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Posts posted by Canuck2fan

  1. Electricity has been mismanaged in the province since day one... For decades we gave it away to multinational corporations at less than it cost to entice them to keep jobs here.... That only resulted in a debt retirement charge we all enjoy now. And a sucking sound of jobs going overseas.


    While running up those deficits there was also supposedly "no money" to reinvest in the infrastructure. So we deregulated it and privitized parts of it, which resulted in those rolling brown outs a few years back, and a few lucky Conservative supporters getting sweetheart deals on pieces of that pie. We solved that by sending every heavy industry job overseas and viola NO more rolling brown outs.


    About that time we had a solution for polution, by closing coal plants, and bringing online "innovative" sources of renewable energy. Which because the economy was in the toilet due to the housing recession we didn't even need the same capacity as before. What did that get us? NOTHING for about 1.1 billion and counting... Although a few businesses cashed some very large cheques, for doing not a damn thing, which hopefully at least got spent buying something in Ontario somewhere...


    Now we get the wonderful choice do we pay what all this cost by seeing rates go by up 42% or do we pass the bill onto the next generation with interest. In short you couldn't write a horror story that was this bad because no one would believe that much stupidity could be pulled over one item.

  2. Went in this morning to get my plate sticker, got there at 8:20 and was told very bluntly to wait outside, they don't open until 8:30. at 8:32 someone came and opened the door, heaven forbid someone should start a few minutes early like we do in the private sector.


    If I could go back in time I'd have gone for a goverment job, little work, lots of money!


    I have to agree with Lew.... painting a pretty broad stroke there. Also aren't your licence bureaus franchised out. The one where I live is and the one in the town I work in is as well.


    I laughed when I went to get my last plate renewal, I walked in and there was NO ONE there? I went outside and here was the OWNER of the franchise looking at and sitting in a car that a guy had bought his wife (a friend of hers) as a gift for her 60th birthday... She hadn't seen me go in, but headed in right away. I had to stand there for 20 more minutes while she got him his personalized plates and discuss what kind of scalloped potatoes she should bring to the party that night. Then just when it was my turn a dealer walked in and she told me to wait because the dealer had called and needed a set of plates for a car that was being picked up right away.... This is in a town of 8000 people so much for small town hospitality. I asked who owned the franchise so I could call them later and complain, she grinned and said you are talking to her.

  3. Auto wrecker is the way to go. I got one 6 months ago there for 35.00, because when the right deal comes along I am scrapping this car...


    My boss laughed at me at the time saying I was cheap. I have since boosted his piece of crap 2009 Honda van and his wife's car, both of who's batteries crapped out within in 4 days of one another. Instead of listening to me and getting one for her 2000 Mazda they got it at the dealer 185.00 including installation. When I said they got robbed he wouldn't tell me what the Honda stealership charged him for his LOL.

  4. A week and a half ago I went to the one in Barrie, 10 wickets, 7 tellers or agents. 6 were for healt cards and D/L. 1 was there for fish/hunt licence renewal. I stood there while she dealt with a welfare scam artist. I even asked if any of the others were cross trained, it was like I was asking for the impossible..that's why I think of them as Beans.


    I feel your pain... Then again if you went to get your fishing licence at Service Canada which is the federal government, it would have been really interesting if someone could have helped you. Fishing licences come from the ONTARIO government. No offence LOL.

  5. I stopped fishing for quite a few years. Ten, years ago I started again and would go about 3 times a week at least. All shore fishing never owned a boat. This year work, and weather have conspired against me. It has been the old if I have time, the weather has meant going would be a waste of time. Which never used to stop me before. LOL.


    I do miss being out but don't get too worried about it... Hoping to hit the streams one more time before they freeze from some chrome though.

  6. Brilliant use of what they had handy to get the job done.


    Not sure if it started right up though. It does look like a snorkel on the left hand side of the hood to me. Probably not good enough for water that deep though, but maybe it has some other extra seals and stuff...


    On the plus side definitely cold enough that mold wouldn't start growing right away LOL Get it running and get it traded in. Just lightly dry it out, who is going to question wet floor mats with much snow on the ground?


    As for the beer he probably drank that as "liquid wool" to be able to brave swimming out of it.

  7. Saying Sail is well stocked is reaching a bit if you ask me. My only experience with Sail was the Burlington Store and it sure didn't seem to realize the importance of river fishing for chrome from what I saw there. If you have a boat and like chasing bass it seemed to have some good deals.


    I think the other stores have their niche and should survive if they keep up what they are doing.

  8. It is never a waste of time to walk a river you are going to fish regularly when the water is about as LOW as it gets... Lots of people only go to a system when they think it will be high and the fishing will be great. If you go when it is low remember to mark spots using shore features, hand held gps or even your cellphone camera.


