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Posts posted by Canuck2fan

  1. Maybe they will fill it with water and put some fish in when they are done. That was talked about at other quarry's i can think of but never happened.


    In the old days quarries got filled with water by accident (as in oh crap you went a little deep with that steam shovel Harold... gurgle, gurgle RUN!!!!) Now with all the fancy sonar and imaging equipment it probably doesn't happen as often

  2. There were some good egg nog recipes except for one thing in all them SUBSTITUTE half and half or heavy cream for all the milk. Do it in the spirit of the list LOL.


    I remember making egg nog years for the hotel owner's christmas bash. 3 of the ingredients were... 2 liters of whipping cream 3 liters of half and half and a 40 of Planters Rum. 2 glasses of that nog and you weren't allowed to use the snowblower.

  3. Krawler if you do go new with any manufacturer shop around, check out ALL the incentives and find out which ones are stackable. For example on some fords you can get up to 3000 on trading in your gas guzzler, another 1000.00 off if you are a costco member, plus whatever other incentives are available at the time of purchase. Dealer incentives change a couple of times a month too. Also check the small town dealerships if you are going with a real truck of any type. They will often smoke big city auto marts on truck pricing because they sell more trucks to farmers. The last truck I bought I got in a small town 15 minutes from where I live. 4 dealerships in KW, Hamiltion and the GTA told me they couldn't even buy the truck themselves for what I paid...


    So many good deals and makes out there right now it is a bit of a buyer's market, bargain hard once you know what you want.

  4. Just found out that i have tomorrow off and why not fish! was considering caldonia but the grand is still a little high and dirty so Ill drive the 2 hours to either bayfeild or maitland...any suggestions on what one to go do?


    Either are fishable.... Hit Bayfield on Saturday didn't see anything caught muchless have a hit. Heard really good things about the maity though but then fishermen like to tell tales.

  5. On CNN this morning they were warning every American who plans to drive anywhere for the holiday this week to bend over, because the speculators were going to drive the price up for Thanksgiving down there. You can't expect the Canadian companies and speculators not to join in now can you?


    One day the public will wake up in North America and speculators of commodities will be treated like looters are after a natural disaster because they are just as evil...

  6. I have a couple.... If I see a skunk driving to a spot I suggest we just turn around and go home if I am alone I will go to a different spot than I was heading to in the first place at the very least LOL.


    The other one is when fishing with my dad I always pack a lunch and it is always exactly the same, had good luck when I threw it together at the last minute one time and now I always take it along. (should maybe drop this one as we have been skunked the last 4 times out but traditions die hard)

  7. It was a pretty good season opener... Willie got bitten soaked the wound in iodine and peroxide lit up another smoke and went right after a 10 footer with a treble hook. One of the new guys went out after dark and was hand catching gators (almost identical to the size of the one that bit Willie) to tag them. Don't see that kind of stuff on your other reality shows. Seeing the gravy recipe being handed down was great too.

  8. I would definitely check out Angler Outfitters even though 5 of the help working that last time I was in there didn't know what a "Michigan Grip" was they did actually have 2 different high quality brands of 10'6" rods that were exactly what I was looking for... Best pricing on them too including all the major U.S. sites that ship to Canada...


    Only downside was when my dad finally used it yesterday in Bayfield no chrome wanted to be the one to break it in.

  9. I was fishing in the harbour with my father about an hour before it hit.... Spent the time during the "tornado" at a families trailer about 5K north of town. We got lots of hail but didn't think it was anything major... Until we headed home. I couldn't believe the distruction on the drive to get through Goderich on the back streets. It looked like the old Volvo plant was shredded pretty good.

  10. If you can stay at any of the Harrah properties they are the only ones who don't kill you with extra "fees" over and above your package. I stayed at the Flamingo last Sept and it was just a hotel room, nothing stood out except the view of the Belagio water show, and nothing was wrong with the room either. It was about the cheapest and it is centrally located. I wasn't there to spend a whole lot of time in the room so I really wasn't fussy LOL.


    As for food on one of the days if it is still available get the 24hr pass for the Harrah buffets it was 29.99 per person. You can eat at any buffet in any of their hotels for a full 24hrs. Even the woman with us who ate practically nothing said she wished she had of went that way as it would have been cheaper.


    Another tip buy your booze at a liquor store and just carry it into whatever casino you want to play at.... Nothing better than seeing someone mix up a double rye and ginger in a glass before we headed next door to Bill's gambling hall for steak and eggs for 6.99 at 4am before turning in LOL. Which is another tip look to eat between midnight and 6AM all the hotels and a few spots on the strip have EXCELLENT deals on some items them.


