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Everything posted by wiggler

  1. Hi all, I'm fairly new to downrigging this year and have some issues to iron out. I have a clamp on Big Jon that I use is smaller back lakes for splake and lake trout. I've tried it a number of times this year with not very good results. The majority of the time I can watch fish come up to the ball and then swim away. Here are my questions: 1. I've used a 4lb fish shaped orange ball, an orange 8lb ball and a black 7lb ball. All three have had the same results as stated above. Does the colour of the ball attract or deter the fish? Or does it really rely on the mood and type of fish you're after? 2. I've tried a lead from 5ft to 20ft with a variety of lures. What is the ideal length of lead from the release? Or again is this something the fish will tell you? I figured if the fish were rising to the ball I'd shorten the lead and they may strike. 3. What about the hum of the rigger cable? I haven't fished much past 30ft (lakes I'm on) and the hum is very little. Does the hum scare fish that may not be used to it? What about replacing it with a braid replacement? Thanks for all answers!!!
  2. I would say go for it!! You'll kick yourself if you turn it down. Besides....on holidays you can fly back here and go fishing for a week or two.
  3. I like Avast as well. I install it on all the computers I work on. Most of the "full package" programs bog your computer down. Just buy a router for your firewall and you're set. Plus if it's wireless you have the expansion for future toys
  4. We had a 12ft aluminum that we kept on a small brook trout lake. It was the only boat on the lake and we never locked it up. We didn't care if anyone used it as long as they returned it to the place they "borrowed" it from. I know it was used many times by people. Then one year we went down for a spring fish and it was gone. I guess being nice can come at a cost sometimes.
  5. Try here Fishing Maps Plus
  6. My fishing partner and I are heading back up to the Temagami area to try our luck again this summer (Aug 17-24). We were there 2 summers ago and fished Rabbit and Hangstone. We wanted to try different lakes this year. We originally wanted to try Cross lake but have been told there is no road access other than ATV trails. I understand you can get into the lake via Temagami but that would be a long haul. We're driving in an Escape pulling a 15ft Legend boat so we need fairly decent access. We're wondering if there is access to Kokoko lake by vehicle and if there would be a drop for the boat. Thanks
  7. I agree that if Cronzy likes it then he's in some way cooked it and eaten it. I use crystal and regular fireline on my spinning outfits. Have heard...because of it's shape/qualities that it's not the greatest on baitcasting equipment. the round braids work better for them. The crystal is supposed to be translucent and let some light through but it looks white to me. I like it and haven't had an issue with it or the regular fireline
  8. Is it the entire group or just Lahey and Randy? Those two have been to Loyalist College in Belleville a couple times.
  9. Well I don't really own a boat except the ol' 14 'sprinbok and 9.8 merc my dad left to my brothers and I at the cottage. I've spent countless hours dreaming up the perfect boat for what I want it to do. I actually have a folder of bookmarks with boat manufacturers saved. I normally fish small lakes and occasionally hit the BOQ for monster fall walleye. Of all the boats I have drooled over I think the Alumacraft Navigator 165 would fit the bill....for me. Trimmed out with a 75hp tiller and all the electronics of course. I think I could still launch it in the lakes I like and it would also hold up to the nasty weather the BOQ throws at ya in the fall. Alumacraft
  10. Are we talkin' beer?
  11. Try printing some of these off and giving it a go. Remington Turkey Target
  12. the 383c does have the card slot. compatible with MMC and SD cards. I may be wrong now that I think of it. It does have a blurb about the cards in the manual though. hmmmm
  13. This model doesn't have an SD/MMC slot and the only maps installed are for the US I believe. I think the term "quick disconnect" means the lcd unit disconnects from the base without having to undue any cables because they are attached to the base. A lot of Humminbird units are like this. What about something like this? Humminbird 343c portable or the gps model 383c portable
  14. The only downside to the M68C is that it doesn't have a SD/MMC card slot for map chips.
  15. The last couple years I have seen a bald eagle on our lake just outside Plevna. Quite a sight...and HUGE
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