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Posts posted by ADB

  1. Alright, here's the deal:


    My girlfriend's mom is having her 50th birthday this Saturday. It's a pretty big party.


    I want to get her something nice, but I want to stay away from chocolate, jewelry, etc. I'm thinking of something along the lines of a gift card for a spa.


    So, here's is my question: do any of your wives/girlfriends have a spa (or something like that) that they perticularly love in the GTA?


    Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated...thanks a lot!

  2. 1 thing to consider about statistics. They can be misleading if not taken in context. Sure lots of people die from the regular flu every year. But how many otherwise healthy young strong people die from it. A large percentage or virtually none? That is what seems to be scary about this strain is that it can kill people that are otherwise young and strong and healthy. I guess I should be happy that I am becoming old and infirm.


    According to someone from Health Canada who was on the radio yesterday (may have even been the Surgeon General), in terms of who will be the most affected by H1N1, it is the same as the regular flu. A perfectly healthy person will survive H1N1, however, someone who has asthma, diabetes, etc. will have a harder time combatting H1N1 once they contract it.

  3. i stopped reading this thread when i got to this reply. not sure if anybody covered this already.


    but everybody should get the flu shot. yes including a shot for the H1N1.



    you might be stong enough to fight the virus there JPD, but what about your kids, parents and others that aren't as "strong" as you. what are you going to say when somebody you know gets the virus from contracting it from you.



    just because you know your body can fix it's self, others can't, and that's how it's keeps on spreading, with people like you.



    wash your hands before you eat kid's


    So you're saying that everytime you're sick you stay home? Because if you went out, you'd be spreading a virus, just as you're accusing JP of doing. It's a fact that people who aren't as "strong," as you put it, die every year from the normal flu strain. It's unavoidable. People who get the flu shot still get sick, and it'll be the same with the H1N1 vaccine.


    We can't live in a bubble. Do your best to boost your inherent immune system by doing things that are a lot more natural that getting a shot - get a proper amount of sleep, cut down on sugar, eat lots of fruits and vegetables, take vitamin supplements, cut out coffee and smoking. Doing these things is a lot more helpful to society than getting a flu shot that hasn't been proven effective.


    My parents never believed in getting shots. I haven't been immunized for anything, except for any shots I got when I was born. Polio, the mumps, rubella, and the flu - I suppose I'm succeptable to all of these, but yet, I haven't ever had any of them. I've never had the flu, unless you count a seasonal cold. And the same goes for my brother who hasn't had any vaccinations either. Why would I start getting shots now?


    If the flu shot and the H1N1 vaccine are so effective, then those who are immunized shouldn't be worried by the people who elect to not get the shot. They should be protected, no? Yet they're still worried. Doesn't this defeat the purpose?

  4. $64 ,000 dollar question right there.....


    Why do '' Adults '' making million s of dollars a year need a Confidence Boost.. :unsure::wacko::dunno::dunno:


    I would hardly argue that any of the guys who are 25 or less are adults. You can't build any life experience when from the time you were 5 years old you spent every free minute at a hockey rink.


    Besides, what does their salary have to do with their confidence? If anything, it makes them more self-conscience considering the very fans who allow them to be paid so much will berate them if they make one mistake. They may have job security, but there aren't many professions where your day-to-day work is PUBLICALLY scrutinized.

  5. Go for something that is catalytic. Those are truly safe for indoor use with no open flame.


    As for the propane, no matter what the manufacturer tells you, anytime you use propane within a closed space, oxygen will be depleted. So your safety will depend on the quality of the low-oxygen sensor on the unit.


    In your tent, if you have some sort of air circulation from the outdoors you'll be fine in terms of oxygen levels. If you're inside a small room indoors with no air flow then you may have an issue.

  6. When fishing with jerkbaits for pike after ice out, a long pause, sometimes in the 15 second (or more) range, can be the key to getting bit.


    After ice out, the the water temps are still cold, and the pike are very lathergic. It sounds like the river you're fishing may be starting to shutdown, in terms of bass, as the water temps are cooling, so this technique may be right up your alley.

  7. I don't mean to cause a stir or anything, but:


    When I was younger I always heard that fishing shows would get permission from the MNR or whoever they needed to get permission from to film their shows before the season opened, that way they were "more likely" to catch better fish for the show.


    Fact or fiction?

  8. I only caught parts of it and just caught the tail of the part on the baitcaster question and I didn't get the name of the reel he sugested. I think the one i have is messed up a bit so thinking of a new one . anyone get that info


    I believe he was holding a Shimano Chronarch. However, his main point was that any of the baitcasters that use a VBS, or variable breaking system - which is most of Shimano's line - will significantly reduce backlashes.

  9. Yeah...same concept as last season.


    Dave Mercer made an an appearance talking about the new Rapala DT Thug.


    They had a segment on all the new crankbaits. The Koppers Bluegill looks pretty good.


    They all showed the new Cumara reaction bait series of rods from Shimano, which looked pretty impressive (nice and whippy tip for crankbaits) considering they used IM-10 and not fiberglass.

  10. Can't help with the boat launch, but the only time I've fished Quinte we fished Big Bay and we caught largies pretty much everywhere we went.


    Didn't get into any walleye, but we weren't targetting them either.

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