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About dok

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  1. Theres a couple things you can try one is shocking well and getting chlorine into hotwater tank and leaving it for a night than sending it to waste. The other is how old is hot water tank an has the annoid rod been removed. As far as treatment theres a unit we have at our place called iron breaker it uses no chemicals and does not restrict the well pump. What ever filter you go with you need to make sure you have enough water to wash it alot of these companys will just install it with out checking your flow rate leaving you with a unit that will work great for a while untill it plugs up because its not washing. We got ours from D&S Water Well Service ltd in uxbridge. Hope this helps
  2. Make sure if the pump is 115v or 230v when wiring. A 1/2hp 115v draws about 10.5 amps a 1/2 hp 230v draws around 5.5 amps per side. A honda 3500 generator will run up to a 1hp 230v pump. I have wired pump up to pressure switch or to out going side of diconect box. First shut off disconect or breaker to pump in case power comes back on while running generator if you don't its a quick way to smoke things if your not sure get a electrician. hope this helps
  3. Fourth sat in april in zone 16 for spec trout.
  4. Anybody know what its like north of georgina island? Is there any huts out there yet? Any info would be great thanks.
  5. Yah I know what you mean doesn't matter how many times I drive by there it allways causes me to wrench my head around when there out. There huge and impressive.
  6. Impact auto also carries it not sure of price but worth it.
  7. try td insurance for just liabilty
  8. Was out today to bring our houses home lots of water on the top of the ice running down holes and cracks still lots of ice but for how long it will be safe who knows. Still managed to fish for an hour landed one whitie. Out from Willoe beach.
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