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Posts posted by ADB

  1. Ponikarovsky is a good player, but he'll never score 40 in Pittsburgh. Even a proven scorer like Guerin hasn't scored 40 playing with Crosby. In the end, there's only so many goals to go around, and Poni won't be scoring 40 if Sid and Malkin are scoring 50 each. I'd put him between 25-30, as per usual.


    Caputi is a good prospect, and is essentially on par with getting a second rounder. He has great size as well, and if having a good year in the AHL. Also consider that they will try to flip Skoula today and get a 4th or 5th round pick.


    I wish I wasn't in class today, or I'd have a lovely date with my couch...

  2. There are only 4 events left at this point...


    1) Men's curling - gold medal game between Canada and Norway

    2) Men's hockey - bronze medal game between Russia and Finland

    3) Men's 50km cross country - no Canadians or Americans are realistic medal threats

    4) Men's hockey - gold medal game between Canada and the US


    Therefore, sitting two golds above Germany, and three above the US, we have already clinched first overall for golds. :clapping:

  3. We still have a chance at 3 more golds...We're sitting 2nd and 5th going into the last run of four-man bobsled tonight at 5:40, we're in the finals for men's curling tonight at 6:00, and, of course, the finals for men's hockey tomorrow.


    We're basically assured of 1st overall in golds!

  4. I am hearing or reading different stuff when it comes to overall winner. AFter the COC said that the own the podium failed due to the number of medals and not being able to catch the U.S., the next day, they were saying that its the number of Gold that wins? This sounds to me that they are trying to justify our medal totals? I am overall impressed with the Olympics, but i just dont think we are were we should be, and the medal count dictates this to me, this is just my opinion remember.


    Dont get me wrong, i am proud of all the atheletes that are competing and very proud to be Canadian


    You're right, it does sound fishy, but using number of golds to determine the standings wasn't something the COC created.

  5. are you kidding me.....Russia is by far the deepest team in talent.....after that said it's pretty close for 5 of the top teams.



    Findland, russia, usa, check's, sweed's, slovakia,canada are all about equal in tallent, I think Russia has the best, but all that being said it's the team who runs on all cylinders is going to win this competition.The gold medal is up for grabs and from what I've seen so far it's still up for grabs! Anyone of the teams I mentioned have the talent to win this thing, Canada is just one team in the mix, anyone of the for mentioned teams has the tallent to go all the way.


    I'm getting sick and tired of everyone jumping on the Russia bandwagon. Yes, they have a lot of very talented players, and one of the best in the world in Ovechkin. But honestly, please be rational, are their players really better than the Canadians? It seems like everyone is blinded by the flashy play of the Russians and is ignoring the facts. I'm going to make this post a long one, because I want to put this issue to bed, once and for all.


    The Russian Roster:



    Ovechkin - One of the best in the world, I won't argue that.

    Malkin - Another one of the best in the world. 1 Stanley Cup.

    Semin - Great player, but have never scored more than 38 goals or 79 points in a season

    Kovalchuk - Awesome player, has scored many many goals, but has never scored more than 100 points.

    Datsyuk - Awesome player, but again, has never scored more than 100 points. 2 Stanley Cups.

    Radulov - Hasn't played in the NHL since 2007/2008, and had a total of 58 points in 81 games

    Afinogenov - One of the streakiest players in the league, so much so that Atlanta only signed him because he was willing to play for less than $1 000 000

    Federov - Was a great player, but in his last season registered only 11 goals and 33 points in 52 games. 3 Stanley Cups.

    Kozlov - No longer players in the NHL, and when he did, was an average NHLer.

    Morozov - See Kozlov.

    Zinovjev - Washed up prospect that has 1 career NHL point.

    Zaripov - Hars never played an NHL game.



    Markov - One of the best in the game, no questions asked

    Gonchar - Can certainly score, but is a defensive liability. 1 Stanley Cup.

    Volchenkov - Good defenseman.

    Kalinin - Average defenseman.

