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Posts posted by farsider

  1. Ok, maybe it is my older version of Explorer.


    I can get to the main page but, none of the PDF pages will load for me.


    I would absolutely be against a ban but, I want to know what exactly they are proposing and all their "evidence"


    This is not the City of Toronto but, a non-profit Org for High Park. They would make a proposition to the City. I highly doubt the city would or could enact such a prop.


    I don't fish there myself but, GP is a body of water where many city kids have their first experience with fishing. An obvious, low-cost, rec. activity that should be encouraged and available for all.



  2. He is a very good speaker. He could be a politician. Too bad he is at the CBC :tease:. I followed all the way along until he got to the 7.4B. I don't think it helps his argument to bring up New Brunswick.


    People don't ask NB about their 8 billion because it is known. They have a public budget that is debated in the legislature. It is then implemented with standard oversight and auditing. The people can see the successes and failures every year. If they don't like the public and transparent results, they can vote someone out of office.


    By bringing up NB he is inviting a comparison that will not stop people asking where the 7.4 billion goes.

    Just the opposite.




  3. Go to the Canadian Gun Nutz forum. They have an excellent pinned thread on how to speed up your Pal approval process. The biggest thing is to go online to the CFC site after you have submitted your application and monitor the progress. Call in for your interview and have your references call in for their interviews as well.


    I did my non and restricted and hunting this past year. They are mandated to hold your application for a min. of 28days. I followed the advice from CGN and it was sent right out after the 28 days even with restricted.


    The hard part is finding land to hunt on. I am looking forward to my first turkey hunt this spring.





  4. I am also curious about access and the like. My buddy and I were talking about hitting one of these lakes as one of our three planned Ice Fishing trips.


    I found this lake map from the cottagers assn. I also have the Central Ont. Fishing Mapbook which has these lakes in them. It appears to show a ramp at the North East end of the lake.




    Thanks in advance,



  5. I hope those who need the inspiration take it from you! Thanks for sharing your journey with everyone. I can relate, and am down XX lbs myself (over 88 but not sure exactly, as my scale used to say Err2 when I'd stand on it). I can echo what you say - It is the best gift you can give yourself! I feel a whole lot better and my canoe floats a lot better, too.


    WTG Dave and Dana!


    Dana, I am glad you are back. I always enjoyed your reports and your acerbic sense of humour.


    Well done sirs,


  6. The 427 is crap, I don't think they've done road maintenance to that thing for 20 years.. I'd take QEW/403/401/400N..


    Are you referring to the last three years of maintenance which is still ongoing or the three more years still to come?


    Also, total travel time between QEW and 401 at 11:00 am would be like four minutes. How "crap" could that be?



  7. I did the exact same thing for my sister. 16' of pole above ground.


    Do all your rigging before you raise the pole(especially the line itself) Check your distance. I ended up having to get the 200' length of clothesline. Use the largest pulley wheel you can find. I think I used 10"(really easy to use, even when full). I put in a cross bar and two 45 degree supports at the top that resemble the older hydropole setups -- thinking of running two lines total.


    Three average sized dudes should be able to lift it up. The tallest guy farthest away from the hole, and walk it upright. The strongest guy, closest to the hole, lifts and repositions as it slips into the hole. The last guy is standing on a strong step-ladder, pickup bed, scaffolding, etc. alongside the intended raising line, and helps bring it the last bit vertical.


    Fun, fun, fun.




  8. Dado's are already cut into the wood Mark, but thanks anyhoo.


    I made up a holder out of a towbar last year similar to one that Trojan shows on their websight. It worked OK but I just found it kinda big and combersome. I like this one much better as it'll work well but it's not in my way.


    Well done sir!


    From my look at your first pic, I did not make out any through grooves on the edge. I should have assumed otherwise.


    Way to go above and beyond and inspire us all.




  9. OFC's own MSP is pictured in Toronto's newest Biodiversity Booklet(Fishes of Toronto) p.24


    It is a shot of him with a Pike (not one of his biggest) with the Skydome and CN Tower in the background.

    Wtg Mike


    The booklet also gets a blurb in this months OOD.


    The booklets(almost 80pp.) are free from Toronto area Libraries(just ask the librarian).



  10. Thanks for posting that. That is intense! Looks like Penetang? That buck could use a bib. Any particular variety or just any old ida red?


    Deer have stomped their feet at me when I was tracking or watching them. I always thought they had an idea of me(outline?) and were trying to make me move to confirm.


    I have been told a heart shot would never make it to 60 yards. That is impressive.


    My first hunt will hopefully be this fall. I hope for the same result.


    Where you dressed in black inside your ground blind? edit: Doh! saw the pics.




  11. Dave's ad for Subway has been airing alot. Especially during the playoffs.


    The unusual thing is even though they are using the Dave Mercer in the ad, the fact that it is him is not an element of the ad.(He is not even introduced)


    At any rate, Dave is looking a lot healthier.


