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Everything posted by snagmaster

  1. hey bud good luck on that lake ...your going to need it....very nice lake but lots of really small pike was there for a week last summer and must of caught 200 hundred pike under 20 inches..........theres muskie there but the locals told me there not huge ........caught a few nice bass....lots of action but no quality....hope you have better luck.....keep in mind when i wa there it was over 30 deg all week....
  2. good job wood ....now you got me wanting to hit Quinte again
  3. thanks guys lol.....hey woodro im not the one that got skunked ...hahahaha
  4. nice woodro ...thanks guys .gotta hit the hay so i can wake up and hit simcoe.woooo
  5. Hey guys ,sorry for the late report ...I have been really busy....Went out on the 27th of dec to hook into my first Quinte eye....It was -5 and 10 km from the west.....was on the water by 830 after some problems with the boats batterie.....Iceguy hooked into the first fish at around 1030 in about 80 FOW off a plainer....It was a nice 8lb eye. The next plainer went off in 110FOW ....To our surprise it was a 4lb laker...lol...Iceguys bud got that one .......we trolled the rest of the day with nothing ...I figured that I wasnt meant to get my first Quinte eye this season .....I was bringing in some lines as we were aproaching the ferry and my plainer goes off with ten minutes of daylight left It didnt put up much of a fight but i was extremely happy as you can see from the video.....12.5 lbs....It only took about 30 hours of trolling this fall to get her...lol.. ps.has anyone been out for trout or whities in the new year? ...Im thinking of heading out tomorrow Here is the video !!
  6. Thanks Mike the pike ....I have 5 out of 8 ....lol. I just hope there hungry and not stuffed from christmas dinner....wanted to pick a few spoons up tonight but lost the keys to my car....Hope thats not the ticket ...lol
  7. Hey guys iceguy and I are going to be hitting Quinte tomorrow bright and early.....Has anyone been out this weekend? Im wondering if the fish are still in the reach or have they pushed toward Deserono? thanks guys ill be sure to post a report when i get back ..
  8. Im down Iceguy. I have wednsday off work and id be down for staying the night. Let me know . Have a great christmas everyone
  9. Woodro and I hit Quinte yesterday. We arrived at the launch at 7 and were on the water by 730...The conditions looked good .A brisk 25km wind from the west but we had a high pressure system that moved in over night that was our downfall we predict....we trolled from dusk to dawn with all the usual techniques and baits with not even a sniff. Iceguy was also out on the water and trolled all day as well and only got one three pound eye. This is my second time out on Quinte this fall and I havent hooked a fish yet...I guess I have bad luck on lake O...lol. Im hopefully going to be heading out with iceguy one last time after boxing day....I wont give up until i hook a monster Quinte eye. ps....hows perchin been on cooks and jacksons point?
  10. thanks alot guys ....im heading out right now....i hope the winds let up
  11. Hey guys im planning to hit Quinte tomorrow morning with my buds 16ft crestliner ....the only thing is there calling for 25 km winds from the NW ....What do you guys think? to much wind for the rig...Want to be safe but i also want to get out there. The passed two days have been close to 50km winds . What do you think the high winds will do to the fishing? thanks guys ...good luck on the water
  12. wow maybe ill try something else on friday.....any suggestion ,Has anyone been perchin simcoe this week? or is it frozen......lol
  13. thanks alot guys ....wow this season has been tough on the lower niagara.....I think im going to head out never the less on friday.....I bant believe even the lakers arent biting ....wow
  14. Has anyone been up to the bar since lakers opened ? I am going to head up hopefully this friday. I am going to be making this my last trip out before the boats all done for the season . Just wondering the water clarity and how the bite has been ..... thanks alot guys
  15. ya hopefully the weather is ok
  16. Heres the PIG !! 11.4lb heres the pic of the pike he caought in 115 FOW ...the crazy ehh....lol
  17. hey guys, first thing i want to say is thanks guys for all the halp on quinte. We were on the water by 8am last sat >Ice guy and I were both pumped cause it was our first time fishong Quinte.we travelled to the reach and started trolling planners and dipsys.two hours of nothing and then Iceguys planner goes off in about 70 feet of water down about 40. And we knew it was a biggen right away. Ive never seen a walleye that big before wow.congrats Iceguy.we fished until dusk with only one pike caught by iceguy in 100 FOT. I got skunked but ill be back .It was great weather and great company. Next time those walleye are in trouble....lol lol ,,,,theres the report but how do i post the pic on this new site Iceguy.....let me know if your free on FRI to hit cooks for some perch at 11am
  18. hey guys im going to be running a #1 dipsy down the centre with my main line being 40lb power pro and my leader being 10lb mono. This is my first time using a dipsy and not sure exactly how it works. Im assuming the weighted end is the main line side ? my main question is if i have a 10 foot lead off the dipsy how do i reel all the way up to the lure ? or should I use a shorter lead? thanks alot guys and Im sure ill see some of you guys on the water tomorrow. PS. how far is the drive to picton from t.o? Im assuming three hours
  19. thanks alot guys .now i just have to find out where the ferry is?....lol
  20. Hey guys looks like you had a great time on Quinte last weekend. I would of been there but i had the flu. Im heading up to picton on sat for the day and its my first time.Needless to say i need some advice.WE are going to be using planer boards and down riggers or dypsies depending on which is better. Here is my questions. where can i launch near the ferry? what depth should i be fishing? choice of lures (colours, brands) ? trolling speed? line selection ? which one should we use down the middle ? rigers or dypsies? do dysies spook the eyes? thanks alot guys for the help. Ive been dreaming of a 10lber all season......lol ill be heading to bass pro to pick up gear that you suggest. ill post a report when i get back. ps. the weather is suppose to be sunny and warm if it makes a difference. feel free to PM me
  21. oh where oh where is the man they call iceguy......lol
  22. hey Rob its alex .your PM doesnt work . wanted to know if you want to head out to quinte next weekend.call me for details or get back to me on here
  23. thats the way RSB !!! nice hat im wearing the same one right now
  24. wow i think i like the old board better
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