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Posts posted by Canuck2fan

  1. Three things an engine needs to run. If it is turning over but not firing

    1 spark which you say you have


    2 fuel which you dumped down the carb


    If it is turning over but not firing


    3 the last thing is compression.... Have you checked your timing belt or chain?

  2. I don't get where anyone can say there cannot be one in North America? Why, because it is now all developed roads and cities? If it is so easy to find things out west how could the story in the link below have happened? It took seven weeks to find her and they knew they were travellig from their home to Vegas? OH that's right the search was hampered by the simple fact that there are thousands and thousands of acres of untouched wilderness from Alaska to Mexico along the mountain ranges...


    The thing I found interesting from the bit of the show I caught was that there was a man sized ape that they recently discovered in the Congo. "New" to science but the woman credited with the discovery and 5 other homonoids I believe, said that the tribes who have lived by it had been telling stories about it for hundreds of years.... Which she always considers a sign that it might prove to be true. Tribes having lore about a "creature" sound familiar at all to anyone else?


    Do I believe in Bigfoot myself nope but I would like to be corrected LOL. I liked the comment about cougars in the thread too.... Reminded me I was just informed, by a very concerned citizen the week before last, that the MNR is releasing rattle snakes nearby (less than 5 miles from my front door) because they will eat the over abundance of turkey eggs. Can't wait to hear the first offical report of a sighting. I am shocked one of the MNR employees hasn't tweeted about it yet.



  3. Seems like a lot of bosses here have very fragile egos if an employee can "threaten" them just saying they have a better offer. If your employees aren't being sought out by other companies then why the heck do you even want them working for you? It is because you need someone who is easy to control? Or is it because you find it easier to manage people who have no drive to better themselves or their lot in life? I have always considered it a compliment that the people I have trained, nutured and mentored, are in high demand by companies in the same industry....

  4. The guy probably watched a rerun of the show Wings and is trying to do what Roy Biggins did....


    One of Roy's best stunts to make a few extra bucks. "Everytime I see a Mercedes Benz in my rear view mirror I have switch that shuts off my brake lights... They hit me and the insurance company cuts me a cheque."

  5. it's not new....


    I've layed that charge once...but it was after a collision and both drivers were charged...


    I know it's on the books in the HTA, but it's one of the charges that is rarely layed - I could probably come up with a dozen offences that everyone does on a daily basis that they didn't know was illegal...


    That seems about right.....

  6. Glad you got off so lightly.... Sometimes officers are like that, somtimes they aren't. One time I got pulled over in my 67 Galaxie 500 convertible. The officer talked for about 20 minutes how similar the car was to his son's 67 ford fairlane.... Then he still gave me the ticket for 15KM over the speed limit not reduced mind you I was doing exactly 15KM over the limit.


    Maybe some of the officers on here can answer this question I have a friend who was an OPP SGT and he claims there is NO violation under the highway traffic for going through a YELLOW light? Is he right or just trying to get me more tickets by listening to him LOL.

  7. Costco is like any other store these days. Some things are cheaper compared to other store sales some aren't. Two things are dirt cheap in price and quality are the Kirkland pecans, and walnuts. Coffee is another very high quality product for the price. The Kirkland jeans are basically indestructable and at 19.99 last time I checked were an extremely good deal.


    If you compare specs and model numbers I find that Costco with it's two year warranty, 90 day return policy on TV's they are more than competitive with BB or FS.

  8. I have to agree on the expensive part... For 7 yrs buddies have been trying to get me in on their annual opening day trip on Callandar bay. Finally there was an opening...


    2 ice fishing rods with reels 65 bucks.


    Jigs swivels ice line and other assorted goodies 75.00


    New waterproof gloves better boots 110.00


    Tip up for outside 25.00


    Share of gas for trip 65.00


    Overnight accomodation 200.00


    Fishing for 5hrs before the operator said it was unsafe we had to go in.... Catching

    only one walleye just under the slot and a 10" perch PRICELESS. LOL.

  9. Pretty scary at the time I'll bet... I hope you do follow up with the powers that be. I don't know if was a real cop or someone trolling for a quick score as posted before. In any event having a gun drawn is a HUGE no no unless their life is in danger. From what friends have told me from various police forces this guy will have writers cramp for a month if he was legit and reports it himself... Should be interesting to hear what happens if you do report it.

