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Posts posted by ADB

  1. Avery & Linseman. Good comparison, they both have stanley cup rings. Linseman even scored the stanley cup winning goal. You can keep Tucker and all his class, I'll take either the old rat or the new rat and their cups over him any day.


    Not a Sens fan, a Bruins fan. You know, the team that the Leafs gave two 1st rounders and a 2nd rounder for Ke$$el. Oh, and thanks again for Rask. How is Raycroft working out for you?




    How many games did Avery play in during the 2002/2003 season when Detroit won the cup? Answer: 36.

    How many games did Avery play during the playoffs that year? Answer: 0.


    Just because a player has "won" a Stanley Cup it doesn't mean they're a successful player...I shouldn't have to tell you that. By that measure, players like Peter Statsny and Marcel Dionne were pretty average. Not to mention Ray Bourque, who if he didn't luckily sneak onto the Avalance's Stanley Cup team, would've gone cupless as well.


    As for your draft picks...how many goals have they scored for you lately?

    As for Tuuka Rask...I doubt he's even played 50 games in the NHL as of yet. When he does something of note, let me know.

  2. My trailer lights have been driving me nuts this year. Always seems to be a problem with one or the other...left acts as a hazard...then doesn't work. Right is fine, then it pooches. Darn thing is less than two years old, and, yes I ALWAYS unplug before launching.

    Anyways, I'm pretty darn close to re-wiring the whole thing with some new LED's, and, Princess Auto has a kit on sale for $50. Anybody out there purchased it?




    I'm having the same problems. What does the kit normally cost?

  3. I'm looking for shops, preferably Eastern GTA/Oakville area, that carry the Spro Little John crankbaits. If anybody has a lead, I would appreciate it. No, BassPro doesn't have them (unless the person I talked to on the phone was wrong). Thanks all!!


    Nope, you're right, BPS doesn't carry them.


    Last time I checked, Le Baron does. Give their Mississauga location a call.

  4. Good Afternoon all,

    I was just wondering if anyone knows where it's still possible to rent a pontoon for a day? The preferred locations would be in the Kawartha's and maybe I'll even be willing to drive out to the Rideau Waterways.


    I can't do smaller boats as I need to take about 4 - 5 people total onto the same boat, as I'm the only one with a boaters license.

    And am I looking at fully booked rentals at this time of year, or should there be some rentals available just walking in without advanced notice?


    Thanks in Advance !


    Plank Road Marina on Rice rents pontoons:



    They shouldn't be booked at all. I would just give them a call a few days beforehand. Plus, I think they have two pontoons.

  5. something tells me this law will easily be overturned and won't last.


    even the worst laywer could win the appeal against this one.


    if I own my house and driveway and I own my cars, I can park them there if I see fit.


    its my property and my cars.


    not sure how this will hold up?


    It may easily be overturned by the next mayor. However, they have rules for not being able to park on your lawn, so I guess there is a precedent for being able to tell you what you can and can't do on your property "for the good of the neighbourhood."

  6. Trying for a somewhat larger field, so it's a simple box pool. Roughly 10 players from each position, plus some rookies and sophomores. Points will be simply one point for a goal, one for an assist.


    I'll be using officepools.com


    What is the format?






    Is it draft or fantasy format?


    What pool-hosting site are you using? I HIGHLY recommend Yahoo! Fantasy Hockey

    (I'm a hardcore poolie and that's what I use)

  7. you forgot to add Kadri to that list,the kid is not even close to playing in the NHL,it might be to early yet to say bust but I do see a little Alexander Daigle in him


    I agree that he'll probably start with the Marlies and come up when there's an injury.


    I didn't mention it because I didn't want to start more arguing lol. ;)

  8. Whoever thinks that Toronto had most of its regulars not playing is mad..They played almost everyoen outside of Kessel and Komisarek....Whoop-dee-do! That line-up last night was probably 80% of their 'regulars' so they will indeed suck again this year. Ottawa really didn't play too many players last night so what'll happen when the rest come back to play. Maybe if Toronto over-pays for more players they will do better?


