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Fishing 24/7

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Posts posted by Fishing 24/7

  1. yeah twas an awesome day to be out!


    my face is burnt to a crisp tho!


    just one thought about the pictures tho whitespinnerbait.


    do you do it on purpose.... i mean cutting the tail of the fish in every single picture you take?!??! :dunno::dunno:


    arent you supposed to be grand photographer. :dunno::dunno:


    you seriously need practice.


    ask cathy how to take a picutre.


    i bet you 1000$ she wouldnt cut the pikes head, take half of the sky, or cut the pikes tail.


    i just put in a order for you.


    photography for dummies 101! :jerry:

  2. Congrats and very nice catch mate, that's definitely one hell of a pike.

    Spring pike season should be a blast on that lake. B)

    Is this the same lake your smallmouth reports come from? Seems like a real healthy lake. What a treasure.





    yeah man thats the same lake.


    the fish are verry healthy!


    a tresure you say? yep thats why i C & R everything.


    trying to keep it that way.


    such a fun place to go on the week ends and after work.


    20 minutes from home! ;)

  3. Actually, the axe makes sense and probably was less work than most think. If you're just pirating your old holes, they probably wouldn't have froze as solid or as thick as the surrounding ice. Ive done the same thing with a spud bar. Easier to hit pre-existing holes. Just chip around the edges and the hole opens up pretty fast! Am I pretty close?



    yeah well it would take 10- 15 hits and the hole would open perfectly.


    it was kind of a sneek attack.


    wo knows maybe the auger would have spooked the pike and i would be pikeless! :lol:

  4. great report from an insane angler. An axe??? You'd already drilled like 25 holes...use one of them! Guess I'm just getting lazy because the only way I'd be making a hole with an axe is if the auger ran dry before I got to the lake! Either way, it paid off..good for you!



    yeah had to grab the axe because the 2 other spots i tried were not producing anything.


    so back to the old hot spot.


    guess its the best spot of the lake.


    maybe ill try 2 other spots tommorow but for now this spot produced lots of big fish!


    they must be there for a good reason.


    food, structure wise.

  5. Awesome report and pics Kev :thumbsup_anim:

    I bet you got Sly hooked by now B) For a first time experience..... he certainly is getting the very best exposure :)


    Are you targetting that lake again today??

    Great job on the gator :clapping::worthy::thumbsup_anim: A real hawg :w00t:

    Thanks for sharing




    nah jaques maybe tommorow but today is stephanie's day!


    she decides what we do!


    its an anglers deal i made with her.


    and i have to respect it or else! :w00t:

  6. Work is slow these days.


    dont bother me at all. today's plan.


    ice fishing. who did i bring. my co-worker.


    He never iced fish this year and we took the nice day to get him out on the ice.


    get on the ice @ 7:30 ish.


    the snow and rain that we had Froze, and is now hard packed snow and AWESOME ice. 16'' if ice that is.


    I take advantage of the hard ice to try new spots.


    Walked across the Whole lake and settle on a hump.


    i make like 20 holes and we ge tset up.


    and YES AGAIN the first tip-up we put it BOOM! :D


    Sly sets the hook and his first bass on ice ever! B)




    trying to find and set up around the hump was hard. i couldnt find the drops i was looking for.


    found one that produced this small pike!




    Then this spot went dead..... cant say i didnt try! :D


    The next plan was deadly....... no fish wise i mean leg wise...


    walked acrossed the whole lake again! :shock:


    what can i say the ice is so perfect and was easy to walk ON.


    nothing like last week-end!


    Get to the other spot that i wanted to try out... and this is where HELL brakes lose....


    while punching the holes the auger runs out of gas! :shock:


    was able to dig 4 holes...... so i set up the lines and have a bite to eat.


    I remmembered that whitespinnerbait had told me once, engins can run on FUMES.


    Crank...*Cranks* *CRANK* SNAP!!!


    the cord broke ! :x :lol:


    guess he was lying....


    1 houre goes by we are trying to put the cord back in and stephane (owner)


    opens the jiffy up and the coil pop out almost killing him! :shock:


    i saw my fishing day end right there.... until the fish god hit me on the head and smashed IQ back into me.








    went back to the good old point where all my good outting came from! 8)


    and can i tell you BASS!




    and more bass!