  10. I don't know what went wrong with your Pflueger's but I have done everything you aren't supposed to mine over the last 5yrs and not had any issue with any of my presidents or medalists. I mean like dragging through the sand, scrapping them across piers and dipping them in 38 degree water numerous times. Of course I clean them throughly twice a year and relubricate them as well. For a sixty dollar reel I don't know what would top them? Have you thought about going with a salt water rated reel? It might be able to withstand whatever you are doing to yours.

  11. I used to travel about 1100Km a week on my bread route and more than once it wasn't the first deer that the other driver could see that they hit.... Each time it was the one that came out of the field chasing the does that they wound up hitting. If you see one there are likely more around.

  12. I have owned 3 Presidents and 1 Supreme for over 4yrs now. For the money they are an awesome deal. The only problem I have had was a bail spring broke when I lent my President 6740 it to a friend, I got if fixed under warranty at "Rockys?" no issues at all. As for dunking them locking them up I don't know what kind of "water" those reels are being dunked in but mine have all seen multiply dunkings and never locked up on me but then I do take them apart once a year and clean them.


    What I really like about the President is the extra spool included and the cloth bag to keep the reels fromm getting tangled up in the trunk. Also the spool capacity on the 6740 means I can spool it in the spring, reverse the line in the fall and have "new" line.

  13. I hate to say it but live crayfish have totally outfished EVERYTHING else I have ever seen thrown at smallies nothing else has ever come close to being a "guaranteed bait" in my experience.... I hate to say it because unless you catch the crayfish right then and there you can no longer use them if you have to move them one inch across land....


    I have been forced to find out that live leeches work okay, followed distantly by live gulp leeches. The live gulp crayfish are just too big for the bass I go after, they will look at them but generally aren't interested for some reason.

  14. I have to agree with the Michelins over the Goodyears.... I had a set of Wranglers on my jeep one time and I couldn't stop or steer in the wet or snow. Threw on some Michelin M/S for winter and NEVER had an issue off road or on the highway. I did keep the Wranglers for the summer as they looked good but were pure crap on anything but a sunny day....

  15. I have been checked twice by CO's in last 4 yrs and 4 times by the OPP... I alway welcome them coming by when I am out. I do however agree with keeping it short unless you have specific questions. Not so much because I think they are trying to trip me up even though I believe at all times I am within the regs, but because I see them or the OPP out so little I don't want them wasting time talking to me when they could catching poachers LOL.

  16. The cheapest and safest way to protect an idea in Canada is to Copyright it..... There was an inventing club around Hamilton that used to be on a talk radio program who explained it all. Google might turn them up.


    One guy had over 1000 inventions and for everything he patented, that was worth while the big guys just used the patent filing to get his idea and design then changed it very slightly and put out their own version. He was powerless then he discovered copyrighting and had not been beaten since doing that.


    As he explained it, it was a simple as homepublishing a set number of books discribing the idea and then going for a legal copyright of the book which was WAY cheaper than getting a patent which offered no protection anyhow.

  17. An excellent deal on polarized glassed used to be available at Costco. I got a pair with 3 different lenses for 49.95. I still have the amber ones after 4 years and not a scratch on the lens. I lost the case fishing with the extra 2 sets of lenses in them. I am actually going to get another set if Costco still has them. They were made by uvex who make safety glasses and I guess that is why I couldn't scratch the lenses. I have stepped on them dropped them on gravel. Had more than "friend" bend back a branch and then just for fun let it smack me in the face while walking through the bush, so the lenses do stand up. As for the quality of sighting things in the water I routinely nail fish that my buddies wearing the big dollar glasses can't see....

  18. you got to be joking ;) there marshmallows I eat them between gram crackers. stick to something you know works trust me marshmallows are no magic bait they wont catch u squat.


    I have to disagree with you there. I have seen many times when using a marshmallow in a chartruesse sac with a worm will catch fish while everyone else is standing around with their "rod" in their hands. And for all the haters out there YES the fish were swallowing the baits as the hook ended up so far down their throats it was almost easier to pull it out from the butthole.


    I will agree I have NEVER seen a marshmallow by itself catch a fish without lining it though and never a rainbow or steelhead.

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