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Posts posted by Canuck2fan

  1. why is that Cudz? don't wanna be seen by others and give off your spots? or is it because only the weirdos come out at night? haha


    and canuck2fan are you sure your thinking of fishing when you say that or something else? haha


    I guess the song fishing in the dark by the dirts was in the back of my mind LOL.

  2. Stupid question maybe but how is the fishing off of the piers around there? I have an uncle in Burlington who likes to go fishing but doesn't have anyone to go out with, who has a friend with limited mobility who would go as long it has close access from a car? I might even join them if the fishing is decent when I am visiting.

  3. The Fishing Store in Stratford. The guys have lots of fishing knowledge and great pricing. I figure we're lucky to have a store like this in a small town.




    Yeah they are great as long as you only want what they have on the shelves.... If you need something they are out of or want them to order something new you are going to wait. Then just for fun go back when they say it will be in the first time. Then get the lame a$$ excuse of why it's not there. Then wait again. Reread the last two sentences twice and go through the same motions. Then go back for the FOURTH time that they TOLD you NO QUESTION it will be there only to be told nope it isn't here....


    That is when you get yelled at as the customer because you stop won't riding their butt over this until you get it.... I then informed the owner that the only reason I even bothered to come back for the fourth time is that you told me it would be HERE NO QUESTION. Since it isn't how about refund for my time and gas money because I was dumb enough to believe you four times. That got a blank stare and no answer.... But those were only my experiences both when I wanted clip on lights they had just sold out of minutes before I arrived because the empty box was still there. 2 week later still no clip lights. Lebaron I ordered on the Monday and got them in time to take them friday night plus about 120 bucks worth of other stuff I would have bought at The Fishing Store even though when I did the math it would have cost me about 20% more because I agree we are lucky to have any type of fishing store in a town this size.... The second time it was with frozen spawn so I could tie it myself, after the fourth visit I just gave up and drove to KW to get some.


    After all that I still try to shop there but if ain't on the shelf they aren't going to work very hard to get it for you.

  4. Sorry about the boat being stolen.... The truth is these days if the thieves want it bad enough they will get it one way or another. Locks only slow down the honest person.



    GCD I have never seen a dog yet that couldn't be tricked somehow, with food a bigger dog, a female in heat.... Or if the item is valuable enough the dog is drugged or shot for it. Remember thieves aren't thieves because they have a strong sense of morality to begin with.


    I agree with a camera system to help catch them but just having it go into your house isn't enough because if the item is valuable enough what is to stop them from coming in and getting the computer, discs or tapes? Especially if you happen to be out which is when most thieves like to do their dirty deeds.


    I am sure we aren't too far away from a system with facial recognition that would upload the crime automatically to the net where the thief would be unable to stop it...

  5. i have one too but my handle has come off and it is a left handed thread and i cant find the nut for it ...Excellent reel


    If what you are looking is available anywhere in Canada these guys will have it.... or something darn close. The only drawback is the 25.00 minimum order in the showroom. However you can usually find something to buy to make up the difference. I have had a couple of issues finding different threads over the years and they have always had it even when the manufacturer said it wasn't available any longer LOL.



  6. If it is rivers that you are talking about it really depends on the river and what kind of rod you are using. I have only rarely had a breakoff using 8lb Raven mainline while fishing for salmon, but I only fish in rivers that are wide open and where you can let a fish run. If I was fishing a spot with lots of undergrowth and buried debris I would want heavier line for sure....


    I also change my line twice a year or reverse (reel holds 280yds of 8lb raven)it on the spool and make sure before I go out that doesn't break using a snap test that hasn't failed me yet. If the line is suspect I grab another spool the benefit of having 7 spools that fit 3 reels LOL.

  7. Welcome and I feel your pain, I was fishing with a brand new rod in July on a pier and a sheephead grabbed it and almost took it, if the butt had not of bounced so the rod handle when up when it hit the corroded part of the pier it would have been gone. It wasn't even a day old.


    So I thought to myself, ummmm self, you should use the old rod next time. I did and after fishing for about 30 minutes a wave washed over the end and took that rod over the edge.... The look on everyone's face when I ran my rather large out of shape butt about 25 feet swooped down and grabbed it from mid air was priceless. So stuff happens fast when you are fishing even on shore.


