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Fishing 24/7

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Posts posted by Fishing 24/7

  1. The title says it .


    I SAW ... What Must be the new Quebec/Canada Large Mouth Bass Record.


    Some will believe and others will dream.


    some say its impossible.


    the canadian record was set in what 1789 ?


    What i SAW and what i Landed ...... There a fine line .


    Me and a buddy went out for a October camp on a remote island.


    the only info i can give you is thats its FAR FAR north.


    some would say the bass need hot water to grow big.


    There doing fine in this laker infested cold waters.




    All week was on overcast day.


    rain on and off. wind 10 - 40 km/h sometimes.


    high of 15 oc low of -2 .


    i even saw the first snow this year and the first frost.... :canadian:


    my hands are still sore from the cold and from all the fish and all the hook sets and the repetetive casting.


    How many cat's can one throw in 4 days... we will never know.




    Some were on the flip others on the spinner bait.


    heck i could have done the hole trip with just 2 lures..


    why bother with 10 000 $ of equipement ?




    iv had 10-12 different buddies in my boat this year and everytime i see there 15 $ rod and reel combo i threw it in the lake makes for a gift to the gods.


    a give them a heavy casting rod with a good 7 to 1 wich reel on it.


    trust me on this one 20 lbs fluoro straight no leaders. 1/4 spool .






    This 20 '' x 16 '' hit a Huge black and blue beaver on a 3/4 titleshot jig.






    my buddies and i were trying to catch the perfect release shot even tho the water temp was 58oF .


    we finaly got a picture that reveals the true size of a 6 lbs bass swimming away. :worthy:


    After throwing mikes set up to the fish and creating new structure.


    he got hes flipping skillz tested.




    wasent hard when im putting him right in the honey holes but the smile on his face... i didnt tell him.




    Frank laurin ( big hit lures) had a big part in this outting.


    slow rolling the double colorado blades perch patern 1/2 onze was a must.




    The rain was on and off like a light switch.




    this pic reminds me of your chromers / stealhead / brown trout outting. minus the trout..... just the pants . :stretcher:


    when the sun came out . i knew the rocks were getting hot. the deep rocks/ rock faces.


    i flip a HOT rock . a Large Mouth Bass was sun tanning and saw a Crayfish land on his face.






    19.5 '' Pure muscles.








    As the sun was setting the cold temp were kicking in.


    bon fires and rhum was key.


    i slept next to the fire in my - 40 sleeping bad looking up at the stars. it was spectacular.


    The next day would be one of the best days of my bass fishing season.


    Im slow rolling the spinner bait over a drop off. minding my own buisness.


    And this TANK from WW2 comes up and DESTROYS the lure to bits and pieces.


    literaly Ripping my rod, reel ,hand , arm and body into the water.


    This bass was on a mission and the bait fish was not suposed to survive this hit.


    After the boat flip back into its up right position.




    This 18 '' bass lost the fight.


    Mike realy liked the new set up i had put in his hands.




    Landing smallies was hes new goal in life. :clapping:


    We did our part for the bait fish.


    eating a couple of bass after all the hard winching we had done throughout the day.






    after a bass fiesta it was our last outting of the trip an outting i wont soon forget.


    i flip the same shoal. *TOC*


    Set the hook like a mad man.


    Mike you better get the net for this one.




    Believe it or not another 20 '' Pig made its way into the boat.


    Just a couple of houres left into the long week-end.


    and im slow rolling the spinner bait again.... back to my old habits i guess.


    The my OTHER ARM gets Ripped into the lake. thewse bass had a meeting or something.... Rip this GUYS are off Befor he punches Holes all over our faces! :thumbsup_anim:








    All the Huge spawners were released .


    we kept 6 bass out of the Crazy numbers we got.


    my hand is sore just typing this report.


    and im still trying to warm up beeing chilled to the BONE.


    But it was well worth the effort.






  2. More fish from the previous week-end.




    a strong 1 lbs bass




    Then the 2 lbs bass got hot.




    More one pounders






    this 1.45 lbs bass was a bruiser




    We cant keep all the dinks




    Back they go!


    MAn i tell you Quebec bass are so small.


    must be these cold tempetures


    BRRRrRRrrR! :canadian:

  3. Those are awesome fish!! Also seemed like really unually deep Large mouth. Were they in usual spots that most largie anglers target like pads, logs, slop...or would you say they were in classic small mouth water? I'm not familiar with Large mouth off shoals or 25 foot rock wall drop offs. Sounds almost like USA style reservoir fishing.



    Anyways beauty pics and report.





    you are right !



    this year i had to switch it up.



    because of the draught there are no more shallows.


    the weeds are toataly different.


    logs are comming out of everywhere.


    iv been mainly fishing the deep weeds .


    find the deepest weed edge or bed of a point. shoal . shore line.


    and flip the front of the weeds .


    or the holes .


    deep HUGE bolders are giving out the FATTIES!


    i mean if i were a bass and i coudnt feed in the shallow i would go deep and feed on the crayfish.


    all the bass are shitting cray fish by the milliuon.


    thats why flipping the deep has been so great.


    the smallies are right there with them.