    I can't count the number of times we have a bit of a chuckle watching newbies on a trib fishing in all the wrong places because the water is murky as heck and flowing about a foot higher than usual. They come because of high water but they don't know why or what to do... that is a waste of time to me.


    As mentioned if you can afford a guide use one, or hook up with someone who is familiar with the system. The second one usually requires going a few times to meet up with someone a couple times so they start to show you things even if it isn't intentional.

  9. If it sets a precedent then he wins twice.... He is a developer after all and will probably welcome the opportunity to assist any of his clients in doing the same thing. For a whoppingly large fee of course, as there will be legal costs to recoup.


    Of course he will not have to tear it down because he is obviously loaded and will just work every angle until the township gives up fighting it. Once the judge gave the order it should have included a 30 minute bidding process on who could do the work to rip it down and for it to be completely destroyed and cleaned up in less than one week. Court judgements are useless without enforcement.


    The other sad thing is why so much creativity has gone into fighting the township instead of helping it prosper.

  10. +1 when I was in Vegas a few years back I was on my way to check out a walmart in a seedy area of town.... (I like to see the real US of A when I go south) So I like to go to a Krogers or Walmart. I knew it was the right walmart because the concierge who gave me the GPS co-ordinates at the hotel said if I wasn't back in an hour he was going to notify my next of kin. So on the way I saw a sign that said NEW TIRE and INSTALATION 27.00...


    I was going to stop and check it out but I had that deadline and had to be back in an hour LOL The best part was the place looked newish and was doing tire changes. It was between a Lawyer offering to beat a DUI for 199.00 (not Saul) and a pawn shop (not the one) that offered immediate title loans on your car when the lawyer couldn't get you off I guess.


    I was intrigued because the best I could do on just installation here just before I left was 20.00 bucks a tire. So a $7.00ish NEW tire would have been something to see.

  11. I hope they mean 12:01AM Dec 3rd, so I can stop slacking like I did last time... Three years ago I paid for a card and 3yrs after I got done work the night it went live. I finally got it in the mail on the second last day of mail delivery that year.... Made me a little nervous since I had booked a 3 day ice fishing trip starting Jan. 1st.


    I know all about using the printout until the real thing arrives but I had problems printing it. I tried to save the link so I could go buy a new printer the next day but the link wouldn't work. Besided they took my money no problem they should get me my card before I need it LOL.

  12. When I install tires on aluminum rims I take the time to power wire brush the bead area and paint the surface.

    This helps prevent corrosion that causes these leaks and also helps to seal the tire to the rim.

    I don't get comebacks, even after several years.



    It can be done right as the second shop's work showed. What got me was I had to wait for the tires I had ordered to come in so when they got there to the shop it was about 10min to close and they wouldn't let me go out and see the work being done which I always like to do... I was a little suspicious of how fast they got the work done. Lesson learned though I won't darken their door with my cash again.

  13. I've done best at my local tire shop in St. Marys.

    Check out your local shop for a price. Don't forget to include all the extras many places pile on.


    Yeah, I got a fair deal on the tires there, but I got murdered on the extras. As in I had to have all four tires resealed at 29.00 bucks each in less than a year. They blamed my aluminum rims. After getting the first tire done there. I went else where and still had to have the one they redid done again at the other shop, I never had a problem once they had been redone at the second shop until I took the tires off 3yrs later...


    I was not amused that they wouldn't stand behind their work, but apparently aluminum rims aren't covered the same as steel wheels or some such nonsense.

  14. Brand name tires over 17" are usually considerably cheaper by ordering from the U.S if you can go across you save even more by ordering the tires shipped to one of their recommended installers. Be sure and take advantage of the rebates currently being offered by most manufacturers.


    Redflagdeals.com will have current listings of sales on tires, and anything else on sale in Canada or the US, just use the search function on the website.


    tiretrends.com have a canadian division


    tirerack.com as mentioned usually is more than competitive with anyone else


    Costco.com is cheaper than Costco.ca but you do have to order over the phone and drive across to have them installed but are fully warrantied in Canada with no issues.


    1010tires.com another Canadian site.

  15. Yep I was had.... Although I had a very similar experience in real life with a border guard coming back across. The voice sounded just like him I assumed he had got promoted LOL. I did learn one thing that night though DO NOT ever go across for just 2hrs with a buddy who is Jamaican and won't speak English when being questioned but insists on driving and a Japanese national who can't resist being sarcastic when confronted with authority...

  16. I don't post much but rarely a day goes by I don't read some threads on here. I agree that all in all the mods do a great job, of what is always a thankless task. It is very easy to get wound up about certain topics for the mods and posters alike, but in the end it is just WORDS.


