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Posts posted by tjsa

  1. Hey guys I was on the water yesterday trying out my new Eagle Cuda 168 fishfinder but I noticed that we had no visible fish arcs appearing on the screen however the depth part and everything else was working normal.

    I was thinking maybe theres 2 possible reasons, a) could it be because we wired it to a 12 volt car battery? (does it ahve to be a marine battery?) or b ) We were too shallow, we were around 10 feet. Any Input would be appreciated.

    Oh and one more thing when I tuened on fish ID, it was working, but no fish arcs hmmm.


    Sounds like it is working just fine. Battery you are using is no issue.

    Like others have said, arches show up better when trolling faster, like when downrigging for lakers or salmon.

    With Fish ID on, lots of stuff in the water column shows up, turn it off, and it all disappears.

    I fish in depths of 6-25 ft. of water for walleye, and although my finder has the Fish ID feature on automatically, I just ignore all the smaller fish symbols. There are usually 3 or 4 sizes of symbols, I ignore all but the largest ones.

    What I have noticed sometimes is when those larger symbols are appearing up off bottom, we don't catch much. As soon as they disappear, the fish are back down on bottom and we start catching them.

    Does the Cuda 128 have a "bottom" feature, showing only the bottom 6 feet in the water column? That might help out a bit. My sonar has it, but I never use it.

    We use sonars for depth control. We are the fishfinders. When we catch one,we make note of the depth and continue to target that depth. If we catch more, we stay at that depth. If catching dies off, we change presentations, colours, or depths.

  2. the video was great, but I trumped Monique Saturday.


    Caught a pike only 7 inches long, felt a bite, set the hook, nothing. Decided to check for weeds possibly, and the nightcrawler situation, still anything left on the harness?

    ,.....................ummmmmmmmmmmmmm, yah, gots a fish, dragging it on the worm harness. Good thing I checked as I did not feel anything unusual trolling, I would probably have drowned that poor little pike, it was the same size as the worm harness, :clapping:

  3. First of all, I apologize for not posting this in the photography forum, but it's much more than just photography at hand here. I think anyways. Also, not everyone checks out the photography forum and I'm looking for as much input as possible here.


    So, I was in Northern Minnesota on the weekend. I was staying at a friends place who happens to live on a spectacular bay on Lake Superior. It's the kind of place that I could just sit and stare out into the lake for hours and hours on end. And I did just that. Of course I had a couple of cameras with me. But little did I know that there would be a full (or near full) moon over the lake on Saturday evening. And it decided to hang in the sky right over a magnificent rock structure that has a cave running through it. Some light fluffy clouds made it the perfect scenario. I mean I could go back there 1000 more times and not find a better night. So, I proceeded to take a bunch of photos. I tried different shutter speeds and aperture settings to get that perfect shot. Sadly, I wasn't totally pleased with my effort, but that's another story. When reviewing my photos later that evening, one photo stood out from the rest. I had captured a strange beam of light that seems to have originated from the moon, and continues to make a looping curve over the rock structure, and then disappears. This was a 25 second exposure and the light was not visible to the naked eye. I have no idea what it could have been. So I'm asking for suggestions, ar better yet, a difinative answer.

    Here's a typical shot without the streak.


    BTW, that looks like Hollow Rock, did my qualifying dives there to get my NAUI diving certificate, in JANUARY!!!. Swam right through that gap. Damn that was cold, in non form fitting wetsuits.

  4. Crazy looking. It doesn't look like a contrail. Have you considered some kind of wave emanations from a transmitter satellite? They might be intermittent and not easily visible to the naked eye but cumulatively they'll show up on the time exposure. Just a guess though.






    RUN AWAY, RUN AWAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Uhh..........I have no idea.

  5. During the winter someone posted replacing the bulb in there 50" Hitachi TV. I am looking for that person cause my screen is starting to turn blue and I wanna know how they found there bulb for it cheap. Sorry guys its a Hitachi and not a Toshiba....LOL



    Turning blue, I know that scenario.


    If it is an LCD(rear projection???) the inbound and outbound polarizing filters have failed because of dust and not being cleaned. The blue LCD panel is the first to go, with the polarizers not working. The bulb burns the pixels to the point of a big yellow dot eventually. At least, that is what happens with our Sony data projectors.


    With the Sony's, new prism block assembly, to the tune of $3,000.00 to replace. Our Sanyo's can have individual LCD's replaced, but much the same price.


    We are just buying new projectors that are much brighter for less than the cost of repairing the originals.


    Hope it is still under warranty.


    If it is a DLP, I have no idea about them, we don't own any where I work.

  6. When I was 13, my tackle box had a few red and white bobbers, about 3 hooks and a few pieces of lead shot.


    And it stayed that way until I was 36....LOL.


    :lol: :lol: :lol:


    Not that long of a time period for me, but I didn't own a tackle box when I was 13.


    I think I just shoved the spinners, hooks, sinkers, and.................YES!!!!!! THE RED AND WHITE BOBBERS!!!" in a few of the pockets of an old canvas backpack handed down to me from my dad.

  7. Wow Lew, those pictures are wonderful.


    That must have been very exciting. I've yet to see a bald eagle, but hope to soon.




    C'mon up here Joey, virtually every lake and river has at least one on it.