    A LA selfmade 05




    it was Fun to cut a hole with a hand axe . felt old school.


    we hit about a dozen bass...


    then it was routine.. cut a hole... then i had switch to a jig-head and a minnow.....


    i felt a boom... something like a bass would do..... i set the hook like a MAD man because i had lost one at the hole recently.


    but this time...... this one wasent a bass.


    the line goes off........... and off..... and dosent stop......i have 10 lbs MONO ....NO leader....... good thing i set the hook right away...


    this was a BRUTE of a pike..... but i didnt know this.....


    no here is the part where you wont believe me but whatever.


    when i comes to fishing i dont lie.


    started the fight at 2:31 pm.... finished 3:02 PM...


    31 minute fight..... i was shaking...... P'ed off... Happy..


    1. shaking because no leader my biggest fish on ice.


    2. Ped off because this burte was taking 2-3 minute pause.... like i cant bring it in and she aint moving style.


    3. happy because i had set the hook very hard and if this is a pîke the line would have cut off already.....


    FINALY i see the the KING KONG pike.


    i had to go gil the freak . put my arm in the water. MISS! :w00t::wallbash:


    bring her back... put my arm in the water.... TIGHT gils.....


    FINALY get my fingers in and out she goes.....


    i have parts on video ill try to edit the whole day.


    But here it is the Pike i was Hunting for.....






    GOT GIRTH BABY!!! :thumbsup_anim:




    Man this was BY FAR the best fight of my life.


    the longest fight of my life.




    WOW she was fat.....


    FAT COW.

  7. nope no pm's just wondering why people stop replying on my threads.


    seems like people dont apreciate the reports about small mouth beeing caught in the winter times.


    iv heard enough.


    im a C& R only guy.


    so i dont see any harm done to these fish.


    on my reports iv seen people BASH me for catching them thru the ice. yet no one has ''proven'' to me that its harmfull..



    ill keep you guys updated on this specific lake.


    as I am maybe the best resource there is out there.


    i will be targetting small mouth threw the whole year winter , summer and fall.


    so for the next 5 years.


    keep reading these reports. and if the small mouth get rare then.


    its harmfull.


    if its gets better.



    then its harmeless

  8. Well guys i have to ask this very importnat question.


    what do you think about ice fishing for bass?


    iv hear some of you get pretty upset about it. but here in quebec the season is open and its very legal.


    but first here are the facts!


    when im ice fishing for bass.


    i get them shallow i mean not more than 15 FOW.


    i dont go ice fishing when the weather is -20 oC so there gils and eyes are fine.


    i catch and release them all the time i dont eat bass.


    i want to know what you think about this.


    and if someone has the fact about this not beeing good i have to know.


    i dont want to harm my preciouse lakes for the futur of angling ! :Gonefishing:


    all comment are welcome on this topic

  9. jaques great work man!


    i might have a side project for you!


    a ice rod holder.


    a bracket that will hold my ice rods horisontal.


    and when a fish strikes the tip goes down center with the hole .


    bock of the drag on the spool and the fish pull the line free spool.


    once you get to your rod. tight the drag and set the hook.


    this way you fight the fish on rods.......


    you know were im going with this?

  10. Well i finaly got a chance to get out with a respectable fisherman RJ.


    Well known for his gar pike abilities. but thats just another story!


    we start the day at 7:30 ish.


    while setting up my first tip-up.


    i feel something pulling........ set the hook on a 4 + smallie! :worthy:




    I knew we were set up in the right erea.


    around a big point. stnading on variouse weed beds.




    as we are playing around with the smallies.


    robs line start to scream. :Gonefishing:


    sets the hook and a sweet 2 minute fight gets him his first pike of the day.




    this one tops 10.4 lbs then its my turn.




    we release the 10 and keep this 3 lbs pike for super. :angel:


    after this the pike bite slowed down but the smallies were everywere.


    punch a hole and there they were 2-3 of them stacked.




    this pig hit a jig head tipped with a minnow.




    thanks to rj i was able to play with his spare vex!


    Yes his 'spare'' vex. :w00t:


    finaly rob had the horse shoe up his :asshat:


    landing this sweet pike... but we had trouble landing him..... quick strike doubled hook this northern.




    not deep and still fully energetic we snap a quick pic and release the beauty!




    was nice meeting you rob!


    oh yeah btw MOOSEBUNK pphone while we were fishing. asking how the day was going!


    next time moose just tag along with us.


    you ARE the pike master! :thumbsup_anim:

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