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Everything posted by danjang

  1. Nice! Awesome pics of your first steelie. BTW Have you ever tried fishing the islands with your girlfriend? You look really familiar and I think it was from then.
  2. What happened to fish under logjams being OOS!?
  3. Haha Don't tell people what I actually do when I fish! Funny thing is about 30 minutes before, I did lose my only fish of the day to that log. It snapped the main line above the float. As I went looking for that fish, I saw my float/swivel/hook at the bottom of the run right after that pool. I thought It might have been you as you guys walked away but I was too busy untangling to say hello. Tell your buddy thanks!
  4. Should I know that stick in the first pic?! And If I should know, damn 7 cars? I haven't seen it that bad on a weekend yet lol.
  5. On that particular day I didn't lose hooks but yeah I've lost hooks before to a few fish swimming back in. I think I've even recaught the fish I've lost hooks in before. I accidentally snagged one before too :/. I do lure them out now and make sure I can see my roe bag floating down the entire time. Lesson learned.
  6. None! 6lb test is hard to snap even when on purpose. I didn't see the one I caught on Sunday! I thought I snagged the rocks but then it took off like a rocket. If there's one thing I've learned on saturday is to drift a few times and if nothing worth while hits (lots of little guys) leave it for 20 min or so and come back. It's usually the first or second drift that produces. On that day atleast .
  7. There was like no one else there yesterday. 3-4 other anglers not catching much. I stuck around the north river by the first logjam. It produced! My dad is technologically impaired and so the pics didn't go through. I kinda ate a small one :/. I didn't mention it. I promised a friend I'd get her some. It was mighty tasty baked with olive oil garlic and maple syrup (The real stuff not the aunt jermima crap).
  8. Nice fish!
  9. I tried looking cool. I think I did it wrong. lol I went again today but only caught one. But it was a big one, 27 inches and took me up and down river and did several nice jumps (almost on top of the log jam!). My dad landed 3 from the same log jam too.
  10. My dad, my friend and I went to my favourite trib this morning with the intent of fishing near the mouth of the river where there were reports of steelies stacking up. I should also mention that I came prepared with polarized glasses for the first time (Probably the best non tackle piece of gear). No deal, 2 hours goes by, around 10 other fisherpeople and only two were hooked and landed. So we decided to head up stream to the more familiar pools. No deal once again. Getting desperate, I decided to cast into horribly thick log jams. First drift and BAM, a silver flash and my float goes under. Under the jam . I retie and BAM second drift another flash and this handsome guy attempted to go under as well. I clearly said no and muscled him out of there. Moving on up stream another log jam. First drift and BAM again, and again at the next. I get it now, polarized lenses isn't for looking for fish, its for looking at fish SMASH the hell out of your bait and man, it is the best sight in the entire world. 3/7 today. Losing floats and hooks more often is worth seeing a steelie dart straight out of a dark crevice into your hook.
  11. Amazing photoshopping there. If only that place actually existed. Damn nice report!
  12. I'd go lower if it were a different river, this one is small with a lot of trees. Since I have no waders I would be screwed if one ran to far up or down. I'll prolly head somewhere else if this happens again. Maybe I'll even invest in camo clothing!
  13. No pics this time, but I visited my favorite trib yesterday and today. Water was about the same before the rain on Thursday came through. Caught three on saturday, one today. My friend who hasn't been out basically all fall caught three. It was a good day for him. As for the question which is the real reason I'm making this post: There were a dozen fish in a pool, 3-4 in a rapid and one under a log. I've tossed everything I had at them. Roe bags big and small, Single egg, Pink worm, Wooly Bugger, Spinners, egg sucking leech and a pink steelhead jig. Nothing! Went down to my smallest float 2g and 4 pound line thinking it was because they were seeing it. Should I have walked away? I rotated over and over, tried different shotting patterns. None seemed interested. I was thinking they were already caught fish but they all couldn't have been! Edit! pic of Sunday Fish
  14. Congrats dude! My first fish jumped 15 ft and I fought it for an hour. It really sucks when you break a rod though, especially if it's not on a fish.