    Grebeshkov - Young, but average defenseman.

    Tyutin - Average defenseman.

    Korneyev - Never played an NHL game

    Nikulin - Never played an NHL game.



    Nabokov - Great career, but has never won when it's mattered.

    Varlamov - Great goalie, but young and unproven.

    Bryzgalov - Great goalie who is having a great year, but has never been a winner in the league.


    The Canadian Roster:



    Crosby - One of the best in the world. 1 Stanley Cup.

    Thornton - Multiple 100 point seasons.

    Heatley - Multiple 100 point seasons.

    Iginla - Great player, many 90 point seasons, but has never scored 100.

    Getzlaf - One of the best young players in the game. 1 Stanley Cup.

    Nash - Great player, has won the Rocket Richard, but has never scored more than 79 points in a year.

    Staal - Great player, has scored 100 points in a season in his career. 1 Stanley Cup.

    Marleau - Great player, has never scored 100 points in a season, has great chemistry with Heatley and Thornton.

    Perry - One of the best young players in the game. 1 Stanley Cup.

    Richards - Great leader, and one of the best young players in the NHL.

    Morrow - Great power forward, but not really a numbers guy.

    Toews - See Perry.

    Bergeron - Great talents, but has not proved much in the NHL.



    Neidermayer - One of the best defenseman of all time, although he is ageing. 3 Stanley Cups.

    Pronger - See Neidermayer. 1 Stanley Cup.

    Weber - One of the best defensemen in the game, 53 points last yeat.

    Keith - Can point up points, and is part of the best shutdown pairing in the NHL with Seabrook on Chicago.

    Seabrook - Is part of the best shutdown pairing in the NHL with Keith on Chicago.

    Doughty - The best young defesemen in the game, on pace for 50 points this year.

    Boyle - One of the best scoring defensemen in the game with four 50+ point seasons, though can be a defensive liability. 1 Stanley Cup.



    Brodeur - One of the best goalies of all time. 3 Stanley Cups.

    Luongo - One of the best goalies in the game, although he has not proved much in the playoffs.

    Fleury - Great goalie. 1 Stanley Cups.


    The point??? Russian players have won 7 cups, while Canadians have won 13. Canadians have more points, even though they are, as JohnF pointed out, younger on average. Even Russian's "best" players are comparable with the Canadians when you actually look at the stats and don't let their flashiness fool you.


    Anyone who wants to argue further, go ahead, just bring some substance to the table.

  6. Well it is now 10 days and I talked to the repair place they called there Supplier who still has not gotten my part in what is there that can be done? I would think this should be a major part in supply am I stupid to think that a unit that is less then 10 years old would not be able to get parts???


    I am not sure how I feel other then not happy at all maybe even pissed alot.


    Sorry for the ones who did not see the first post a couple weeks ago my furnace quit the first repair guy sucked the second said the heat exchanger was bad then tagged my furnace putting it out of comision.


    I have 5 heaters going and the gas fire place going on high what a waste of money.


    As I mentioned when I quoted Uncle Buck, we had a lack of customer service from Sears in almost the same fashion.


    Although most of what we did was unique to Sears, I can tell you what we did to get their attention.


    I wrote an e-mail, addressed to the CEO of the Sears, explaining the problems my grandmother had been having and the terrible customer service. I CC'd every major newspaper in Toronto, the BBB, and Silverman Helps (a local consumer advocate who is no longer on the air).


    After weeks of trying to get things resolved, the e-mail got their attention pretty quick. I got a response the next day from a fairly powerful employee of the company, and he set the wheels in motion for my grandmother to have the dishwasher, not fixed, but replaced.

  7. I feel for ya Mike...


    Mom's been battling with the idiots at Sears/Direct Energy/Fisher Paykel to get our washing machine fixed...


    problems since day 1...


    we were without a washer for 2 months... i went out and bought a used unit, till this issue gets resolved...


    only advise i can offer you is see if any places that worked on or saw the unit are part of the Better Business Bureau...


    tell them you'll launch a complaint if they don't resolve the issue...


    in the end we're still the beotches cause we have to wait like idiots for them to fix it or send someone competant that can!


