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Posts posted by farsider

  1. As hunters it also behooves us to recognize that most of the country doesn't hunt. 

    To act responsibly and with respect for the animal's life we have taken. 

     Educate those ignorant of our families traditions in a respectful way.


    The days of driving around town with your freshly killed animal rack on the hood of your car is mostly a thing of the past.


    While legal, I have never understood the appeal for someone to shoot a big cat out of a tree that some dogs have scared it up into.  Not for me I guess.


    One of the interesting paradoxes about hunting that I still wrestle with is the argument for killing many top predators (Wolves, Coyotes, Cougars, etc.).

    And then in the next breath, arguing that a certain species (Deer, Elk, Moose, etc.) is over populated and needs more human management.

    I know our encroachment on their habitat has further exacerbated negative human/animal interactions, (livestock loss, car collisions, etc.) that then demands management of some sort.




  2. On 12/4/2017 at 10:46 PM, jerpears1 said:

    An Ice fishing 'net' 

    I'll explain how it works. You drill your ice fishing hole (6 inch, 8 inch, whatever) then you slide this tube down the hole right on the inside. Anchors to the top. The tube could be 24-36 inches. When you are reeling the fish up and you get it to the top of the ice, you hit a button (either on the tube or a remote control) and the bottom of the tube closes up. Lift the tube out of the water (tube has water drain holes at the bottom) and you have your fish. 


    I'd have a dozen or so trophie Lakers and whitefish I wouldn't have lost at the ice if this exsisted. 


    I'll take 5% of the profits for giving you the idea. 

    Here is one version Jer.  Looks like a tangle fest for Lakers though.






  3. I wouldn't say they have unbelievable service.


    Good experience if you can go to their office.


    Poor when it was shipped. One replacement for one defective. No consideration for shipping costs.


    Sadly, more and more of their lures are lacking in durability/quality.


    I won't buy anymore Blue Fox spinners as a result. Even though they caught fish.


    Do just as well with Mepps without the quality issues.




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