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Posts posted by farsider

  1. Thats awesome Lew!


    When the snow melts a bit more you can take a walk into the bush to see if it's other side is around or some other sheds. Would love to find the ones from that huge Buck that you posted pics of.


    Doesn't take long for the mice, squirrels, etc. to get at 'em. I found one from the same day it dropped and it had already been nibbled too.




  2. This all comes back to one thing...lack of enforcement.


    If there was greater enforcement of existing laws, the problem would end or be contained.


    It is foolish to think a separate license will solve it. It might push some of the nonsense to other rivers that already experience too much of the same crap year after year during Salmon/Trout runs but, "solve" it....No. Not even close to a broad solution and it is a dangerous precedent and could create a domino effect across the province.


    The lack of enforcement of existing laws is what has brought about all the frustration by Townsfolk, and other anglers. The same frustrations anybody who visits a Salmon/Trout river have during the run.


    Locally, why don't they up the fees for local bylaw infractions like littering/loitering/parking/trespassing , etc. and then enforce them like crazy.


    A conservation officer's job has the same cycles as a predator/prey relationship. Unfortunately, Gov't work is not responsive enough to those kinds of ebbs and flows. It also seemed that if they increased the fines for wildlife violations and then enforced them appropriately, the fines would cover much of their expenses as an operation.


    I also have a hard time believing that even if our fishing/hunting licenses quadrupled, that increase would result in a commensurate increase in enforcement.




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