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Posts posted by tjsa

  1. It was in June of 2003, was surfing Mahumba's board up here in Thunder Bay. I saw a post by DanC there with a link to this site. Only took me a couple of days to sign up. As it turned out, I joined right in the middle of one of the big dust-ups and then had reservations about this place. It all got sorted out in the end.

    I used to be on walleyecentral and fishhawknet, but haven't been back to either of those places for 4 or 5 yrs.(fishhawk is where I first saw a few Moosebunk reports, sure glad Drew signed up here 3-4 years ago).

    I do not post nearly as much as I used to, but visit here every morning before work, and after work(no time during work to do so).


    I have met about 5 people from this place, TJQ, his better half Monique, and their 2 kids Avery and Jaden. Also Mahumba(Roger) and DanC, and will probably be talking to them next Thursday as there is a mini meet and greet with one of our local board members who is from Ohio who comes up this way maybe twice a year.

  2. The first pic looks like a rainbow smolt, but don't quote me on that, I usually don;t catch them that small :lol: :lol: :lol:


    The 2nd pic looks like a nice sized chinook, still silver sided at this time of year, great catch, probably in the range of 15 lbs. maybe a bit more. Tough to tell from a picture.

    You look like you had quite a battle there, t-shirt and pants all dirtied up, ..................but the smile in the picture says it all, regardless. :thumbsup_anim: :thumbsup_anim: :thumbsup_anim:

  3. That is a steal and these cutters will last you a long time.


    As SlowPoke mentioend you can get decent ones at princess auto or crappy tire but eventually they will give up the ghost. I had a tough time cutting through 7/0 trebles with the mini cutters from CT.


    I don't know about the "steal", but these are the ones I bought. And I found the receipt, $33.97 for them. About 8 inches long, good grips on them.

    Are they the ones people uses for Musky?????



  4. I'm usually one of the guys that promote having proper release tools when Muskie fishing, so when I looked back and saw the back of my boat while fishing solo Labour day weekend I though this would be a good picture to post! I can't stress enough how important a quality landing net is! There are other ways of landing Muskie but for the in-experienced its the only way! Everyone probably has long nose pliers but HOOK CUTTERS are so important! You can buy the best and spend $60+ on Knipex, but a cheaper alternative is Candian tires mini-bolt cutters for $20.


    I was running all around Thunder Bay this past summer to all kinds of shops for work related reasons. One place I went into, I saw Knipex cutters(made mental note).


    Got the opportunity to go to LOTW's this summer, so off I went back to this shop. About $37.00 for the Knipex cutters. I didn't need them in the end, although I did catch my first Musky.


    Apparently the electrician guys love these pliers. They rarely come back to buy new ones because they hold an edge so well.

  5. I always thought Stephen Harper was odd, but this is a fishing board....

    Ohhhh...you mean private messages.


    I get odd PMs all the time.


    Most are from GCD....anyone else??? hehe


    But.................do you get those "special" e-mails from GCD????

  6. You obviously have an e-mail account with your local service provider, use that username and password, and, or e-mail program they supplied you with.

    You should be able to use it on any computer anywhere.

    When I was down in Orillia for 2 weeks, I just logged into my local ISP's to read my personal e-mail, gmail for another account, and 2 from my workplace.

    Just need to know the webpages.

  7. We headed back in and it was time for us to leave. As you can tell here, my little one was a little sad to have to say goodbye and she wouldn't let Big Cliff go!



    Thank you so much Big Cliff and Sue. We had a wonderful weekend...the fishing was tough but it's always great to spend time with you guys. We'll do it again soon!!




    A TOTALLY complete weekend spent with good friends. It just does not get any better than that.

  8. Very cool report Tom, those pelican/comorant shots and the crayfish are just crazy. Love you pike comment, just got of a 4 day Lac des milles lac trip myself and yup, guys up here REALLY don't think much of pike :) (Luckily for us Lac was nice us to us again this year).


    Thanks for the great report.


    Yeah, about the pike comment, we really do disdain them up here don`t we.


    Lots of other people make pike reports, and I enjoy reading their posts and pictures for sure.


    I hate them, they steal my walleye harnesses and presentations all the time.

    Only tangled with 2 of them this trip, one I landed, a small one, the other, about 7 lbs., one last thrash and beads, clevises, and blades were flying everywhere.


    Uhggg........gotta re-tie now

  9. Hey Guys


    On my way to work today - my 2001 Jimmy started to act funny - I had the cruise control on and all of a sudden the truck shifted in 4x4 - I did not feel the chug like I usually would when it shifts into 4x4 - but the lights on the dash where flashing that it was in 4x4 - so I hit the 2wd button - it went back into 2 but only for about 1km...then switched back into 4x4.


