Rod and reel combo ready to go Ice Fishing - 11 Rod and reels combos Line stripped off of all of them...Scrapped all the garbage ice rods at the beginning of last season. Misc - Most likely around 4-5 other combos, that have not been used in years. The low quality stuff...I don't I will ever get rid of them...better yet, who would even want them Next will be a multi-use rod and reel combo for walleyes and salmon...Something with a linecounter...Any suggestions for a good trolling rod?
  7. IN 7TH!!
  8. Got my vote in this morning once again....
  9. In 8th after my vote!!
  10. Hey I am from Ottawa and have got to know many lakes north and south of hear that have brook trout, a lot of them are wild as well. Luskville is a great place to start although you will be mostly fishing small hard to get to creeks and brooks that require stealthy tactics..Maniwaki and Gracefeild have a few lakes that have monster trout. It's all trout country up that way, beautiful. Calabogie and surrounding area has many stocked lakes with brook trout and with a little research you can find a few that can be accessed fairly easy with a raised suspension of coarse and some speck desire. Start by getting a stocking list of the area from the MNR in Kemptville and the Ontario Backroads book for Eastern Ontario and Algonquin Park edition. It's the best way to find new waters just out of the city. Here are a few trout I caught downtown Hull to give an idea of what your looking at. They stock the creek with rainbow trout, brown and brook trout. I have not had the chance to make it down this year though... And a Calabogie speck -Andrew
  11. Here is the photo.. Thanks Bucketmouth
  12. Quebec would be North of Ottawa LOL..The Ottawa R. is stocked with browns..
  13. Alls I can suggest is to pick up the Backroads Map book from Chapters...There are hundreds of lakes to fish trout within an 1 1/2 drive north or south of Ottawa. The book is a great place to start. Hope this helps!
  14. I wouldn't know, I had released all of mine back into the river with the exception a few for end of the day photo's. Biggest was 13'' and a bit. My partner kept a limit, he sure loves his crappies. -Andrew
  15. LOL, I seen that coming. Sorry for this Dan, I will remove the link. For your information the lion was a problem cat in the area and had taken a few lives before it was shot down ...then again, all youtube clips have a new story...I don't think it was the worst video on YouTube...I guess if the lion were to maul the hunter it would have made for better action right???
  16. That's wild! WOW She deserved to walk back into the bush ...Well, I would hope. I have been able to walk right up to a few wild deer on a neighbors property and actually touch them on the head without them dashing off. Someone must be feeding them. That's really cool. Thanks for sharing.
  17. Managed to get out for some crappies with a buddy and did quite well. We were fishing with small micro tubes under a slip-float. Black/blue and pink/white patterns worked the best for my partner and I. Fish were tight to the brush, manouvering your bait around the structure was key to putting fish in the pail. In the next week most of these fish should start to move around a bit more and it will make it more of a challenge to locate the big fellas. Get out there while the fishin' is hot. -Andrew
  18. I bought two pails of the stuff to give a go this season for drop-shot'n..Not the leech but both patterns of shiner. I am new to the baits as well and have only heard great things about it!