    If you have a car rental definitely go to a walmart and stock up on beer, pop and water as soon as you get there. Buy twice as much as you think you might need!!! Add a large plastic container. Back at the hotel just fill the container with ice from the machine and use it chill your beverages. This simple trick saved 3 of us about 60 dollars in 4 days, because if you are outside for any length of time you are going to be thirsty.


    There are tons of "free" events. The lights on Fremont, the fountains at Belagio, lions at MGM, the fish tank at Mandalay Bay. Be sure and drop by the gun store, The Pawn store which is just down the strip, and if you have a car check out the place where American Restoration is shot. Also go to a place called the valley of fire awesome rock formations.... Again if you go driving out of the city take tons and tons of water and soft drinks you won't regret it.

  11. If it were up to me anyone discharging a firearm in public would be charged with 1 count of attempted murder for every pull of the trigger whether they hit anyone or not, and would result in 10 years behind bars with no chance of parole, no time off for good behavior and none of this 2 for 1 for pre trial custody crap. Courts are backed up? Too bad, wait your turn and your sentence starts when we get around to trying you.


    I agree with all of that.... Now how do we get it to actually happen given that Liberals won't vote to punish and Conservatives won't vote to pay to do it LOL. I say a one way ticket to a nice uninhabited island in the arctic solves the over crowding and cost problems. If you want to be a violent ganster just show how tough you are then you will able to do it to the other people who won a trip there first by being violent themselves.... If you make it back alive to the pick up point after your sentence is up you get a ride home if not too bad so sad.

  12. I wanted a qwerty phone and one that could browse the net with wi-fi but wasn't wanting to pay a small fortune for data. I picked up a Rogers Nokia C3-00 pay as you go phone for 84.00 taxes in. I pay 20.00 bucks a month for unlimited texting, unlimited local calling from 3PM to 6PM weekdays and unlimited browsing for when I am not able to use wi-fi at home or at work. Calling at other times is at the regular rate. If you have a rogers plan already you can just swtich the sim cards and add unlimited browsing for 10.00 bucks a month. It is only 1x browsing so it is a bit slower than some of my friends blackberry's and iphones. I haven't tried streaming movies but everything else I have tried works using Mini Opera 6.0

  13. A few years ago when the dollar here approached par with the U.S. dollar a lot of companies were pressed to explain why there was such a huge price difference on some items. A few basically hummed and hawed and blew smoke. Some former industry insiders blamed tariffs and higher taxes here. Some more honest former industry insiders told the truth, the prices are higher in Canada because we will pay them. That is captialism folks and they charge what the market will bare. Doesn't make it easier to accept but if they can get away with jacking prices for us why wouldn't they?

  14. I think you were learn from more from owning a house and renting out rooms than you will from any courses you might attend. If you can afford it I say do it, for one reason. You are YOUNG enough to risk it all and start over if it fails.... Like anything in life BIG RISK, BIG REWARD how bad do you want it? Staying in residence is great if you only want to party hard, if you want to use the same time to give yourself a leg up for life why not try it. I personally know two people who did it and their parents did help in every way except financially they both made it work and it gave them a huge head start over their peers when they graduated as they caught the market right and had huge equity in their respective properties, not just student debts from drinking 7 days a week.

  15. Well I didn't read all the way through your rant because I have heard it all before about EVERY one of the telecommunication companies, everyone of them are so crooked.... They always promise everything when you buy something but then they over bill you and under deliver on services... Thanks to the useless clowns who run the CRTC they own us and the governments.


    I did want to point though that by mentioning Rogers guess who's ad got top billing on your thread? YEP the company you complained about at least you tried to warn anybody wanting to try the special deal their are offering LOL.

  16. MORE COMPETITION YEAH!!!!! With the price of a tank of fuel being what it is I will only being going to Bass Pro once a year as I drive by to go ice fishing, so having something close to compete will make it more worthwhile hopefully.


    I don't mind LeBarons website if it keeps their prices as low as they are LOL. I am so sick of ordering stuff from Cabelas.com and BassPro.com and having the price double with duty, shipping, handling then more duty on the shipping and tax on top of it all LOL. Example I wanted a jacket from BassPro.com on clearance for 29.99 final price delivered 64.37 which was still an OK price for the quality even though for the first time it was 7 something more than I was quoted at checkout. With LL Bean and Lands End offering permanent free shipping to Canada I would hope Bass Pro and Cabelas soon follow suit mainly because their online clearance items are so much cheaper than in the Bass Pro Canadian store and from that joke cabelas.ca (how the heck to do they even keep going?)

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