    (whitespinnerbait) paul has been catching them on frogs over 25 FOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :worthy: :worthy: :worthy: :worthy:

  4. <iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/eMQKyR-BN0A" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>




    the only time my cousin took 1 minute of his life to film me .


    and i had caught a brute at a deep log . 20 FOW in the bay right befor this one


    i know this is an english site so here is the traduction.


    i flip the log :


    then i say.


    this is the one i just winch as hard as i can.


    the fish bites....


    i winch his head off.


    now that was a good fight.


    did you film the rod ?


    HAHAH another 4 lbs bass.


    is that a nice one ?


    cousin: PALETTE = BEAST!


    then i start sigging like swamp people for some uknow reason! :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash:

  5. All bass reports after this will be down hill.


    I am not sure but you might need a new transom on your boat.


    I bet that is Simcoe. I can tell by how clear the water is.


    Negative on that sir never fished simco in my life. i live 1 from down town ottawa and i fish no further than 2 houres from home.


    Awesome did you get a weiight on that last largie?


    the weight? nah man i didint weight the fattie but she was 20 '' x 18 girth!


    making it the biggest bass iv ever seen in my life. and believe me. iv seen TONS of 5's this is a close 7 lbs bass


    Nice shootin!!!

    Just a quick question about the 4 10 largie. How do you know it had a 1 pound perch inside? Did you keep the fish and eat it???



    sorry to confuse you bro.


    the 4.10 was the picture above.


    and the 3 lbs bass with the ''1'' lbs perch.


    i was just saying.... it had a BRUTE perch in him . is that better ?


    i dont eat bass i dont keep bass to freeze i odnt give bass.


    i throw them back in the water.


    here is the perfect example.

  6. Hey O.F.C



    Its been a while i think the last time i posted was about an ice fishing report. :blahblah1:


    But this time its seriouse buisness.


    FAT BASS on the menu!


    First day fishing and i land this 5.2 smallie on a YUM crayfish .




    Switch lakes with my cousin and land these two serouse monsters.






    My uncle (whitespinnerbait) call me up tell me he found a new lake.










    It was a slay fest !


    Now its time to go camping .




    Off the dock after sun down.




    a 4.10 lbs on a black tube .




    This pig had a 1 lbs perch in his belly and still he hits my kinky beaver. :worthy:






    Hitting the main lake shoal will allways produce massive monsters.




    This one was caught of a steap rock wall that goes down to 25 FOW . makes for a sweet set hook/fight!




    This 5.7 largie hit a green titleshot 5/8 with a green YUMcrayfish




    ans last bass was 3 days ago.


    my new personnal best.












    this large mouth bass was 20'' x 18''


    making it the BLOBBER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. Well i finaly teamed up with my uncle for the elusive hunt of the Quebec red.



    paul ( Whitespinnerbait) is the master when it comes to these fish!



    Hes pretty old school!



    he can show me a trick or two about these fish every time im out with him!


    Trout were goerging themself !




    We were hitting the trees all day until Paul came up with the idea to puot on the OLD SCHOOL


    HOOK AND A WORM!?!?!?!??! :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash:






    Well he was right!






    I mean we were slaying the specks !


    they were feeding heavy of the bottom. in 20-25 FOW






    Boy was i ever happy to see my uncle catch some seriouse beast ...


    the smile on his face was priceless.






    In the end he schooled me he went 7/8


    and i went 4/8


    But in the end i got the biggest fish of the day!




    IF YOUR FACE WHITESPINNERBAIT! :thumbsup_anim::Gonefishing::stretcher::whistling:




    Next week end will just be INSANITY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :blahblah1: :blahblah1:

  8. The 3 wheeler hauling of the boat while precariously balanced on the seat is an America Funniest Video moment waiting to happen




    Youv should of seen it today.



    sisnt work out as planned and yes it was a canadian funniest video both guys in the swamp trying to pin the trailer back on the trike on an impossible angle and the beavers laughing at us.




    it was priceless!

  9. Kevin, I see you're using Windows 7 live Movie Maker... Great added video effects in this version B) But you must be more creative in the selection music side of things :whistling:


    I'm more incline to rock or hard rock or off the charts in new age for my choice of sounds but that's just me :P:)


    Here's an excerpt of what I like :D



    Enjoy :P



    im more into old school underdawg unhear off jazz!

  10. Wow those are some serios footballs Great shoulders on them. Any particular tidbits you want to share ie technique and location in the lake structure?



    unlike the last 3 years the fish wernt tight to the trees on the opener usualy i will fish in the fallen trees but after a full round of the lake nothing hit.... then i was like 100 ' out from shore and casting in front of the drops and thats when they started to hit like crazy they would come straight from the deep and smash the lures in a second.



    mepps black fury #1-2


    small spoons that replicate a minnow.




    its all good bud.


    oh yeah and windy days RULE!


    the fish arent spooked and smash everything in there way.

  11. Ouch, looks like you hooked into a pair and not fish!



    i actually use my cord as a lure hanger! cause i run and gun so much that i cant always bring my equipement everywere i go. i punch about 60 holes in a day.



    and smallies are the easiest fish you can fish on ice.


    find a pile of rocks and bingo.


    point, hump... anything that hold cray fish. they still feed on them in the winter.



    drop a spoon. mini minnow darter. they nail anything. and they are in schools of 4-5 !


    its insane!




    the 4 lbs smalies fight like brutes!!!! :worthy::worthy:

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