  19. Thanks fellas, here are a few more pictures for ya. I now have a new computer(As of yesterday) so I can access the site a bit more now Some really great info being posted, trying too find the thread for the outboard motor dolly..Can someone please help me out with that Thanks. Here are a few more pics for yas from local waters fishing with bro and buddies...Would love to share a lot more with yas but I would have to fog up the backrounds I know I know Woops, getting a bit carried away now Hope everyone is having a great season! -Andrew
  20. Well, I would like to start off by throwing out a big Happy New Year to everyone at OFC! 07' was a great year.. It was nice to get out on the ice a bit earlier this season compared to the last where we had to go through the phases of watching it come and go a few times :roll: As soon as I got word that a few local haunts were locked up, I was out there. Had the chance to fish with many faces I usually don't see that often until this season. On top of that many buddies and of coarse my bro Jig Head. Heres a little bit of how she went... Wishing everyone a fresh start and best of luck in 2008 Tip-up
  21. Thanks for the comments guys. HeadHunter, the year is not over yet Fishindevil, you bet those walleye tasted great Just found a great new recipe for crappies too. Frozen-fire, I caught my PB at a tad over 14'' this season. I'm sure there are a few 13''ers in those pics. Roy, There is some amazing places to fish on the stretch of the river my cottage is on. We are about 20min from Pembroke, 1hour30minutes from Ottawa. Got to love fishing a river all summer with hardly no boats around ya at all during the weekdays. Weekend traffic is not that bad either suprisingly for such a big river. Were pretty much yanking these fish out of timber of rock pilings the whole time. The water is deeper and colder unlike the Lower Ottawa where your fishing heavy slop and thick weeds for buckets. I can't go on without putting up a few photos of my fishing partner and younger brother Anthony or as some of you know him as, Jig-Head from old reports I have put up. We grew up together holding a fishing rod in our hand. Dad with a few..he's more of a trout guy -Andrew B-C
  22. It's been a little while since I have been active here and put up a report so I guess it's time to do a it of catchin' up to do The lakes and small ponds have been on fire this season but not like the river. Brookies and lakers have been a bit elusive this year and the numbers have not been like they have been in the past...That's for another post though I have put a lot of time on the river lately with my brother trying to find ''Bigger'' fish(Bass) spots for the tournaments on that stretch next year...We went into a few blind this season and didn't do to well That certainly changed over the last couple of weeks as we found a great pattern for smallies and deep weedline largemouth. Here are some of the fish I got into to give you an idea on how the fishing has been ..The pic with the pike and walleye...they were caught on the same rig.. Solo shots and close-ups -Andrew
  23. TonyB, I don't see the problem here One of your three local shops should be able to special order one in for ya no? If there is anything I ever need I can usually get it no problem at all from a few shops I frequent around here. Doesn't take that long either unless your getting a specialty item it might take a bit longer.
  24. Hope to get into a few more of them this weekend
  25. Dad and I went up to the cottage Saturday morning to repair the cracked water line we had noticed last weekend, check for any damage caused by the wicked storm that rolled through the previous night and maybe even get in some walleye fishing. Upon our arrival it was clear the storm did indeed hit the area hard. The water level was up about 3-4 feet above normal. The water was right up to the trees covering our entire beach. The water pipe had a 1' crack in it. We thought there was an underwater sprinkler system in the middle of the lawn at first glance last week. I guess no pressure would be a sign of a crack too. We fitted a new piece of line attached with couplings and buried the pipe hoping we had the solution. Turns out there was another crack that we could not fix because of the shortage of tools. Oh well, another excuse to come back up next weekend. As I finished dumping that last few loads of gravel and sand around the shed, It was time to get the boat geared up for a night of fishing. I took it for short ride around checking other cottages for damages. The amount of debris, treed and logs that got washed into the river was crazy. It was like a game avoiding the dead heads everywhere. Immediately I knew the high water was going to make the fishing Tough. Dad and I shot out to the Black River hoping the night bite would be starting. I was too lazy to put the bow mount on the boat so jigging was the technique we were going to employ to catch these fast moving water walleye. On drift #2 I hooked into the first fish of the night. Not a biggie but perfect eating size. We continued on catching and releasing a whole bunch of walleye/sauger in the 13''-17'' range. Catfish, pike and perch were also caught. Nothing big, fishing was very slow. This morning I decided to try trolling ''The Bay'', one of my favorite spots for walleye in the summer with my neighbor Connie. With a green/black/orange Rapala Husky Jerk, I started my troll in the 5' to 7' depth range and tried slowly rolling the bait over rocks and any weed growth I could find along the contour. My first pass near a bunch of submerged logs WHAM.. Finally a good walleye..I thought it was a bit bigger at first but I am not complaining. 3 1/2 pounds released. A few more passes and I get my second fish..Another nice eye, this one perfect for eating. The morning went on with Connie landing a few nice sauger and myself landing another nice one about 2lbs. Trolling is the only way to go for the bigger walleye in my opinion. We packed it in and headed in for breaky. All in all it was another awesome weekend. As like always, my favorite saying, I cannot wait to get back up there next weekend. Hopefully I can find out how to get into better #'s of fish. Thanks for taking the time to read.. -Andrew
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