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Posts posted by Canuck2fan

  1. A few of my buddies leave January 1st at noon they are staying at Klaus's wherever that is. I don't drink enough to be allowed to go with them. The 40lber/per day rule will be in effect and that is only if the fishing is good. If it is bad then the 60lber rule comes into play... If you see about 6 guys who can't walk on the black ice that will probably be them LOL.

  2. My handle is from back in the day when I raced Nascar 3 online.... I raced with a bunch of rednecks from all over north america and was proud of being Canadian... I am a Rusty Wallace fan. I am a Canadiens fan but when I first used Canadien2Fan everyone thought I spelled Canadian wrong and there was already a Canadian2fan registered on the webserver for Nascar 3 so.... Canuck2fan was the only thing that fit.


    And since I am not clever enough to come up with or remember different handles I stuck with what works.

  3. OH BOY HERE WE GO AGAIN !!!! ... :wacko:

    personaly i wouldnt buy a jitterbug when theres so many options out there like the skitter pop . chug bug ,,, or other top water lures that in my opinion work better . I think the jitterbug will catch fish but its outdated and i think there are better options.


    Outdated is a relative concept.... Are you saying it is outdated because the fish are on to it as a tactic? How old do you think the fish are that you are going to catch with it, I can remember jitter bugs being the go to bait for bass in the late 70's but haven't seen anyone use one in over a decade. Sometimes going back to retro gear works just because in heavily fished areas the current stock of fish haven't seen those old lures....

  4. I like Cronzy's better but fish crisp is decent enough.


    I found out that with Cronzy's if you don't like a ton of sodium just take one 1 cup of it and add 2tbsp flour to it or if you want it come out extra crispy add 2tbsp of corn starch. Blend it well together and then use it the same as directed, it still has plenty of flavour.


    If you really want to freak someone trying to figure out how you made it take some chicken wings dip them in Franks red hot sauce. Throw them in a ziplock bag with Cronzy's mix diluted as above. When then are coated take them out of the bag after squeezing each wing really firmly. Knock of the excess coating and deep fry until done. Serve with a good home made blue chesse dip NOT crappy old store bought salad dressing. Oh and have the odd wobbly pop available because this will make your guests thirsty. You can keep the first batche(s) hot in a 250 degree oven on a baking sheet while you cook enough for everyone or bust out your turkey deep fryer to be able cook enough all at once.


    As an excellent side dish soak 3/8" wide onion rings in buttermilk overnight and then toss them in the diluted Cronzy mix BEFORE you coat the chicken to avoid cross contamination. Separate the coated onion rings and just leave them on a baking tray that you covered with wax paper. Since they won't stay as hot as the wings or hold in the oven as well fry the onion rings after the chicken. Make lots though because people will scarf them down....

  5. It is a great place to go for the eye candy but if you don't know exactly what you want and where it is in the store you won't have a good experience trying to find something on your own.


    I think a big part of the problem is they have so much stuff that the average employee who just wants a pay cheque can't possibly learn about everything. The people who are die hard hunters and fisherman are out in the field I guess and not working when I go there because although I know next to nothing about most kinds of gear, yet I always seem to know more than 12 or 13 yr olds I seem to get trying to help me...

  6. The natives of any culture use the brains and visera of the animal to get the "chemicals" to tan the hides.... It was the women who would do the skinning and tanning for the most part too.


    Also for the really high quality buckskins it would require the women to chew the hides to make them super soft and durable. Don't know if it was true or not but that is how it was explained to me by a native couple who taught my grandfather how to tan his muscrat and mink hides when he trapped.

  7. If you don't want to spend the dollars on a floater suit. Wait until Wally world has their clearance sale on the remington parkas and pants. Totally waterproof/windproof and you can use them for fishing in the cold. I have been out in rain/sleet storms for hours in mine and never had the moisture come through. In snow been out all day with it snowing real heavy same thing. The best part though is that the outside of it is like cotton so it doesn't get stiff and therefore restrict your ability to move...

  8. If you really want the ice auger at that price you could try to get the deal before the sale starts, quoting the price in the flyer...


    Or check to see that if you pay full price today but go in during the sale will they refund the difference? Just make sure you can return if they won't.


    Which leads to the dirtiest trick of all, buy it today at regular price and then "return" it during the sale and have a companion buy it right back at the cheaper price LOL.


