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Who Da Man

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Everything posted by Who Da Man

  1. It's a solid stick but a little pricy. Another nice of the rack rod you should look at is the Raven RV9.
  2. A sea gull on a floating rapala when our motor stalled while trolling.
  3. Just curious if the fish have started staging and are colouring up. Might make a few trips to the pier when the nights get a little cooler. Thanks,
  4. Someone should as Dave if his GPS comes loaded with all his secret spots!
  5. Nice report & pictures!
  6. Do you even get a drift from the river anymore down by the pier?
  7. What are they going to do to make it deeper? Dredge it out?
  8. I never had much sucess in the rain, unless it's a light sprinkle. I do find that if it rains on/off the periods when it stops the fishing is usually pretty good.
  9. Your photos might force me to make another trip up there. Manitoulin has some of the nicest rivers I have ever seen. Went up two years ago and did ok with the fishing. I could'nt believe how many deer there were.
  10. Bronte sure has shallowed out over the years. But I guess that could be said for alot of tribs.
  11. They should start moving in soon. It always seems they move in the East tribs sooner then the credit/bronte. A few consecutive cold nights and some rain and they will be in soon.
  12. Good job with the back ground. Otherwise Dave would kill you, and I would kill Dave, and my friends would kill me. I also heard you went to the river with a 3 pcs raven and left with a 6 pcs! Nice fish though.
  13. I tried to remove my kingpin's spool today to wipe behind the backplate but after I loosened the allen key screw and removed the backplate bolt I could'nt pull the spool off. I didn't try to pull too hard to avoid damaging it, but I was curious if anyone else has had this issue or if I am doing something wrong. The reel is the newer 4 7/8" model that came with the allen key screw so the bolt can't loosen itself from the backplat thread. Any tips would be appreciated. Thanks
  14. Nice size fish. Have'nt seen any that long in a while. I remember about 14yrs ago getting a 42" out of a northern trib. Now your lucky if they are 24" if anything at all. Ah, I must be getting old cause I'm starting to sound like those old timers that tell stories about the good old days!
  15. Hit a few east tribs on Saturday to see if there were any fish around but did'nt have a very sucessful trip. The first spot the lawn chair anglers had already filled up the hole and the few fish that were there had been spooked. Did'nt even bother taking my rod apart. Looks like that hole has been overtaken by the lawn chair crowd until the salmon run dies down. Headed upstream to see if any fish had pushed up but did'nt see anything. 4 years ago I saw one of the best runs on this system. I'm curious to see if it can bounce back to those numbers but right now it doen't look like it. On the way back checked out another trib and the water was low but had a nice chalk tinge. Nothing in a few hours. Check the dam and a few were trying to jump but not to many in numbers up yet. Guess I'll have to wait for the next rain and push of fish. Good Luck
  16. Just curious if you had to pay any duty charges at the post office? Also the website says $3.50 shipping in the U.S. Is that how much you paid to Canada as well? Thanks
  17. Hey Kemper I'm surprised you haven't posted some summer steel. Dave was telling me you were hitting droppies for quite a while!
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