    Uncle Buck, my grandmother had a similar problem with Sears, and after trying a few different things, we were able to get it resolved.


    PM me and I can tell you what to do.

  8. Hi atvaholic,


    I haven't come across any maps that talk in detail about the routes. The general route of thumb I've been taught when estimating time is an inch on the map = one hour.


    If you want more detailed information on the routes, or help planning your trip, you best bet is to give the park a call. They offer "trip counseling" and can be of great assistance to you.



    Another great resource is: http://www.myccr.com/places.htm. They list a lot of routes in the park, and usually under each route there is user feedback posted regarding the difficulty and general experience with the route.


    Where do you think you want to go in the park? Is your goal to fish? If you put down some more details then maybe some of the members here can offer some advice as well.

  9. Both trades were clearly beneficial to Toronto. It comes down to this: Toronto gave up assets that had no future here, perhaps besides Ian White. Mayers wanted out, while Stajan and Hagman are good complimentary players, and not leaders like Toronto needs. Same goes for Toskala and Blake, about whom most would have said just a week ago that they were untradable.


    Toronto got two great assets: a goalie who led the Ducks to a cup just three seasons ago, and a 24 year old defensemen who just two years ago was an untouchable on Calgary, and now has a lot to prove. PLUS we got back Keith Aulie, a prospect Calagry was very reluctant to give up, and Fredrik Sjostrom, a penalty-killing specialist.


    The only risks taken were the salary cap implications of each player. Giguere's actual cap hit is $6 million, just $2 million more than Blake's (Blake had an extra year on his contract anyways). Phaneuf's contract is truly the riskier one, with a cap hit of $6.5 million until 2013/2014. But he could turn out to be quite the steal if his lives up to his very realistic potential.


    The proof that Burke made a great trade with Calgary? Similar to the Joe Thornton trade to San Jose, the other GMs around the league are now wondering, "Why didn't I know Phaneuf was available...that's all it took to get him? I could have made a much better offer."


    When Burke got here Toronto had two assets of any real value: Tomas Kaberle, and the potential for early first round picks. Although we have lost those picks for the next two years (something no one can judge until years from now) Toronto now has Phil Kessel, Jonas Gustavsson, who Burke lured in while he was coveted by many others, Nazem Kadri and Jerry D'Amigo coming up in the system, a solid defense core anchored by Dion Phaneuf and featuring an underacheiving Luke Schenn, and we still have Tomas Kaberle, who should and will be traded for draft picks/prospects/top-line forward.


    I'd say he's doing alright.

  10. Word is that the "Monster" is regretting signing with the Leafs instead of the Dallas Stars and plans to try his luck with another team after July 1st rather than re-sign with toronto.


    Gustavsson is an RFA after this season. He doesn't decide his future, the Leafs do.

  11. this is an excellent time to get out (and put tackle in front of the specks before the masses)...

    i do a similar trip in my area each year around the first of may and the ice is generally out.

    while sometimes sluggish, we found that we had some of our best fishing in those early days of may.


    we found the fish incredibly shallow...either right in the downed trees of shorelines of steeper shorelines or in shallow backbays... anywhere that things are a little bit warmer. it's the one time of year i spend most of my time casting as well. as may and june roll on, i'll generally troll with a slow rolling, tight action spoon but in spring it's spinners all the way. black fury's are my favourite but panther martins and a variety of small bucktails all produce. sounds like an awesome trip. show us pictures of the huge fish you catch!


    Thanks for the tips, Dr.



    I'll be in the park around that time as well. We go in access point #1. I believe it's called round lake right near south river. My buddy and I trek over 30 Kilometers into the back country and the specs are big and plenty. I'm hoping to catch my pb this year. I have to beat 26" 5.9lbs. If I don't get it in the park, hopefully I'll get it in superior park near mid may.


    Sounds encouraging!

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