  15. Thats a mighty fine reel for someone who hasn't caught a steelie yet! . I recently caught my first after trying since last opener till most of the fall. Never be discouraged because the payoff is awesome! I've never been to any western tribs but some of the eastern tribs are just really pleasant to fish regardless of being skunked or not. I've had pools all to myself on the weekends most of the time.
  16. This one time, my boss called, *ring ring*, FISH ON! (salmon), phone in hand water, SNAP, Fish off. In that order. Put your cell in there too and don't pick up the phone until you're off river!
  17. My dad was fishing the pool down stream. I called him over for the picture. As for the snagging... Yup they just snagged themselves on my hook! I was using 4 lose chinny roe bags and when I ran out switched to a mix of pinkworm/single eggs. Pinkworm had no takers but the singles worked.
  18. Thanks guys. About the crap on it, the river bank is fairly high up from the water. Usually I have a fishing partner to help me land but that time I had to solo. I've tried taking the fish straight from the water for a quick picture but that resulted in me slipping in on two separate occasions :/. The second fish is going to be my dinner . I'll be getting waders soon so I wouldn't have to leave the water to snap a picture.
  19. I had posted before about catching my first rainbow and brown on the same day. I guess a smolt doesnt count like Stonefly had pointed out. Totally fine with me. DOES THIS COUNT?! AND THIS! I went to a few eastern tribs early in the morning (5:30) in search of my first real steelhead. First two blew chunks, just a trickle of water. So I went to my usual fall back where I hooked my first brown. I dont know why I don't just go straight there. Few drifts into this pretty popular pool and the float goes down! I actually had to jump down to the riverbank and crawl under trees to fight this fish (No waders ). At the next pool just down river, few drifts and floats down again! This time a smaller, prettier steelhead. All together I went 3 for 6 and learned that a 14' rod in thick woody areas = lots of lost tackle. All worth it though .
  20. I'm on the same boat. Going out east for most of the day with a larger arsenal. I had realized that I bought mono leader and I'm guessing that is not too great when the water is gin clear lol. I'm going to try to hit every trib from toronto to port hope for my first real steelhead!
  21. I had the day off today so I decided to go fishing. It just had to be done. So off I went to check out some eastern tribs. I was at the first trib for 2 hours and nothing. Nothing at all, no one was catching anything. Off to the next trib I go and same story. No fish all day. I had enough in me for one more trib before I pack it up. The water was very low and clear but I decided to try anyways. The first drift resulted in my very first rainbow trout ever. I'm a newish fisherdude. A short walk towards the lake and I spotted a dark shadowy figure under a log. Took me a while to cast well enough (it was very bushy) to get this brown to snatch my roe. My very first brown trout ever. Not only did I catch 2 new fishes, I got myself my first float rod. Raven IM8 14' on sale for pretty cheap. I'm pretty stoked for tomorrow when I head out again to out do myself.
  22. AHAHAHA That was you last night! I was there as well. I'm the asian guy fishing with the centerpin in the wheat coloured jacket. Those punk kids really get on my nerves sometimes. I wouldn't take crap from them. Most of them don't know anything about fish yet they talk like they are experts. You shouldn't have given that guy the fish, it's your right to release it. I few days ago I caught a nice 30+ female (released) full of eggs and still fairly silver.
  23. I was out last night trying to fish in the light rain. I managed to hook two but both were snapped off because it was almost impossible for me to properly palm the reel. The water made the reel super slick so I had to either put a lot of pressure or basically let the spool run free. So how do people overcome this? -Dan
  24. Waders and jackets you can probably do without. Most tribs you can find shore spots but I must say having waders give you so much more opportunity to find nicer, less crowded, holes. Ugh I need waders lol.
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