    Good on you Dave.




  12. and I stand by my statement that the right to keep fish for the table should never be removed...


    show me a study that shows 1%


    my point was if you like to eat muskie or any other fish and they put a ban on keeping them it can, it will affect their lives..surely you can see that..for some people fish in the bucket is money in the bank and they fish to help put food on the table,,there for it affects their life...this person has to change his life in some small ways to be a good conservationist..... you understand...

    and then you have a muskie guide...if they make it c/r only... he has more fish to catch

    he has happier customers , he has more money in his bank..

    this guy has to do nothing to be a good conservationist....it puts money in his bank

    it's a self-serving act...and it is pretty easy to say lets make these great changers when it does not adversely affect you

    if he said lets quit fishing muskie to help protect this great fish..then he is hurting his bottom line and you can respect that...if he said lets have a 5 year clsed season on muskie fishing then he's a conservationist but his statements are self-serving wallet building propaganda


    Even with the associated low mortality linked to C/R efforts, Muskie mortality will continue to occur. Unless the body of water becomes a sanctuary which I think we can agree is not what anybody would prefer. Incidental catches, lost lures from walleye/bass anglers, commercial by-catch, natural causes, and nefarious means will still contribute to annual mortality.


    One argument I think you could make is the annual mortality rate (even for meal fisherman)would eventually go down if consumption goes up because catch-rates including incidental would plummet.


    I never argued for banning consumption. I personally think you would have to be brain-damaged to eat a legal-sized Muskie(which incidentally is a sympton of Mercury poisoning) but, I wouldn't argue for an outright ban. I think both goals are achieved with higher minimum limits and thus agree with the proposed reg. changes. I just think they didn't go far enough. My goal would be an 80" minimum.


    Here is a study with a 0% mortality rate.


    C/R Mortality study


    Granted it was "average" Muskies Canada anglers with the education, tools, and experience to properly handle Muskies but it does show that it is possible if unlikely.




  13. yeah but the average guy that would want to eat a muskie would catch one or 2 a year... dead this year from eating 2

    how many would you catch a year, lots of guys claim over 100 and the guys that guide who boat hundreds a year..15%.. you do that math

    oh and make the check out to cash


    You are comparing the "average" meal guy=2 to a C/R Guide?


    You are usually more fair.




  14. I will bet my pay check, that someone who just want to have a meal of muskie and not for the sport of catching as many as possible, they will kill far less then you..you can argue c/r all you want but every study states the there is a mortality rate when fish are caught and released.....lots of people fish for a meal they catch there fish and go home, they don't say let just get one for for a photo one more for a paying customer ..

    it's easy to say c/r for muskie because it doesn't affect your fishing or your pocket book...sure be a good conservationist and don't eat muskie, easy for you but you are asking people to suffer or change their lives, if there are not many big ones then you should do your part and refrain from fishing for them.. yes lets take the high road and ban fishing for them completely..be a good citizen a good conservationist .



    it's easy to say let do something when it doesn't affect you...isn't it

    Your paycheck would be safe on day one of fishing. Day 365...you owe somebody your paycheck. The mortality rate of a C/R Muskie fisherman is very low. For agruments sake...say 15%. Mortality rate of meal fisherman...100%.





  15. So why would you have c/r

    and why would Eating a muskie is not a valid argument, I don't put one fish above another, why would you see fit to make this what seems to be very bias statement

    have you every tasted muskie



    hello it's a fish

    My sense of the argument is beyond it being a "Musky", is that being a top predator (like tuna, swordfish, etc.)and so large when legal size(What you hinted at earlier), the mercury and other contaminant levels would be huge.


    Although people should be free to make unhealthy choices despite what I would prefer.




  16. Hey Justin,


    I have found two matching sets laying right next to each other( I assumed a pitiful sparring match). I have also seen a buck running around with only one antler.

    I personally assume that the other half is nearby(within a 100 yard circle). I have been rewarded a few times with this assumption.


    Although I have heard various theories about the best places to find them, (around fence crossings, lone evergreen trees, etc.) I have found them there and about anywhere else(like the middle of a field/opening like yourself). I have also heard that the dominant Buck in the area loses his antlers first but, I have seen it unfold in reverse order as well.


    One practice that I employ is to try and pattern them in late winter from their bedding areas to where they are eating or drinking and concentrating my efforts there.


    Cheers, and good luck.



  17. Delicious pics of the grouse! I only hope they are that docile for me come fall.


    Now that you have found one, I would bet that you wont be able to go for a walk again without thinking about the next one.


    It sure hooked me. One year I found around 20. The following year only three. This year zip. But do not think they are all gone. I was stunned to find a huge massed 4 point the first week of July. It was only lightly mouse chewed.




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