    All the media outlets are saying retailers NEED our dollars so it can't hurt to try all of these three ways to make everyone happy.


    Also I almost forgot if you are in there just before closing on the 24th the sale price might already be in the system? This is a good one to remember at your local zellers and CTC the price is almost always changed the night before and if the item is limited quanity it is sometimes the only way to get the item...

  9. I got mine two years ago.... I have never owned a boat but thought what the heck, since it is for life. So I read the material over twice and only got one wrong. I knew nothing about the flags or signs or anything from experience but just reading the material is all you need to nail it.

  10. A question for the hunters here:


    Assuming the animals of the same age and processed in the same way (and properly), does a buck taste different (ie: worse) than a doe?


    All the meat that we consume from the butcher is "fixed" if its male, whether it be pork or beef etc. so that it tasted "better". This suggests to me that I would rather eat doe than a buck. I am not a hunter but the times when I have eaten venison I didn't know the sex of the animal to compare the tastes.


    What are your experiences?


    Burt :)


    I always thought the reason that most animals we eat are fixed is to turn the males off of ass and onto "grass". Basically they eat more and it makes them easier to control?

  11. Didn't set any new goals for this year. I always want to catch as many different species that are in the waters I fish.... I fell short of last years diversity by a walleye and salmon so far in 08. Maybe a late coho can change the salmon part and since I don't ever go walleye fishing I can't really complain about that.


    Thing I liked the most about the year is that I did have a great late winter Jan to Mar fishing steel....


    Biggest regret is I admit this fall I have been having horrible luck getting hits. I haven't lost one when I get one on though but 3 fish in 14 trips that just has to stop LOL.

  12. That is great about the insurance company manning up and looking out for you!!!


    Also the others are correct you do have SEAMS you just can't see them. There is absolutely no way you could do a whole upstairs without some seams unless the entire upstairs is less than 12 feet wide. Even a mediocre installer should be able to hide a seam in good quality carpet, a good installer will make it absolutely invisible.

  13. It isn't like he didn't have a plan before saying it. I wonder what he thought would happen... If anybody in the league is dumb enough to take him on after this it will be interesting.


    To say something like that about one of Canada's rising starlets is just unfathomable. He is just lucky she really isn't Jack Bauer's daugther is all I can say....

  14. The price increases will be just about across the industry due to the US dollar fluctuation, nothing else. I don't think that "gouging" is a great word to choose when describing companies trying to price their product. Remember that the market sets the price and if anything, Shimano is well within the limits of pricing if not below average for the product.


    Just my 2 cents




    The "gouging" is with regard to the HIGHER percentage we ALWAYS have been expected to pay over the U.S. price regardless of the exchange rate. From pricing many different fishing companies Shimano is the worst in my opinion so I decided to stop supporting that by no longer buying their product. If people think there products warrant paying such a premium (which they do because it keeps happening) they should knock themselves out buying them.

  15. So what you are really saying is you got to take your wife out and show her EXACTLY what you want, and now you just have to wait to get it? LOL. Just be ready to pack her bags and send her on a HUGE GUILT trip if she doesn't come through!!!! It is one thing if they get you something wrong because they just don't know but if you show em there is NO excuse LOL.

  16. Dawg it seems like you have way way too much time on your hands.... You seem like the kind of person who is problem oriented. You are first to jump in to HELP whenever someone has a problem. But lately it seems you are the first to create one when there isn't one too!!! That said though this place wouldn't be the same without as you make things interesting.

  17. Canadian prices are going back up (to reflect the exchange rate) check out the new 2009 LeBarons on line catalog,

    Shimano is not alone in in this "Gouging" game, I have had the same experience with St.Croix, even when our loonie was at par with U.S dollar the difference was more then 25% compare to U.S prices (at least @ BPS) :rolleyes:

    I E-mailed and asked for the reason, never did get a satisfactory answer, it was some B.S about Canadian warranties etc. :blahblah1:


    I never got any answers either. I do know that for the most part Shakespeare and Pflueger kept things pretty similar in price but I haven't seen the new prices for next year at LeBarons.


    I decided when I didn't get a satisfactory answer about the gouging from Shimano to swtich to companies. I have to say so far I am very happy with everything I purchased too.

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