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Posts posted by farsider

  1. Even though studies are released and articles are written on the topic claiming that the sky is falling, I do not think they should be ignored. However, use the MoE guidelines for fish consumption as your information source, keep smaller fish to eat and Bon Appetit!
    Rich, it seems to me that the guide book (which I worked on the last two) is being replaced with this overall study, and it save them hundred of thousands putting out a publication . . .


    The recent hoopla was regarding a study that looked at the eating guides recommendations and compared them to past guides to see how their ratings had changed or not. They also examined the criteria they use to make their recommendations. One interesting thing they discovered is that the Government had increased one of the allowable toxin limits at a specific level.


    The Guide also makes clear that the recommendations for Georgian Bay and Lake Ontario are eerily similar. Especially with regards to Salmon, Lakers, and the like.

    The best notion province wide is to consume the smaller fish.




  2. That's a good lookin' catfish and a pretty good size too!!!


    I forgot to add that we were mainly drifting throughout the bay. Dropping our lures and bait into the pockets and along the weed edges as we went. We mainly were using beetle-spins, jigs, and various worm harness type rigs.


    The Catfish actually hit my beetle-spin while I was in full retrieve. Thats the first Cat for me that has actually hit a lure.




  3. Sorry for the delay.


    I went with some friends to Rondeau Bay Provincial Park just before the Bass opener. Doh!


    We only managed to get out fishing for a total of five hours all weekend. Being as it was my first time there, I was grateful for the input from fellow OFC'ers.


    Regarding the park in general, I doubt that I would go back. Almost all of the waterfront is segregated from the park with private cottages along both the Bay and the Erie side. I don't remember seeing that disclosed on the Parks Canada website. Site selection is crucial at this Park. I saw a huge number of sites that had no privacy at all.


    We also timed our trip for the huge influx of muffleheads. They are a larger version of the common gnat(a non-biting midge). More of an annoyance than anything as they are non-biting.



    So regarding the bay, It is very shallow. Very, Very shallow! Even in the absolute middle I doubt it is more than 10 feet. It is also really weedy! And I was there weeks ago. By now most of the surface would be matted with weeds.


    We did manage some fish, some small OOS bass, some perch, lots of bluegills, one small Pike, and one catfish. From the Pier you could see some Bass still on their nests so I imagine that once the season opened, your prospects for Bass on the Bay would be good. We also saw one Bowfin and a decent Walleye but, they resisted our efforts in catching them.


    As recommended by an OFC'er, I went over to Erieau. There was lots of guys fishing all around the Pier there. Mostly for Perch. We didn't try there but, we did grab an awesome Walleye and Perch lunch at a restaurant in town. The name escapes me now, I think it was Milly's or Mollys, or something close to that. It had a classic old maritime setup inside with these crazy clown pics all over the place. At any rate, the fish was great.


    Here is a pic of the catfish I caught





  4. Dude, if you look @ the link I provided in the 1st post - what is that thing to the LEFT of the MARINA? Is that a dock or something?

    That is the yacht clubs material. Some sort of floating crane. I haven't seen it used in over a year. Just a cormorant resting spot now. With the associated smell.


    Mostly carp to be found in that park, although I pulled around a 5lb sheepshead out of there last week.


    No Browns to speak of in there, just shiners and other minnows surfacing.




  5. I had a similar dissatisfied experience with their Blue Fox division.


    I had been pissed off that I was continually bending the lure wire on their Blue Fox Vibrax spinners (#'s 4-6), often after only one fish or even from just casting.


    So after a few years of this I finally decided to send them one back with a detailed letter explaining what was happening and requesting an informed response from them. It cost me around $7 to send it to them. I explained that it was my goto spinner for Pike and Bass and that I had probably bent around ten over the last few years or so and that this seemed to be a new experience that I don't remember happening a few years ago.


    My response from them was a replacement spinner with an in-house shippers receipt detailing the one lure exchanged. No written acknowledgement, no explanation, not even a form letter.


    I could have bought close to two of them for what it cost me to ship it to them.


    That is going to be the last Blue Fox Vibrax spinner I own until they upgrade their lure wire.


    Silver Lining: I rediscovered my other Goto Pike/Bass spinner, Mepps Black Fury. Over 20 fish on one lure and still straight.




  6. Pike, Perch, Bass are in the bay.... the perch are tough to come by sometimes but the pike are pretty well everywhere


    Good news about the pike. Shame about the timing for Bass.


    The morning and evening bite for perch of the pier at this time of the year should be good.


    I'll have to give that a try. Them Perch is tasty!


    Thanks for the replys,



  7. I'm going to Rondeau Bay provincial park next weekend. I have very little knowledge of the area. I do know that Bass won't be open yet.


    What can I look forward to? Is there Pike or walleye in the bay itself?


    How far out into Lake Erie proper would I have to go to get into some walleye or anything else?


    I have yet to actually catch a walleye so, any info or tips would be greatly appreciated.


    Thanks in advance,



  8. My buddies and I are talking about our last ice fishing trip for the year to Lake Joseph for Sunday. Probably Foot's Bay or CNIB.

    I was wondering if anyone has been lately?

    What's the ice like? The Fishing?


    Thanks in advance,



  9. Thanks for the ideas thus far. The SM and cover sounds workable. I had actually read a tip from Gord Pyzer in some Ice Fishing mag that he put

    mineral oil in the hole to prevent freezing. I was unsure of the environmental impact of doing so. (Like salting a boat ramp late in the season)


    I was looking at my nieces interlocking multi-coloured foam puzzle play floor, and thinking I could cut a couple of those to use.




  10. I have swore off using their Super Vibrax spinners in the #5 and #6 size because the lure wire always bends. Even after one hammer handle.

    They used to be one of my goto spinners for Pike and Bass. I don't have the same problem with Mepps #5 spinners.

    I used to just grumble and replace them when they became unworkable. But not anymore, Fool me once... Shame on (Wait, how'd Bush say it?)



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