    I pulled into a gas station - had a look under the hood (not sure what I was looking for??). When I started the truck again it was in 4x4 again..I put the truck in neutral and tried to shift into 2wd - but it automatically switched back into 4wd...so I proceed on to work about another 2km - got into the parking lot at work and it went into 4 low...with the chug that is normal...so I crawled into a parking spot and switched it into 2wd and turned it off...any ideas on what the problem might be? I have been reading on the internet that it could be the transfer case is wound up and I need to drive a few 100 ft in reverse to fix this - anyone ever heard of that?


    Any help would be appreciated.





    I suspect it is a vacuum issue.


    Driving in reverse(for a few metres or yds,, not hundreds) after having the transfer case locked in 4x4 mode to have it disengage is not a new thing. Having your truck lock up in 4x4 mode when its not engaged by you is not normal.

    I don`t know about that specific model of your vehicle, but I suspect it is either an electrical issue, or as stated, a vacuum issue.

    My old 90 GMC half ton is electrically engaged. Only failed on me once.

    My buds Toyota Tundra got wallowed down in a mud hole, and had the vacuum line sheared off. We were there for 6 hrs. trying to get out, not realizing that the truck wasn`t, and couldn`t be in 4x4 mode, despite what the dash indicator said. We knew fairly soon that the 4x4 was not working, but really did not believe it at the time.

    Press the button, it should work, right...................... :lol: :lol:

  10. Great report Holdfast, and yes, I can see what you meant about Johnny not being an angler, holding the rod like he does in that one pic. I think he is just concentrating on not losing it overboard, to heck with landing fish, :lol:

    Did Johnny really kiss that fish, or was it a fainted attempt

  11. Well, thanks so much for all of the nice comments people. You guys really made my day. It's nice to share my passion with folks that appreciate it.


    Mike. Yes, all of the fish were caught on jig flies. They're really the ultimate Brook Trout lure for this type of fishing IMHO, and obviously, the Brookies love them. A 1/4 oz. jig fly is perfect in most lake situations.


    BillM. Don't wait Bud. Start planning next years vacation right now. Time has a way of sneaking up on us.


    ccmt. Thanks Man. I just hope you enjoyed my report as much as I enjoy yours. You're due for another by the way. I'm sure I'll be seeing it soon.


    Sean. Sounds like a plan to me. For sure we'll have to hook up one of these days. And it won't be on the Kam!!


    Musky or Specks. Sorry to hear that you couldn't make it up to paradise this year. Hopefully next year? I'll do my best to post another report or two before it's all over for another year.


    camillj. We share the same passion along with very few others on OFC. It's something that only we can understand I suppose. Good luck on the ZEC trip. I'm looking forward to your report.


    Roy. Thanks Bud. Have I not convinced you to come up here for a weekend yet??


    Spiel, Spiel, Spiel. You know that we'll be sharing more than a few fishing trips together in the coming years. Once every three years is not enough though. The ball's in your court. See you next August??


    Al (Guidofisherman). If you're looking for a good guide, I'll be happy to send you my rate sheet. :whistling:

    All kidding aside, I hope to see you out there soon. We'll keep in touch.


    reefrunner. Yes, the fish only get prettier as we get closer to the fall. Between Guidofisherman and I, You'll see what I mean in the next month or so.


    Phil. Thanks for the comments Bud. We have to hook up some time!!


    darren. lol.. Later in the year is the time to go. Hope to see you on the water some day..


    Finally, I'll be doing another Brook Trout adventure in a couple of weeks, but I won't be doing a report on here.


    Why??? You may ask?? Because I'll be hooking up with Moosebunk, and if you think that I'm going to try to out report him, then think again. I'll leave that to him. :whistling:


    And with any luck, Irishfield may be joining us as well. I'm looking so forward to this trip.


    Talk to you guys later..

    Ummm.........Dan..................do you ever make a boring report, I think not.


    Now hold it on one gall darn minute here....................DREW is going to be up(down) here, in our territory, wow, and Wayne maybe taqging along,,,,,,,,,


    give me a heads up please, I may not make those meet and greets, but would appreciate the opportunity.

  12. I have many friends in the evacuation area & my mother in-law lives just a few minutes n/w of the area.

    She called early this morning explaining the news.

    We called some friends closest to the danger & they were O.K.


    Scary stuff.


    Great news Remo, hopefully everyone else in the area is OK also.

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