    Also, because of your post EVERYONE got another lesson on what to do with wet electronics!!! So you have done the board a service on your first post.

  8. That's why I only buy Schneider's bacon & hot dogs these days.... ;)


    There is only one flaw in your logic..... MAPLE LEAF owns Schneider's now and some of the Schneider's product is made on the same lines as the maple leaf. So are some Bitners, Shopsy's, President Choice and lots of other store brands products.

  9. I have seen perch take minnows about 2/3 even 3/4 of their own length. I have noticed that the smaller perch hit the minnow really hard before taking into their mouth. I think this is to "stun" the minnow so they can gobble it down with more ease. What really is interesting is seeing a 6 inch perch with a 4 inch goby half disolved in it's mouth and it is eating other minnows around it because it is starving?


    Whenever I catch at small perch on a large minnow I am amazed at the tenacity of them.... I mean sometimes it would be the equivalent of me sitting down and eating a whole side of beef in one sitting LOL.

  10. I have a set of fogg toggs that I bought off of ebay and they are great. Paper thin litterally and 100% waterproof and surprisingly wind proof as well. They are breathable too which is another plus. I have had them for over a year and worn them many times. I spent about 12 nights pier fishing in June and July this year and wore them each time just to keep the dew from soaking me. Other guys were either freezing or clammy from wearing PVC rain gear. I was pretty comfortable given the conditions.

  11. seriously?


    i cant figure out why anyone even votes for those dirty...(use your imagination to end this sentence) :D


    I have the EXACT issue trying to figure out how people can do the same with them Ontario Conservative retreads in Ottawa. That having been said I still believe our democractic process is worth having to wonder about these things. LOL

  12. I like everyone here do not like to pay unfair taxes... For that very reason what I don't understand why all the anger is directed to the Liberals in Ontario. The Conservatives in Ottawa have been doing everything possible since they got in to make the HST in Ontario a reality. They have held back transfer payments and refuse to collect PST at the border. It also the FEDS not the provincial government who are going to foot the bill for the so called bribe, McGuinty stated that the HST would not go ahead without significant start up money from the Feds!!!! So why would Ottawa bribe us? Because they are going to reap billions from doing this too.


    Even overlooking those facts I still don't see why people on here feel it is perfectly acceptable to pay GST on those same items they are complaining about having to pay the harmonized tax on after July 2010..... To me if the tax is bogus at the provincial level it still is at the federal level and we HAVE been paying that. So where is the uproar against the Feds for backstabbing us all along with those taxes?

  13. I know a guy who had a pickup with one of those hard tonneau covers and he built a simple wood rack then had it covered in leatherette that attached to bottom of the locking tonneau cover so he could store the rods there. The best part was they were up off the floor and protected from getting stepped on or having something roll over them. The only thing was you had to feed the rods into it upside down because of the eyes. When you turned the rods around the spacing of the other bars on the rack used the eyes and the weight of the reel to hold them. It was a pain the first couple times I used it but it worked very well once you got the motion of putting the rods in and turning them.

  14. Find a store that sells Pflueger Trion Rods and you can get a good High Modulus Graphite rod for under 40 bucks. I just bought a lite action 6.5ft for perch fishing for 30 bucks and it is GREAT. I also caught 31 sheephead in a row last Tuesday night on it a few of which were well over 10 lbs. It handled it all with ease.

  15. Was anybody catching fish? The best advice anyone can give you is to keep your EYES open when you are fishing for steel. If someone is catching in the same drift as you and you aren't look at their setup. Pay attention to leader length, how much shot and where is it on the line, also try to match the speed of their drifts by switching up floats. Try to see what colour fly, roe or worm are they using and if you have that color USE IT yourself. So many times I have been out and saw someone having success so by observing their setup I have been able to adapt mine to start catching fish too.

  16. If you are looking for summer weight rain gear I would highly recommend getting Frog Toggs fisherman series. I needed a 3X so that I could also wear my fishing vest UNDER my rain gear (I used to hate having all the gear in the vest get wet) whenever it rained.


    I ordered my set off ebay for under 30.00 Canadian total but that was back when the dollar was strong. I don't know where you can get them locally in 3X as bass pro only goes up to 2X on the website. Cabelas in the U.S. does sell them in 4X

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