    As for this being a fishing board? That really has not been my experience. The last thing you ever want to do, is discuss anything meaningful or helpful about actual fishing spots or situations. Be foolish enough to include any REAL DETAILS and it will get you internet slaughtered on this site LOL.


    I see the site as a spot where people with a somewhat common interest that happens to be fishing, socialize and make cyber friendships that grow into real life friendships....

  17. I agree show up at the same place for a certain number of trips. Say hello to the anglers there. Be helpful when you can and stay out of the way if someone gets a fish on. The groups I usually fish with will bend over backwards to help out a newbie who is polite, respects the river and the fish as mentioned. If you are genuine most anglers will help you out... If you aren't they will ignore you and hope you go away.


    I got some excellent tips from a guide one day just because I had a half dozen extra squares of red netting I gave him when he asked around, because it was the only colour the fish were hitting that morning. After retying with it for his client who got a fish on the first cast, I just stayed close enough to observe the lessons the client was getting. Since it was obvious I wasn't going to get in the way, when I wasn't doing exactly what I should have the guide came over and helped me. I made his suggested adjustments and starting to hit fish. He even sent me home with a bit of his specially cured roe.


    Now whenever I see him without a client we fish together and it is very clear he has taught me a ton of what I know but not nearly everything he knows as he still out fishes me 90% of the time. LOL

  18. My fall so far.... 49 hrs + on the river in 7 trips with 2 fish caught, and luckily those were on the only to hits I have had. So, I wouldn't say they are "running" yet. Perhaps a slow crawl is more accurate.


    I don't regret a second of those 49 hrs even, though I could have shown up at 1PM each day instead in the early morning dark and still had the same record. I learned a lot mostly what not to do, and that gobies love worms on short leaders Definitely heard a few great jokes (some not so great). I got to reconnect with some people I only see a couple times a year on the river, which to me is just as important as the fishing. But by far the best part is I got to enjoy fishing with my Dad 6 of those times, and see him finally bag his first of the fall right after I got mine on our 6th trip.


    The sad truth is, I haven't seen anyone have any great luck yet, where I have been and I damn sure haven't heard anything but complaints from the "tourists" who have come from the exact other spots I was going to go to, only to hear it wasn't happening there yet either LOL. Oh and by the way I know some guys who fish EVERY day and they say their numbers are about 40% of what they had caught by this time last year, and these are guys who I have seen have 10 to 20 fish days when nobody else can even get a bite....

  19. Fryer oil is expensive so buy it at Costco by the pail or find a restaurant and nicely ask what they would charge you for a pail of canola frying oil. Also you can buy a cheap cone filtering system at places like S.T.O.P in KW or any restaurant supply that is open to the public that will allow you to filter the oil and reuse it. Once you filter the oil of you keep it cool you should be able to reuse it a couple of times. Watch canola oil though as it will go off after a while.


    If you do deep a fry a turkey though after it is cooked make sure you do off a batch of onion rings to go with it!!!


    Take a vadalia or texas sweet onion and slice it into 1/2" rings break them apart then soak the onion rings in BUTTERMILK overnight. Then in a large paper bag mix up the recipe below.


    One large onion will make more onion rings than you can imagine so you might not want to soak the whole onion. If you do you might need 1.5 times the recipe below.


    2 cups of all purpose flour

    1 Cup Corn starch or just enough so that when you grab a handful of the mixture it will stay together.

    2 or 3 tablespoons of Lawrys seasoning salt. (depending on your blood pressure level)


    Shake off the excess buttermilk from the onion rings place them in the paper bag and shake until they are coated. Shake off excess flour mixture set on a tray loosely chill for 15 minutes in the fridge to set the coating. Then deep fry after the turkey comes out at 325 F minimum. These rings will not brown too deeply but they are done once they are crisp. Have a pair of tongs and a taste tester close by.


    I haven't found any side that goes better with deep fryer turkey. Also if you aren't going to filter the oil plan to cook off some other items that you can freeze or eat cold the next day. Hint Chicken strips or wings work well in the recipe above if you coat them with Franks red hot sauce not buttermilk. Don't marinate them in the Franks for more than a couple of minutes though. You can do off 5lbs of wings then place them on sheets freeze individually and then reheat them in the microwave or oven later on. That way you get a bit more use out of the expense of the oil.

  20. Without getting too deep into P3TA they are anything but animal rights activists....essentially a front to killing dogs and cats for profit....its horrific the ongoings in that corrupt lobby with the death vans


    Yes you are correct!!! But the mainstream media doesn't publish that info willingly either unfortunately.

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