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Everything posted by mark_74

  1. There actually is quite a few vids on youtube on snaring rabbits.
  2. FYI http://www.mattracks.com/html/atv_tracks.htm
  3. Ok I'll check em out. Thanks again.
  4. bigredneck, you weren't kidding when you said the tracks were expensive, with that kind of money I could buy an old sled for ice fishing.
  5. Thanks for the responses guys. If I got a quad I'd use it in the winter for ice fishing and then on the trails in the summer. I've just been looking around on the web, there are quite a few trail systems in ontario dedicated to ATV's. Any idea what a set of tracks are worth? Any recommendations on manufacturers? Thanks Mark
  6. Just to clarify I'm not talking about hitting the groomed snowmobile trails, I realize that this not allowed. I just assumed that there was a dedicated trail system for ATV's.
  7. Hi Guys, I'm thinking about buying an ATV or sled. I was wondering if I could get some advice on the pros and cons of both? I'd be using either mainly for ice fishing but I would interested in the hitting the trails as well. Thanks Mark
  8. Try Amazon.com and search for fishing, there are several fishing books out there. I bought the "Fresh Water Fisherman" from Amazon, it's excellent. Covers all fresh water species including habitats, feeding habits, fishing techniques, lures, rods, cleaning fish etc.
  9. Everything you need is in the orange kit you bought from CT, the orange container is the bailer. If you are new to boating you'll need to get your operators card, I'm assuming that your boat has a motor of some sorts. Check out this website, the study guide lists the required equipment for each type of watercraft. http://www.boaterexam.com/canada/education/default-en.aspx
  10. I'm also looking for some information on fishing in the Collingwood area. From what I understand Rainbow's are most predominant species. If anyone can offer any input for any species it would be appreciated.
  11. Yes there is a dam in Kinmount
  12. http://www.backroadmapbooks.com They sell books of fishing maps for the different fishing zones. You can preview the books to get an idea what they offer.
  13. Heading up to Little Papineau Lake this weekend to help my buddy put in his dock. I'm hoping to get in some fishing. Anyone know if the fishing's any good? What can I expect to catch besides a cold? Thanks
  14. If it's easy to modify then why not explain how to do it? That's the question he's asking here.
  15. My boat is rated for 30HP. I went for the 9.9 so I could easily handle it myself especially since it is my first outboard. I'm most likely to going to upgrade to a higher HP maybe this summer definitely next. It's a 1997 Johnson, if anyone's looking for a trade let me know. Thanks to all for the info, it's a relief to know that it's a common problem and that there are solutions. Thanks Mark
  16. Now I understand what you mean, it makes sense. From your desription I think we're talking about the same thing but not sure. I'll build up speed and start to plane and for a second or two I feel like I'm talking off and then practically come to a stop with the motor screaming away and it's back and forth like that until I get the throttle under control. There's probably a surprisingly large amount of water under those floor boards. I'll cut out the holes for the bilge pump as you suggested, it's a great idea regardless, you would think the manufactuers of these boats would have thought of that. Thanks for you help Mark
  17. This happens both when going solo and when I have someone on board. I do have inflatable keel, I thought it had plenty of air but I'll check. Is it possible that the shaft is too short and is catching air? What is the theory about water under the floor boards? Thanks for the reply Mark
  18. I'm running a 9.9 Johnson on my 14' inflatable. Whenever I reach planing speed my boat starts to thrust intermittently. I think that when I start to plane my propeller is momentarily out of the water causing my speed to change drastically. Anyone know what I'm talking about? Any comments? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks Mark
  19. Anyone know what the rates are for boat rentals?
  20. Hi Guys, I'm having problems with my rewind starter on my 97 Johnson 9.9. The link that connects from the shifter has come loose a couple times. I've been able to get the link back into the cam but it's not an easy task. Is there a proper way to reconnect the link? I basically had to force it back in place with needle nose pliers and yet it still came out. I'm wondering if I'm missing something that is allowing the link to come loose so easy? I'd appreciate any advise on this. Thanks Mark
  21. Here's some reading material for all you Pickerel fans! http://www.thecanadianencyclopedia.com/ind...s=A1ARTA0006280 http://www.thecanadianencyclopedia.com/ind...s=A1ARTA0008425
  22. FYI Walleye and Pickerel are two seperate species. Walleye are part of the perch family and Pickeral are part of the Pike family.
  23. There is an access point to the Rouge River near Altona Rd and Kingston Rd, Glen Rouge Campground under the highway bridges. This could be the area you're talking about but I'm not aware of any dam and I've never seen hundreds of people there, maybe a dozen. I'm not sure what you mean by Rouge River end, it doesn't "end" anywhere near here. You can also access the Rouge at the end of Island Rd.
  24. Backroad Mapbooks also produce fishing maps. I've never bought one but I have a few of their mapbooks and they're pretty good, lots of additional information with directions, boat launches, road access, tips etc. You can see a preview of there maps on their website www.backroadmapbooks.com
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