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Fishing 24/7

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Posts posted by Fishing 24/7

  1. IMG_1781.jpg


    Snowed for 2 days none stop up in the wakefield hillz!




    Met the Boyz at TIMz! and off we went.



    monster pike hunt.


    I was the lucky one.... :lol:




    The plan was in the back of my head since late fall.


    i found the mother load of a pike hot spot. There territory.


    Every pike lake has one spot where they school up .


    Find it and you will be in HEAVEN! :D


    I brake the ice With a 8.8 lbs pike.


    DOHS.. (dead on hook set) but i didnt cry for long... SUPPER! :P








    The day went out like this.


    Every 15 minutes a pike would hit a line.


    Back and forth it was . Me then ROB then rob... then me ,rob then ROB!


    It Was Insanity!


    This is how you set a hook.... King Kong style!







    Check this out SON!




    Isnt this the most amazing shot youv ever seen?


    Then ROB takes the stand...... FISH ON!


    This guy was a HAPPY man beating his PB thrice!




    BACK IT UP MAN! too tight! :lol:






    After landing his first .. ROB gets the brilliant idea to put a sucker minnow on a buck shot........... i was like WHAT THE :shock:


    Fish on!




    He pulled this fatty out....... :shock:


    Today was my first day ice fishing and it was a HECK of a day.


    Here are a couple of extras!




    Love the loomis on this shot!..


    never play with your food ?









    And none the less..... LE BRRRACKET!




    Nothing like safe ice sunny day and a HELL of a day pike fishing!


    Today i was lucky enough to have my good friend Rob with me.


    This guy has a SWEET blog all anglers should check out!


    For tip and techniques , what to look for when pike fishing.


    anything and everything. just pure knowledge!






  2. Hey guys i know i dont post much. but i still love to snoop around this site.


    here is my contribution.


    a SWEET report!


    Lets start with my first fall nickel!




    This pig came out of 20 FOW on a sand point.


    It was cought on a YUM crayfish patern.


    Tube was on my ''to try'' list.




    they did not fail!







    This year we found a new weed bed on the lake.


    fished it 2-3 times.


    it did produce 4 +


    but this 5.2lbs bronzy made my friends day.


    Hes PB




    CHUNKY feeed bag.






    Flippin for pike on this lake is a must.


    ragetail from strikeking was our ''key'' lure today.




    pulled this one out of a weed flat in 25 FOW.






    sly beats his P.B again. with a 13 lbs pike.




    and of cours....


    back she goes.




    the fall is just starting here in Quebec.





    pike and smallies. are getting realy active.

  3. Well guys i was looking for a new 12 ' tinny car topper.



    found one at white lake...


    the guy was SOOO nice and friendly he cut me a deal of a life time.



    150 $ for a almost brand new... stored in a shed for EVER... cottage family boat.


    they sold there cottage and they didnt have any use for the boat.


    here is my new pride and joy.


    just got back front the road trip QC ont. then ONT . QC 3 houres trip.











    IM SOOOOO happy right now.



    back trout lakes HERE I COME!!!!

  4. I used to fish form shore.


    bay noire..... bridge..... yep i used to get BEAST'S


    so i planned on hitting it in my boat with sly.


    The wild rice produced about a dozen fish.


    No big size tho.




    sly's first fish on the Buzz.


    And this was the big fish of the day.


    a 3 lbs plus i dont remmember.


    actualy i dont want to remmember anything about that day.


    was in the middle of a tourney bass boats everywhere . :)




    After that outting ... it was the first time i went bass fishing and left with out a sand paper finger. :shock:




    i wont go down without a FIGHT.


    The largies Lost yesterday.


    We get the the lake a 3 pm.


    Strat the slop.




    I land one on the frog.


    SWEET! but since i starting to flip..... frogs well.... i just dont use them anymore.


    so this will be the only one of the day on the toads.


    Start flipping the rice............ NOTHING.


    Im like ! :shock: This cant be.


    Grab my buzzbait rod.


    start to work the BACK of the rice... in the TIGHT rice... BOOM!


    a PIG hits.... he is comming towards the boat... he jumps.... a fair 3 lbs +


    i MISS him..........










    19 '' 4.5 lbs .


    and this one was a BLAST to land.


    i saw a Wake come from about 10 ' from the deep rice and absolutly SMASH the Buzz man.


    RIGHT THERE thats pure bass fishing I.M.O. :D


    Then we were off to the islands.


    Flip style....SO FUN im addicted.


    Its always fun to try new stuff so today.




    These were on the list.


    LOVED them.


    Black and bleu.....how can they resist?


    They cant !!!




    Now these islands have ALWAYS produced BIG fish but today....


    It was a 4 lbs frenzy or something.








    Had a chance to REALY try my 7 ' kistler jig and toad.


    and feel what its like to pull in a brute from 10 FOW and flip him right in the live well.


    TWAS FUN! :mrgreen:


    Now sly is stuck on senko's these days.


    cant blame the guy they work all the time.




    He was happy with this pair...


    As the islands die down.


    i has a plan.


    2 '' of water style.


    water temp. 80 FREECKING 5 degree..... activity level to the MAX.




    When bass are hitting on the buzz.....and the water is like a mirror.....


    only one word comes to mind... FUNNNNNNNNNN




    SLY lands these two brutes back to back.


    and setting his new P.B. top 4.2 lbs






    yes 19 ''




    A LA Justing Hoffman Style :)


    As the sun was setting.


    i knew one thing.


    The Largies will be in the rocks. feeding on crayfish.




    i was right.




    Two 3 lbs + hit at the same time.


    double header. he grabs both and makes a sweet picture.


    sun is gone.......almost...




    bass are still in...... SHALLOW.


    made for a fun after work outting.


    for the first time.....


    NOTHING under 3 lbs was caught.


    one of the best outting i had in a long time.......

  5. Great report and pics 24/7. Quebec is probably the best place to catch big bass in Canada. I see lots if giant smallies caught in Q on the Yakfishing.net site too. One WARNING though. That pic where all your rods are propped up against the tree trunk. I realize that's the best way to protect them from getting stepped on but if the weather turns ugly, lay them down somewhere safe away from the trees. I had 3 rods leaning like that on an old white pine, 15yrs ago while camping on the Bonnechere River near Barry's Bay. A thunderstorm blew in and the tree was struck by lightning. Two of my rods exploded when the current travelled through them, blowing the resin off and leaving only graphite fibres. They looked like horsetails with reel seats. The 3rd rod was fiberglass and was knocked over but still in perfect condition. Oh ya, and the reels on the zapped rods had all the grease and oil burned off and the handles were welded in and couldn't be removed.




    Thanks for the tip bud.


    ill keep that in mind next year. :thumbsup_anim::thumbsup_anim:



    A BIG THANKS TO ALL THE SWEET REPLIES! :worthy::worthy::worthy:

  6. Great read man!


    Pics are awesome as usual...and the size of bass you catch does nothing but make me jealous :whistling:



    Really liking the pic of the truck with all the gear stowed....dunno why...just like it.



    i know why you like it.



    that pic is like freedom.



    everything packed and ready for a week of fishing only.



    its evrything holy all in to one!




    damn i love fishing.......



    thanks for all the SUPERB comme back guys.



    this is why i post on this site.


    positive replies year round ! :clapping::clapping::clapping:

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