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Posts posted by motv8tr

  1. Rick, I'm sorry to hear about the loss of your friend, that is never easy. It's commendable that so many have signed their donor cards and have advised your family of your wishes to help those in need. I wonder if you are aware that you can also be a living donor if the need arises. A person can donate one kidney, one liver lobe and one lung, now as far as the lung goes, that's rare and it requires two people as those in need of a new lung require two...so ya that's tricky.



  2. Thanks for the replies guys, I do know how it's done, but I know that I am not capable of doing it myself. I suspect there is no gasket which is why it's rotting. I will try to get a picture in the next few days...I just hate going down there :P .


    The spot is accesible, but it's a mess down there. The passage is fairly narrow as it's a trench that was dug out around the perimiter, which makes the job more challenging. before I can replace the sill plate I need to get someone down there to clean the area out...all the insulation has to be removed and redone along with removing a lot of crap. I cannot spend too much time down there as my back doesn't like being hunched over for that length of time, which is why I need to get someone else to do it for me.


    "Is it a poured concrete basement, or block?"


    It's block walls and dirt floor


    "Is the original sill set flush to the iside of the foundation?"


    I'm not sure at this point, I will try to take a closer look when I go down to take a picture of the plate.


    The siding is aluminum, and needs to be removed eventually as I suspect there is no house wrap...


    "Is it the entire sill all the way around, or just a section? I don't want to be the bearer of bad news, but there may also be hidden rot on your joist band as well if this was caused by some sort of leak."


    I'm not sure about that Glen, again I need to take a closer look...I would like to replace the entire sill plate to be safe and I'm not convinced they used a sill gasket at all. and Ya I thought about the joists being in danger of rotting as well. Not sure if the problem is a leak or the fact that there is no gasket combined with moisture from the dirt floor, along with other issues I'm aware of.


    There is lots of work to be done here, and from what I can tell a lot of short cuts and poor work(wrong) were done over the years. The house inspector did tell me about it, along with a few other issues, but I was unable to do anything about it at the time. Not sure I can now, but am trying to get a rough estimate of cost so I can try to plan things out.



  3. Hey all, now I'm a handy gal, but I have learned to accept my limitations, and one of them is replacing a section of the sill plate in the house. Can anyone give me a ballpark on what it would cost to have done? The section that needs replacing is in a corner of the house, but I wouldn't be surprised if it all needs it, or rather would seriously consider replacing all of it. The house is about 50 yrs old and has a 4'6" crawl space.




  4. Hi All,




    My wife is fantastic....she is taking it all in her stride, although her stride is more like a duck waddle these days.



    Funnily enough i think my cat had the same idea.....


    Nice try cat, but alas i dont think so...maybe....maybe...tomorrow :rolleyes:




    I wouldn't let your wife see you said that :P


    As for your cat.....I think he/she is trying to tell you it's time for some fresh fish in the diet :D



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