    Players who played in the game that WON'T make the team:

    Mike Zigomanis

    Matt Lashoff

    Brayden Irwin

    Marcel Mueller

    Joey Crabb

    Ryan Hamilton

    Simon Gysbers

    Jerry D'Amigo

    Jay Rosehill


    Plus, after letting in two goals Gustavsson was replaced by Jussi Rynnas, who won't be on the team either.


    Out of the 20 players dressed, 10 will be playing for the Marlies next year...


    Plus, their best player, by far, Kessel wasn't in the lineup...to me, that makes a big difference...

  9. First pre-season game and the fans are booing the team off the ice!


    Oh well you can finish low again this year and get a good first round pick...opps sorry Burke traded that pick!!!


    Considering most of the regular lineup wasn't playing in the game, I'd say it's a bit early to start the Leaf bashing.


    Enjoy your season without Halak...

  10. I recently bought a used 14' aluminum boat with a trailer. I got a pretty sweet deal, but in return, the boat needs a bit of work.


    The trailer tires have been replaced, and the floating floor they had installed has been ripped out and replaced as well.


    The next step is to have it painted. Having it professionally done would cost more than the boat itself, so that is not an option. I'm going to paint it myself. However, I'm getting so many different answers on the "right" way to do it.


    I worked as a painter this summer, so I know the ins and outs of painting. Beyond properly prepping the boat - sanding and power washing, what type of paint should I use? I've heard everything from normal exterior paint (don't think so), to proper "marine" grade paint, to Tremclad. In terms of primer, I think a "standard" oil-based metal primer should be fine, but I could be wrong.


    Has anyone does this before. Any advice?


    I've already taken some "before" pictures and pictures of the progress so far, and I'll be sure to post pictures of the new paintjob.


    Thanks a lot.

  11. I bought a new inflatable boat this year only use 2 times. never touch or hit any sharp stuff in water in my memory.


    then I put it in my garage, inflated, but not very high pressure. say, it is full inflated shape but not to the pressure(3.5 PSI) that ready to launch, since I only store it.


    3 weeks later, I feel the boat is soft, now, 6 weeks past, I feel it is more softer. apparently it is leaking air.


    Is it common for a inflatable boat to leak after stayING a certain PERIOD of time, such as a few days or weeks?


    Or it is not supposed to leak until it is very long time (months or years), but in my case it leaks because I did not inflat the boat to full pressure (3.5 psi)?


    Is there anybody have an inflatable boat share experience with me? I have searched in the past 1 hours, but get nothing.




    1) You will not be able to achieve the desired pressure with just a electric pump, if that is what you're using. You must still use a hand pump afterwards to add pressure to the boat (in order to make it firm)


    2) And yes, if you leave the boat inflated for long periods of time it will deflate, especially if the weather is cooler. Hot weather will actually increase the pressure of your boat which could potentially pop it...but, if you've been leaving it in the garage, with the cooler weather, it will deflate.


    If you had a leak it would deflate a lot faster than over a period of days or weeks.

  12. were those caught recently? says 2006


    Yeah, caught just a few days before the report...for some reason the camera (my mom's) was set to have a date stamp and, obviously, the date was set incorrectly.


    No ice* fishing for me lol.

  13. Well, for those of you who saw my last report, you know that I had pretty good success fishing a cottage lake in the Muskoka Area last week. Today I went to the same spot again, and the bass were still on fire.


    I hit the same spots that produced on the top-water last week, but our luck was slim...only a few a marginal largies. So, we headed to the opposite side of an island that I had did well on last time, and that is where the hot action began.








    Then, we land this 19.5" monster:










    Then, a couple nice smallies (flash messed up the photos):


    First one was 16.5":








    We then headed in for lunch.


    After lunch the lake was pretty windy, so we decided to fish a couple protected coves. At the first spot the action continued, but didn't really cough of fish heavier than 1 lb.




    Double header action:




    So, we motored over to another cove, and got into some better fish.


    17" largie:






    16.5" largie:






    Action shot:




    Last good fish:





    By the end of the day, we caught somewhere between 35-40 fish. Today they were almost all largies, except for 2-3 smallies. In terms of lures, 90% of the fish were taken on x-raps, while a few were caught on worms, and a couple on a spinnerbait. Not bad for fishing from 9:00-3:00!


    That's all...hope you enjoyed.

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