    Does that sound altruistic??? Hope not. Its just a fact of location.but


    Still nice to see them though, but darned hard to get good pictures of them.


    Congrats on the photo's Lew.

  8. No, no pics of them, but my bud is a journeyman carpenter. He can whip this kind of thing off in 4 hrs.(me 4 days).


    Stick with the stadium seats if you are renting boats/canoes.

    When you purchase your own boat/canoe, if you do not have to carry it too far, go with what jediangler did.

    We sometimes have a 20 min. walk in, and I put the seat of the canoe on my shoulders. If the base for that seat was there, I couldn't do that, hence we use the Coleman seat backs.

    Heck, we sometimes leave them on when transporting over portages, they are usually not in the way, they just hang there.



    They do not work on boats though.

  9. Drew.............................I get kinda numb reading your reports...........or..............should I say........not really reading them.

    I forget about the text, and just look at the pictures, whatever they are, of fish or scenery. Both are awesome as usual.

    Kinda like reading Playboy (it does have good articles in it, HONEST!!), when you are 16 yrs. old, :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


    Thanks for making me drool, again.

  10. Welcome to the club Taper...My bro-in-law and fishing partner both agree that our minds must shift into "stupid" mode when we start thinking of going fishing...


    Things like forgetting the auger when going icefishing...leaving the days lunch sitting on the kitchen table...etc. etc... :wallbash:


    :lol: I once knew a guy who went duck hunting, and left his shotgun leaning up in the back porch.



    Ohh well!!!!!!


    I was a darned good spotter that day :whistling:

  11. That is commonly referred to as a "stadium seat", or a seat you would take to a ball game(be it football, soccer, baseball, etc.).

    I have one, and while you are sitting in it, if you do not shift around too much, it works just fine.


    My bud has since made he and I plywood seats with backs that are collapsible, with styrofoam pads held on by Tuck Tape.


    I do NOT use it in the canoe though. I bought the $18 Coleman collapsible seat backs for the canoe, along with the foam seat cushions you would buy for hunting(orange one side, camo the other).


    Whatever you chose, your back will love you for it.

  12. All I have to say is wow! Sorry to make some people write so much, thought it would be ignored. Did not intend to offend anyone and some very good points were made. I guess I will stick around.


    So does anyone have any insight into G Bay vs. Simcoe ;)



    I think you just realized what OFC(Ontario Fishing Net Community) means.


    No offense taken, we do type a lot about many things non-fishing, glad you are sticking around.




    And G-Bay vs. Simcoe, sorry, I can't help you out there. I am 1400-1600 miles away from either place.

  13. I see people asking questions about regulations on this site as a positive thing. They are reading them, and getting confused. They want more info, and usually after hours when the MNR is closed for the day.

    Not much of an issue up here, but our CO's still run into people that have no clue about the regs., or that they changed 8 yrs. ago, but our zone is probably the size of half of southwestern Ontario, which has how many zones????????????? At least 6 with Lakes Erie and Ontario included.


    Oh yeah, we have zone 9 also(Superior).


    Most of the questions I read on here are about "boundaries", not catch or possession limits.

  14. ... is for pregnant wimmins and small children down here in 'Bama...

    ... if it aint at least 80 proof... it aint squat!!! :thumbsup_anim::asshat::canadian::Gonefishing:


    That just means that "YOU" cannot handle "OUR" beer, but yer wimmin's and children can, :lol:

  15. Good Morning all


    So im not going to go into detail but i will leave a link if you want to know more


    1) how many people have a fixed marine VHF radio on their boat

    Answer, not me, 12 ft. tinny, and 2 canoes


    2) do you have dsc capability

    Answer, NOT


    3) do you have a distress button

    Answer, NO


    4) for those that have a Vhf Radio with DSC /Distress do you have your radio tied into a GPS/Chartplotter

    Answer, see above.


    5) last but not least do you have an MMSI #

    Answer, what does MMSI# mean???



    Up here in the great northwest, get out of town 30 minutes, and you basically lose all communication with the city except in specific corridors on the Trans Canada Hwy. GPS's work just fine, but not cell phones or any marine VHF radio's inland. Out of the marina on Superior, not much of a problem.


    Unless you are on fleetnet with the OPP, or own a satellite phone, you are on your own, always have been, and probably for my lifetime always will be.


    We always let at least 2 other people know where we are headed, and when we "EXPECT" to return.

    That can change dramatically when out hunting(got home at midnight one time, after downing a moose 5 minutes before legal time ended, and had to dress it out in the dark with disposable flashlights, that was fun).

    It's usually not an issue when fishing though. Wherever we go, we always come across other anglers, bush workers, mining prospectors, etc. etc.

    .............and if we would be in some distress be it physically, or vehicle problems, someone almost always comes by within 30 minutes.


    Or, we just start walking toward civilization(been there, done that).

  16. "you know your fishing buddy can pass for a terrorist"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????????????????????????


    What the????????????????????


    Regardless of his attitude, disposition, religion, heritage, or looks, border patrol will select people at random for searches, but I believe not without due cause for some reason or another.

    Have had it done to me going into the US, 20 yrs. ago, well before homeland security rules came about. No worries, they searched, They don't put everything back properly though, you have to do that.


    Probably wasn't an age issue, nor an "image" issue, just you're turn as you put it.


    Don\t worry yourself too much about it.

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